Dear Parents
Celebrating Women’s Day in South Africa is a joyous occasion, as women in our Country are free. However, I reminded our pupils in Assembly last week that this situation does not exist in all countries. Today there are still places in the world where women are oppressed. This is seen through being denied access to education, denied work opportunities, denied the right to vote, or to enter into contracts or own property, right down to the mundane of not being allowed to drive a car. In some countries there are still ‘arranged’ marriages. However, in our ‘free’ country we still need to guard against subtle forms of oppression. This can be through the media that often portrays women as objects.
Celebrating Women’s Day in South Africa is a joyous occasion, as women in our Country are free. However, I reminded our pupils in Assembly last week that this situation does not exist in all countries. Today there are still places in the world where women are oppressed. This is seen through being denied access to education, denied work opportunities, denied the right to vote, or to enter into contracts or own property, right down to the mundane of not being allowed to drive a car. In some countries there are still ‘arranged’ marriages. However, in our ‘free’ country we still need to guard against subtle forms of oppression. This can be through the media that often portrays women as objects.
Being Different and Being The Same
At Camps Bay High we are proudly Camps Bay. This is all about belonging to this community, being part of and contributing to what we do. We are also all unique or different, and while our motto is ‘strength in diversity’, this sometimes can cause friction. After a discussion with some Grade 10 boys where our differences had caused conflict, one boy, Sithembele Laviso, went home and with the advice and help of his home mother wrote the following article. I felt that it was an important ‘think piece’ and asked him to share it in assembly. I include the article for your interest:
"A Dream Deferred...
Many people will agree that the moral fibre, unity, and sacrifices that were made during the struggle have been replaced by power struggles, greed, corruption, inefficiency, violence, crime and deadly games that surrender the poor and vulnerable, particularly children and youth, to a future that is beset with anger, disillusion, fear, insecurity, xenophobia, racial tension, and despair.
What hope is there when the courage, principles, and dreams of the people of the struggle are shattered in an abyss of disrespect for those that live in our country?
What is remarkable is that South Africa came together to pull off some stunning feats. The Rugby World Cup, the Soccer World Cup, the Cricket World Cup, efficient and peaceful Local and National Elections and a group of talented individuals built the necessary infrastructure and spirit to meet the needs of these events.
What is more remarkable is the spirit, peace and unity that these events created. Why?
I think it is because we could forget the rapes, the murders, the violence, corruption, our differences, bad leadership and feel the sun, have a glimpse of a proud future, care for each other and enjoy the unity and diversity of all nations. We could laugh and mix and take pride in our land. The promise is in all of us but we as citizens need to take back our power and say enough is enough - for our children and their children. And we need to act, each one of us and act now.
Why can South Africa produce spine tingling moments during these extraordinary events and not serve its people with the same ingenuity, efficiency, and care on an ordinary day to day basis.
Sure, the unholy days of Apartheid created many backlogs, inequities and disparities which will take several generations to remove.
There are phenomenal people in South Africa, young and old. The sad thing is that stalwarts like Oliver Tambo, Steve Biko, Helen Suzman, Chris Hani, Joe Slovo, Walter and Albertina Sisulu and recently Kadar Asmal are gone. They were our beacon of hope. The few leaders left like Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu are ageing and their public life is coming to an end.
Where are the new leaders? And who are they?
We require it of ourselves to be a value-driven, creative, caring and principled society. If there is to be any hope for this country we have to take the time to examine the foundation on which we live our lives. The principles underlying the constitution will never come alive unless we raise our level of consciousness through respect, love of our neighbour, sharing, and appreciating the beautiful gifts that have been bestowed upon us. And doing such without any personal agenda but the love of doing it. Otherwise, the constitution of powerful words remains hollow and any plans we make will come to naught if not driven by common, upheld values.
It is our ego that gets in the way. We are driven by impulse, instant gratification, material possession and reaction.
This may all sound like pie-in-the-sky but I know deep in my heart that the world is tumbling and it is our time to shift and change, to understand why we are here, to give of ourselves to others and to harness all our creativity, principle, love and appreciation of all things that abound.
