The first big whole school event of the year was the Interhouse Athletics last week. This was a wonderful occasion to create school spirit and allow our pupils to compete in their houses. The day started with the houses leading down in a procession to the field, followed by an opening ‘skit’ from their cheerleaders and house captains. This was both amusing, entertaining and inspiring. The final winner of the Spirit Cup was Red House. On the field, we had about 80% of the pupils participating in the events of the day. At the end we enjoyed a thrilling finish with the relay teams competing in front of the packed stands. When the dust had settled and the points were tabled, Orange House came out on top with the most points of the day.

Above: The houses of Camps Bay High assembled on the sports field
A special mention goes to the pupils who as individuals scored the most points. This year they are:
Victrix Ludorum Junior: Lola Dollimore
Victrix Ludorum Senior: Shashonna Rudnick
Victor Ludorum Junior: Chad Cloete
Victor Ludorum Senior: Mark Bright
Congratulations to all the pupils who took part to make this a memorable event.
To see the photos taken at this event, please click here.
As part of their induction programme, 137 new Grade 8’s and 17 teachers and all the Prefects trekked out to Wellington on the weekend of 27 – 29 January for their camp. The programme was run by the prefects, and from all accounts it was a very enjoyable weekend. The obstacle course was both challenging and fun. Even Ms Bele and Mr de Korte managed to complete the course with minimal injuries. A highlight of the weekend was the night-hike or what has now been referred to as the ‘scary walk’. Over the weekend there were both fun and serious moments. On the serious side Mr Mostert addressed their academic goals and Mr de Korte spoke about our school values.

To see the photos taken at the Grade 8 Camp on Flickr, please click here.
Each grade has an opportunity to vote for two representatives who sit on the RCL (Representative Council of Learners). The newly elected RCL went to Yzerfontein over the last weekend to plan their programme for the year. They have a ‘big event’ planned which we will hear about in due course. The RCL members have two representatives on the Governing Body, and so they are able to make an input at the highest level in the school.

To see the photos taken at the RCL Camp at Yzerfontein, please click here.
The RCL for 2012 are:
Sipho Pokolo
MzukIsi (Zukki) Madlingozi
Oscar van der Spuy
Connor Jackson
Jessica Way
Hannah Fagan
Jessica Landsberg
Lolwethu Gubu
Sesona Zengetwa
Luke Cassar
Shaquille Williams
Kirsten McGregor
Ryan Frewen
Luke van der Spuy
Kyla Ackerman
Matthew Harvey
Every year the local police visit the school with the dog-unit to do a class search. This is part of their community awareness project. Last week they came to Camps Bay High School and searched a Grade 8 class. I am pleased to report that all the pupils were ‘clean’. As part of the exercise, the officer in charge also spoke to the pupils and explained what they were doing. The highlight of the visit for the class was that a ‘sniffer’ dog which came to search for drugs was a very friendly and a cute Jack Russell.
On Wednesday we sent out top athletes off to compete in the Zonal Athletics Competition. Here they got an opportunity to compete against other schools in our district. I am pleased to report that we won the competition against schools like Rhodes High. In fact we won convincingly, with 198 points ahead of our closest competition. The teachers who accompanied our athletes commented on the commitment, spirit and Camps Bay ‘go for it’ attitude that prevailed.
The Boys' First Waterpolo Team left early on Thursday morning for Knysna, where they are participating in the first co-ed schools boys waterpolo tournament. Dean Cottle has high hopes for our teams performance against similar schools. This team started their season with a strong win against Herzlia last week.
Herewith, the email sent out from Dominic Seeber’s gymnastics club to confirm his selection for the U18 Junior Olympics Men's Artistic Gymnastics team selection. This is the official South Africa Gymnastic's Federation Team, i.e. officially a Protea selection. He went to Pretoria on 9th and 10th of December for the National Trials, and of the 9 pre-selected gymnasts, he made the team of five members to represent SA.
Dominic will be competing at the All Africa International competition in April this year, the dates still to be confirmed. He will be training exceptionally hard for this period Jan/Feb and March, and let's hold thumbs for him.
WGWP is actively promoting the game of golf amongst girls as they will be the future of Western Province Ladies Golf. Talented and committed players have been identified and have been invited to play in a prestigious WP event on Monday 6th February at Durbanville Golf Course.
Mpho Bangiso has been chosen to play in this event. The competition will be good preparation for the girls as they prepare for the S.A Junior Nationals in the June school holidays.
The academic programme for the year is now fully underway. The term assessments are happening with most subjects having completed at least one and sometimes two assessments that will go towards the term mark. We are trying to monitor the use of the homework diary by all pupils. Can you also check up on this from the home-side. We have a group of regular late-comers that are disrupting the start of the day. Can you please assist your child to get to school on time. Today there were 35 pupils late.
I was pleasantly surprised to receive a call from the principal of Herzlia Middle School thanking pupils who helped one of their workers who had an accident and needed first-aid. Our pupils were at the school for a Waterpolo match and happened to be first on the scene. They were very caring and helpful, and this really impressed the office staff at the school. It is nice to hear that our pupils are living out the ‘Camps Bay Way’ in their everyday conduct, even when the school is not watching. Well done to Kyle Phillips and Kate van Heerden.
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