On Friday night, the 1971 matriculants enjoyed a small cocktail party in the seminar room, followed by a walk around their old school.
The full set of photos of the 1971 Matrics Reunion can be viewed on Flickr, please click here.
The full set of photos of the 1981/1991/2001 Matrics Reunion can be viewed on the Flickr website; please click here.

Above: A group of 1971 matrics sitting back in their old classroom:
Back: Vivienne Ashcroft (Marketing/PR for the Camps Bay Schools);
Back from left: Megan O'Donnell (nee Robinson), Brent Young, Jo Webber (nee Eva);
Front from left: Zena Potash, Stephen Levetan, Brenda Bloch, Nicky Goodall (nee Collins)
On Saturday evening, the 10-, 20- and 30-year Class Reunions took place:

Above: The 1981 group of Matrics

Above: The 1991 group of Matrics

Above: The 2001 group of Matrics