We are a nation that is angry, hurt, violent, disillusioned and mostly ungrateful for the abundance that surrounds us.
Have you ever seen a more exquisitely beautiful country?
It is no wonder that South Africa bleeds. Apartheid left many scars, deep hurt and anger, confusion, fear, and distorted thoughts. We have never dealt with all the anger, all the hurt and the racial divides.
It is time we deal with what is deep under the skin, confront each other with the past and the truth, be willing to risk a little and take the step of saying I am so, so sorry for what has passed and reach out to take each other’s hand."
Sithembele Lavisa (Grade 10)
Capturing Our Past
In the foyer area we have installed a display cabinet with the intention of putting up a display of our history as a school. If you are a past pupil and have any Camps Bay High memorabilia you would like displayed can you please contact Vivienne Ashcroft at the school. If you wish to donate it, that would be great, however, we can also loan items that can be displayed for a time and then returned to you.
Extra Lessons Programme
Most pupils did well to really well in the June exams. The exams did however identify a group of pupils who need extra help in each grade. We are offering an extra lessons programme to help these pupils. Please could you please look at the plan (see it here) and see which sessions you need to send your child to. Those children who failed the term will have no choice about attending these sessions. Thank you for your continued support.
School Play
New Years Eve, 1975, Long Street, Cape Town. This is the setting of Peter Dirk Uys’s moving play, Karnaval. The play will be performed in the Camps Bay High School hall on the 26th and 27th of August at 19h30pm. Filled with laughter, tears and hope, it promises to be a treat for any South African and we hope to see you there. Tickets are R30-00 each and will be available at the school from next week.
Focus on Discipline
As part of this year's Focus on Values Campaign, we will be focusing on the value of discipline over the next few weeks. The aim of this is to promote self-discipline in all aspects of learners' lives, particularly scholastic, sporting and cultural activities.
It appears that discipline is a value often missing in the framework of contemporary childrens' lives yet one which sets apart those who perform well from those who perform below their potential.
While teachers and school leaders will be focusing on discipline at Camps Bay High, we would like to invite all Camps Bay parents and care-givers to also try to instill discipline at home. This can include ensuring pupils do their homework, bring the correct sporting gear to school, use the media appropriately and prioritise their time. It is our hope that by focusing on such a vital attribute at home and at school, learners will become more disciplined and ultimately realise their true potential.
Derby Day Programme
Cape Town High School vs Groote Schuur
We will be having our Derby Day this term against Groote Schuur High School on Saturday 27 August 2011. All matches will be played at the Groote Schuur sports grounds in Newlands. Rugby, Boys' and Girls' Hockey, Netball and Boys' Soccer will be played. Games will commence at around 8am and will conclude at 1pm. All support will be welcome.

Debating Society
The Camps Bay High School Debating Society have had a very successful season. Not only did they reach the quarter finals of the Rotary Debating League, the teams were also invited to attend the annual Provincial Tournament.
On the weekend of 6 to 9 August, the junior team participated with forty schools from across the Western Cape in this provincial tournament run by the University of Cape Town. At this tournament, Hannah Fagan (see photo below) was ranked the top junior speaker in the Western Cape, out of some 120 learners. She also received an award for the best new speaker and has been invited to trials for the Western Cape team which will compete at Nationals. This is a huge honour and we are very proud of her.
In the foyer area we have installed a display cabinet with the intention of putting up a display of our history as a school. If you are a past pupil and have any Camps Bay High memorabilia you would like displayed can you please contact Vivienne Ashcroft at the school. If you wish to donate it, that would be great, however, we can also loan items that can be displayed for a time and then returned to you.
Extra Lessons Programme
Most pupils did well to really well in the June exams. The exams did however identify a group of pupils who need extra help in each grade. We are offering an extra lessons programme to help these pupils. Please could you please look at the plan (see it here) and see which sessions you need to send your child to. Those children who failed the term will have no choice about attending these sessions. Thank you for your continued support.
