27 March 2015
Dear Parents
There will be a full newsletter issued with the reports on
Tuesday (31 March 2015) at
End of Term Dates:
27 -29 March: Surf Camp at Elands Bay
Monday 30 March: Derby afternoon against Kakamas High school at home
Winter sports codes
Spectators are welcome
Tuesday 31 March: Parent meeting and report collection
17h30 - 19h30
Wednesday 1 April: Last day of term. School closes at
11h00. Casual clothes may be worn
Rugby tour to Graaff-Reinet leaves at
05h00 am (1 – 4 April 2015)
Reminder 1: Normal classes take place till the end of day on
31 March so all pupils MUST attend school
Reminder 2: Term 2 starts on
Monday 13 April 2015. It will be Day 2.
Yours sincerely
David de Korte