Monday, February 27, 2012

CBH Notice of SGB Elections - Mar '12

21st February 2012

Dear Parents

Notification of Camps Bay High School Governing Body elections on Tuesday 6th March 2012, from 07h00 to 19h00

For the first time ever, we are allowed to run a ‘full day’ election. The election of Governors for Camps Bay High will therefore be on the 6th March 2012 from 07h00 to 19h00. You will be able to come and vote in the morning, when you drop your child at school, or when you fetch them at the end of the day. Both parents can vote at any time during this day.

A reminder that the Governing Body is made up of seven elected parents, two elected teachers, elected support staff, two RCL members and the Principal. The seven parents have to have children at the school in 2012, and also meet some other less stringent requirements’ which include, being sane, having no criminal record and not being an unrehabilitated insolvent. ‘Parent‘ is not necessarily the ‘biological’ parent and can include a person who has custody or is responsible for a pupil at Camps Bay.


If you want to stand for election or want to nominate someone else to stand, please e-mail me for a nomination form ( The parent who is nominated will have to agree to accept this nomination before we are able to place their name on the ballot form.

In the week of the 27th February, we will send out a list of candidates with a brief resumé. Then on the 6th March you can come to school and cast your vote. We need at least 15% of voters to vote, in order to have a quorum.

The Governing Body plays a vital role in the management and policy making of the school. We have benefitted from a very hard working and competent group of parents over the last three years and are confident that those elected for the next three years will continue the excellent work.

Please could you diarise the date and come and vote on the 6th March 2012.

David de Korte
Camps Bay High School

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