School Play
New Years Eve, 1975, Long Street, Cape Town. This is the setting of Peter Dirk Uys’s moving play, Karnaval. The play will be performed in the Camps Bay High School hall on the 26th and 27th of August at 19h30pm. Filled with laughter, tears and hope, it promises to be a treat for any South African and we hope to see you there. Tickets are R30-00 each and will be available at the school from next week.
Focus on Discipline
As part of this year's Focus on Values Campaign, we will be focusing on the value of discipline over the next few weeks. The aim of this is to promote self-discipline in all aspects of learners' lives, particularly scholastic, sporting and cultural activities.
It appears that discipline is a value often missing in the framework of contemporary childrens' lives yet one which sets apart those who perform well from those who perform below their potential.
While teachers and school leaders will be focusing on discipline at Camps Bay High, we would like to invite all Camps Bay parents and care-givers to also try to instill discipline at home. This can include ensuring pupils do their homework, bring the correct sporting gear to school, use the media appropriately and prioritise their time. It is our hope that by focusing on such a vital attribute at home and at school, learners will become more disciplined and ultimately realise their true potential.
Derby Day Programme
Cape Town High School vs Groote Schuur
We will be having our Derby Day this term against Groote Schuur High School on Saturday 27 August 2011. All matches will be played at the Groote Schuur sports grounds in Newlands. Rugby, Boys' and Girls' Hockey, Netball and Boys' Soccer will be played. Games will commence at around 8am and will conclude at 1pm. All support will be welcome.

Debating Society
The Camps Bay High School Debating Society have had a very successful season. Not only did they reach the quarter finals of the Rotary Debating League, the teams were also invited to attend the annual Provincial Tournament.
On the weekend of 6 to 9 August, the junior team participated with forty schools from across the Western Cape in this provincial tournament run by the University of Cape Town. At this tournament, Hannah Fagan (see photo below) was ranked the top junior speaker in the Western Cape, out of some 120 learners. She also received an award for the best new speaker and has been invited to trials for the Western Cape team which will compete at Nationals. This is a huge honour and we are very proud of her.

School Fees
Your statements for school fees will be posted this week. Please take note of an attachment which asks you to please make use of EFT’s when paying school fees, fees for outings and camps etc. Unfortunately, the handling of cash is not only risky for both you and the school, but also extremely expensive for us in terms of bank fees. Also, please use your correct reference number.
August is also that sad month when we are left with no choice but to hand over accounts which are overdue, where parents have made no effort to either ask for financial assistance, or have asked, had fees reduced and still done nothing about payments. Several written warnings were sent out, so - if you are in this position, please pay now.
Susie Denning
School Bursar
Clothing Shop
Due to the world-wide cotton shortage, fuel increases and other trade developments beyond our control, the uniform prices will increase. In trying to reduce the number of uniform items and to make space for January stock, the clothing shop is having a sale. Please note that all these sale items are still considered to be part of the school uniform, although minor improvements are taking place.
Girls and Boys Boardshorts R90
Tracksuit Jackets R150
Tracksuit Pants R120
Boys shorts: sizes: 5/6, 6/7, 7/8 R75
sizes: XS, Sm, Med R85
Boys Chinos: sizes: 5/6, 6/7, 7/8, 9/10 R100
sizes: 11/12, 13/14 R120
sizes: XS, Sm, Large, 2XL R130
Practice Sports Tops in R50
Leather belts, sizes 36 & 38 only R50
Camps Bay Pencil cases R15
Girls Gym Skort (old style)
various sizes left R85
Boys Gym Shorts (old style)
various sizes R75
Boys Costumes: sizes 24, 26 R65
sizes 32, 38, 40 R70
Girls Costumes sizes 24, 26, 28, 30 R120
sizes 32, 34, 36, 38 R135
sizes 40, 42 R140
Girls Waterpolo Costumes: all sizes R160
We also have a new item: A Camps Bay School waterproof picnic blanket for R200 (very useful to sit on while watching a rugby or hockey match)
Sally Preen
Manager of CBHS Clothing Shop
For more info on the Clothing Shop, click ‹‹here››
Congratulations to Ntsika Shushu who has been selected to attend a Cricket South Africa U19 Camp taking place at Boland Park on 18th and 19th August 2011. Well done Ntsika – we are proud of you.
