Good Evening Mr and Mrs Cassar, Mr and Mrs De Korte, teachers, parents, honoured guests and pupils of Camps Bay High School.
Now that my time at Camps Bay High School is coming to a rapid end, I have come to a conclusion. I believe that every teenager should spend some time at Camps Bay High School. Maybe a month, or a term, not a year - if we give them a year they’ll never leave! The reason I say this is that the Camps Bay High School corridors teach one something that I believe is impossible to imitate anywhere else in the world. You see when a stranger asks me about Camps Bay High, I say it’s amazing, wonderful, brilliant, but there’s just that one thing that I can’t describe. It’s so much more than anything any other school has to offer. It’s a unique quality: an energy, an undying spirit, a passion and devotion to our second home.
So where did this all start. Any ideas Mr Tucker?
Firstly there is Mr de Korte and the school governing body, who together put so much time and effort into ensuring that this school is a sea of opportunities for it’s pupils. Mr de Korte’s dedication and love for our school make it so easy for him to earn the huge amount of respect that we all have for him and the governing body dedicates hours of time behind the scenes to ensuring that we learn in the best environment possible.
Then there are our quirky and passionate teachers who, aside from being brilliant at their job, are also friends and role models to us all. Teachers like Mr Cawood who, no matter how much he screams at you, you can’t help but love his funny comments. Or the English department who get so drawn into our set works that it seems crazy to think this is probably the 17th time they’re reading each book.
Then there’s the ground staff. Always smiling and ever so helpful. Our school would collapse without you. Whether it be our new caretaker John, who happily goes without much sleep when performances and rehearsals are on at our school, or Mrs Motha, one of the sweetest and most loving women whom I have ever met. She will always greet you with a warming smile.
Then there are the pupils. What a crazy bunch. Wow! When I look at you guys, so many of my friends, so many that I have grown to love, I see the world. Amongst you there is so much potential not only to excel, but to shine. Because that is what Camps Bay High School allows you to do, to discover your passion and act as a beam of light radiating from the core which is this school. And the greatest part about it all is that no matter what you do while you are here, and no matter if you are extremely talented or in it for the fun, you can be certain that you will have the whole school behind you. 100%, cheering you on. Because that is how we do it here.
So put all those people together in one room, or should I say in beautiful one school overlooking the ocean, and there’s a good chance that something amazing will be born. It has been amazing. Even more so this year than ever before. At the beginning of the year I said a speech in assembly in which I said “This is it!’ 2010 is finally here, and it will be a year of greatness.” And it has. In sports, dedication and passion have lead to cases such as 16 year old Ntsika Shushu being chosen for the Western Province u19 cricket team. In culture, hours of practice and immense help from teachers have allowed Amanda Dyanti, who in grade eight was very shy and scared of performing, to, along with Cleo Raatus, win the overall best duologue in the international theatre and dance association eisteddfod. A huuuuge accolade. In academics Gerome Tangocci represented our School in Johannesburg at the national Eskom Science Expo, receiving a bronze medal. It is people like him who will one day save the world. This year alone, our school has more gold president award winners than we have had in total in our school’s history. Our school spirit has hit the top leaving Westerord High School unable to compete at our annual derby. Inter-house rivalry has skyrocketed ensuring mass participation IN EVERYTHING from inter-house plays to athletics days and recycling. Our pool has been renovated, which can only increase our already high standard of swimming and water polo. Our tuck-shop has had a makeover with the introduction of Ardi’s tuck café… Which might account for why all our school uniform looks a little tight on us tonight.
From the prefects side, besides our work on spirit, discipline and promoting sports achievers, first time events such as a prefect exchange with many different schools, attending the prefects ball, and hosting the Battle Of The Dance Crews have been awesome highlights. All in all it is easy to see how HUGE this year has been. We’ve done it… and looking at the up and coming leaders of our school I know that we will continue to soar to even greater heights with each progressive year.
To the Grade 8-11's. Make sure that when you’re sitting at Celebration for the last time, you’ve played your part in our schools greatness. The camps, the tours, the houses, the school plays, the spirit… Make sure that when you’re sitting here for the last time, your head is filled with memories You’ve got involved, you’ve loved, learnt, shared. Because your high school careers at Camps Bay High School can teach you so much more than what is learnt in the class room. If you let it, this school will give you an education that extends beyond any text book.
To the matrics. I care for you all and as I look around at our Grade, I see the most amazing people who are going to grow in to adults who are successful. Not necessarily in terms of monetary wealth, but in the best sense of the word in terms of happiness. .
To the governing body, the teachers, the prefects. Thank you fro giving me this opportunity. Your support and kindness has made my year into the best of my life.
To the pupils Thank you for giving Me, Julia and the rest of the prefect body a chance to lead you this year. You’re all the most amazing friends and your support throughout year has meant the world to me. Every day you all taught me what it is to be a leader. It hasn’t been easy, but nothing worth leading ever is, and it’s been a worthy and inspiring challenge. I hope that in some small way, the prefects of 2010 have lead and inspired you all to strive for the highest.
Nicola Soekoe
Head Prefect 2010