Good Evening Mr and Mrs Cassar, Mr and Mrs De Korte, teachers, parents, honoured guests and pupils of Camps Bay High.
Yet another year has come and gone. Minute by minute, Hour by Hour, Day by Day, from one celebration to the next, our year of 2009 has flown by leaving us with but a trail of memories we will long cherish.
Looking back on the year of 2009, it has really been worth every minute. The goals we achieved and the success we obtained was remarkable.
In the cultural sphere of school life..Or “Culture Vultures” as Mr Cawood would say. We characterized the dramatic arts world with a host of gr10, 11 and 12 performances in various competitions and came out on top. Cleoratius’s award for the most outstanding actor at the St. Joseph’s Grammar School Competition. Alex McGregor’s performances in dance and our very own Marimba Band recording their 13 track CD, due for release soon. Nicky Andrews’s magic tricks making him the most impressive magician and earning him an all access pass to perform with some of the best magicians in the world in Las Vegas. Pity he still can’t make Mr Tucker disappear…..
The Interhouse Choir Competition with yellow house’s smooth sounds of walking on sunshine and the infamous Purple house performance of Y.M.C.A led by their own village person….VIWE!!!, will keep us laughing for many years.
The Interhouse Plays with Matthew and Londiwe’s passionate love affair and Anson’s solo stripping stint will keep a shocking reminder of memories not wanted.
In the academic sphere, the hunt for the Top 10 Badge has heated up over the past few months. I’m not sure if it’s been Mr Tucker’s motivational History Lessons or Mr Cottle’s strenuous gym lessons but something has our learner’s brains working overtime. Our pupils competed in various Maths, Science and English Olympiads to name but a few.
Then to the sports field. The battles fought by our sportsmen and sportswomen, week in and week out truly exemplified our commitment and pride in Camps Bay High School. Events such as the Interschool's Athletics and the Newlands Gala remind me of Prince and Sobantu stepping out with nothing but a drum in hand and taking on Rondebosch Boys in a dance-off and …..thankfully coming out on top. The Westerford Derby, they thought we weren’t good enough, that we didn’t deserve to be in the same league, that we didn’t deserve to be on the same field but in true Camps Bay spirit, we pulled it out of the hat and won. The Derby was amazing; we won twice as many games. Highlighting our remarkable improvement, the support was unbelievable. Yet again the 1st XV Rugby boys showed their dominance over Westerford. The past pupils day was amazing as we earned the respect of our seniors.
Spirit at Camps Bay High School has been an important factor in the politics of our diverse school. The introduction of “Earnie” THE KUDU as our new school mascot has been one of the biggest moments in the history of our school. Through the help of the R.C.L and the Prefects, the mascot and Kudu Park were made possible. “Earnie” has brought that X-factor to our school spirit, making us shout even louder at any school event.
Although we have achieved so much this year, we have also had to endure a great amount of personal loss through the passing of Mr Henry Robbins, Mr Neville Jenneke and many more. They are in a better place, watching over us and guiding us along the path of life we must all walk. We will celebrate their lives.
Proverbs 3:2, “For the length of days and life long and peace they will add to you, Let no mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will safely walk in your way, and your foot shall not stumble.”
Many people that visit our school, admire our view and our spectacular surroundings, but fail to notice the real treasure of Camps Bay High School- THE PUPILS. Without these funny, diverse, happy-go-lucky and free spirited students our school would cease to exist. Everyday among this lively student body is like a learning curb, never a dull-moment for all students to strive for the highest.
We have our disagreements for sure, our bad times and our good times but it has been our bad times that have made the good time so…..go0o0o0o0d.
To the eccentric and buoyant staff, Camps Bay High School would not be half the school without you. Everyday you spend helping each pupil, shaping us into something better. Those extra hours spent at home and in the classroom you put in is something no amount of money could ever repay, but the happiness of a child, that is truly…. priceless…..
To the maintenance team, Mr Van Heerden and your team, you may not always receive the recognition you deserve, but I thank you.
To my father and my sister. Thank you for loving, caring and supporting me. Father, everyday you pay testament to the fact that single parents are the strongest people on this planet, although it takes an entire village to raise a child.
To our Deputies Richie and Tofiq and the prefect body of 2009, thank you for realizing our dream. A dream of a place where we made ourselves believe that we were worth more, that we could do more, that we could achieve more. This year I have learned so much from you guys, and hopefully you could have learned at least half as much from me. Lastly I thank god for blessing the prefects of 2009 and Camps Bay with such a prosperous year.
Our message to the prefect of 2010, being at Camps Bay High School, What have you learned? Children learn what they live.
“If a child lives with encouragement. He learns confidence.
If a child lives with fairness. He learns justice.
If a child lives with security. He learns to have faith.
And if a child lives with acceptance and friends. He learns to find love in this world.”
We have that love at out school. The kind of love that surpasses all understanding that touches us from the top of our heads to the bottom of our souls. Now that is the love that makes us truly Camps Bay. Altissmis Nitor. Strive for the Highest Forever more.
Russel Daries
Head Prefect 2009
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