Camps Bay Community Medics (CBCM)
Dear Friends of the Medics:
Below is our wish list of items we are sourcing to kit the base out. We aim to have the official launch in the first week of September so racing against the clock now. Second-hand items are most welcome and if you know of anyone who you could forward this to, we would be most appreciative. We have had bunk beds donated and am circulating our list now and ticking off as we receive responses. Thanks for your support.
Dusta buster x 2, cleaning materials, bucket, mop, broom, kettle, microwave, toaster, Kettle, handbrush and dustpan, hanging cutlery, glasses, long-handle window squeezie, linen – 2 pillows, 2 blankets, 4 fitted sheets, duvet covers and duvet inners, snackwich toaster, small coach, small coffee table, venetian blinds, desk, bar fridge, small kitchen cupboard unit, carpet tiles, flatscreen TV, DVD player, Music system & speaker.
Kind Regards
Leigh Goldschmidt
Camps Bay Community Medics
PR and Fundraising072-447-1600
Please contact Karen Judge on 021-438-1611 or 082-468-6044
I am a qualified and experienced English/Afrikaans teacher and previously I taught in Cape Town at Boston and Rosebank House Colleges, SACS and Queen's Park High School. Fourteen years on the international circuit followed and I am now based in Cape Town as a freelance writer, editor and private tutor. My website has all my contact details. I am happy to teach all ages.
Talented photographer from the UK offers a special on children/family photos. Two-hour photo session + 50 pictures on a CD, for only R850-00. Contact: Steve on 072-049-3477 or steve@stephenhansfordphotography.
Just 70 mins from Cape Town. Very modern holiday house, sleeps eight, fully equipped, two TV's and DSTV (please bring own card), wrap around balcony and u/cover braai, use of three
mountain bikes, u/cover parking. Walk to shops and restaurants. R980-00 per day - Long weekends: R1000-00. Please phone Tom on 028-271-5775 and quote 411OnPark or
CBRRA (Camps Bay Ratepayers & Residents Association)
will hold an AGM at 19h30 - 21h00, on 15 Aug 2011 at The Rotunda, The Bay Hotel, Camps Bay. Issues to be addressed will be:
• A Zero-Tolerance to Vagrancy in our Community and the Ecology,
• Electricity Saving Campaign, together with
• An address by Cllrs Beverley Schafer (new) and Marga Haywood.
Get involved in your community, make a difference and attend this very important meeting. Open to everyone. For more information, please visit:
or e-mail:
Your current tenants vacating soon?
Tired of the day to day hassles of dealing with tenants?
We have up-market clientele with a constant demand for rental property on a long term basis.
For any queries, feel free to contact Vicki, our agent for the Atlantic Seaboard on 021-404-1363 or alternatively on 072-742-9863
Please contact Tyler Chauncey if you need any electrical work done: 082-416-0674 or e-mail: or for more information:
Breville Expresso Machine For Sale:
Perfect condition. Makes 1 or 2 cups of delicious expresso, has a steam spout and milk frother. R1600-00. Please call Susie on 021-438-1507
School Bursar
Clothing Shop
Due to the world-wide cotton shortage, fuel increases and other trade developments beyond our control, the uniform prices will increase. In trying to reduce the number of uniform items and to make space for January stock, the clothing shop is having a sale. Please note that all these sale items are still considered to be part of the school uniform, although minor improvements are taking place.
Girls and Boys Boardshorts R90
Tracksuit Jackets R150
Tracksuit Pants R120
Boys shorts: sizes: 5/6, 6/7, 7/8 R75
sizes: XS, Sm, Med R85
Boys Chinos: sizes: 5/6, 6/7, 7/8, 9/10 R100
sizes: 11/12, 13/14 R120
sizes: XS, Sm, Large, 2XL R130
Practice Sports Tops in R50
Leather belts, sizes 36 & 38 only R50
Camps Bay Pencil cases R15
Girls Gym Skort (old style)
various sizes left R85
Boys Gym Shorts (old style)
various sizes R75
Boys Costumes: sizes 24, 26 R65
sizes 32, 38, 40 R70
Girls Costumes sizes 24, 26, 28, 30 R120
sizes 32, 34, 36, 38 R135
sizes 40, 42 R140
Girls Waterpolo Costumes: all sizes R160
We also have a new item: A Camps Bay School waterproof picnic blanket for R200 (very useful to sit on while watching a rugby or hockey match)
Sally Preen
Manager of CBHS Clothing Shop
For more info on the Clothing Shop, click ‹‹here››
Congratulations to Ntsika Shushu who has been selected to attend a Cricket South Africa U19 Camp taking place at Boland Park on 18th and 19th August 2011. Well done Ntsika – we are proud of you.
Camps Bay Community Medics (CBCM)
Dear Friends of the Medics:
Below is our wish list of items we are sourcing to kit the base out. We aim to have the official launch in the first week of September so racing against the clock now. Second-hand items are most welcome and if you know of anyone who you could forward this to, we would be most appreciative. We have had bunk beds donated and am circulating our list now and ticking off as we receive responses. Thanks for your support.
Dusta buster x 2, cleaning materials, bucket, mop, broom, kettle, microwave, toaster, Kettle, handbrush and dustpan, hanging cutlery, glasses, long-handle window squeezie, linen – 2 pillows, 2 blankets, 4 fitted sheets, duvet covers and duvet inners, snackwich toaster, small coach, small coffee table, venetian blinds, desk, bar fridge, small kitchen cupboard unit, carpet tiles, flatscreen TV, DVD player, Music system & speaker.
Kind Regards
Leigh Goldschmidt
Camps Bay Community Medics
PR and Fundraising072-447-1600
Please contact Karen Judge on 021-438-1611 or 082-468-6044
I am a qualified and experienced English/Afrikaans teacher and previously I taught in Cape Town at Boston and Rosebank House Colleges, SACS and Queen's Park High School. Fourteen years on the international circuit followed and I am now based in Cape Town as a freelance writer, editor and private tutor. My website has all my contact details. I am happy to teach all ages.
Talented photographer from the UK offers a special on children/family photos. Two-hour photo session + 50 pictures on a CD, for only R850-00. Contact: Steve on 072-049-3477 or steve@stephenhansfordphotography.
Just 70 mins from Cape Town. Very modern holiday house, sleeps eight, fully equipped, two TV's and DSTV (please bring own card), wrap around balcony and u/cover braai, use of three

CBRRA (Camps Bay Ratepayers & Residents Association)
will hold an AGM at 19h30 - 21h00, on 15 Aug 2011 at The Rotunda, The Bay Hotel, Camps Bay. Issues to be addressed will be:
• A Zero-Tolerance to Vagrancy in our Community and the Ecology,
• Electricity Saving Campaign, together with
• An address by Cllrs Beverley Schafer (new) and Marga Haywood.
Get involved in your community, make a difference and attend this very important meeting. Open to everyone. For more information, please visit:
or e-mail:
Your current tenants vacating soon?
Tired of the day to day hassles of dealing with tenants?
We have up-market clientele with a constant demand for rental property on a long term basis.
For any queries, feel free to contact Vicki, our agent for the Atlantic Seaboard on 021-404-1363 or alternatively on 072-742-9863
Please contact Tyler Chauncey if you need any electrical work done: 082-416-0674 or e-mail: or for more information:
Breville Expresso Machine For Sale:
Perfect condition. Makes 1 or 2 cups of delicious expresso, has a steam spout and milk frother. R1600-00. Please call Susie on 021-438-1507
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