Saturday, October 31, 2015
CBHS Newsletter 32 of 30 Oct '15
The 32nd Camps Bay High School Newsletter, of 30 October 2015, is extracted below.
Download it as a PDF file ‹‹here››.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
CBHS Head Prefects for 2016
Camps Bay High School is proud to announce their Head Prefect and Deputies for 2016.
In the picture below, from left are : Oscar van der Spuy (Deputy Prefect),Loes Kreeftenberg (Deputy Prefect) and Tristan Fredericks (Head Prefect).
We wish them a successful term of office.
In the picture below, from left are : Oscar van der Spuy (Deputy Prefect),Loes Kreeftenberg (Deputy Prefect) and Tristan Fredericks (Head Prefect).
We wish them a successful term of office.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
CBHS Newsletter 31 of 23 Oct '15
The 31st Camps Bay High School Newsletter, of 23 October 2015, is extracted below.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
CBHS Matric Exam Timetable - Oct / Nov '15
The Exam Timetable for Matrics in the Fourth Term of 2015 at Camps Bay High School is extracted below. The full timetable consists of two pages.
Click on the appropriate heading below for a PDF file
Matric Exam Timetable for Fourth Term of 2015:
Click on the appropriate heading below for a PDF file
Matric Exam Timetable for Fourth Term of 2015:
CBHS Tests Projects & Assignments Calendars Fourth Term - Oct '15
The Tests, Projects and Assignments
Calendars for Grades Eight to Eleven in the Fourth Term of 2015 at Camps Bay High School are
extracted below.
Click on the appropriate heading below for a PDF file
Grade 08: Tests, Projects & Assignments Calendar for Fourth Term of 2015:
Grade 09: Tests, Projects & Assignments Calendar for Fourth Term of 2015:
Grade 10: Tests, Projects & Assignments Calendar for Fourth Term of 2015:
Grade 11: Tests, Projects & Assignments Calendar for Fourth Term of 2015:
Click on the appropriate heading below for a PDF file
Grade 08: Tests, Projects & Assignments Calendar for Fourth Term of 2015:
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
CBHS Summer Sports Calendar - 20 Oct '15
The Summer Sports Calendar for the Fourth Term at Camps Bay High School is extracted below.
Download it as a PDF file ‹‹here››.
Download it as a PDF file ‹‹here››.
Friday, October 16, 2015
CBHS Newsletter 30 of 16 Oct '15
The 30th Camps Bay High School Newsletter, of 16 October 2015, is extracted below.
CBHS Valedictory Speech by Alexia Abramson - 16 Oct '15
The following speech was delivered by Alexia Abramson, outgoing Head Prefect of 2015 at Camps Bay High School, at the Matric Valedictory Ceremony held at the school on 16 October 2015:
Good morning Mr de Korte, Mrs de Korte, Mr and Mrs Harvey, Staff, Honorable Parents, invited guests, pupils and a special good morning to the Matrics of Camps Bay High School.
This time last year we were embarking on the final stretch, the beginning of the end. It is crazy to think how quickly 365 days can fly by.
We are now at the end of our High school career, some of us are more confused than others, some of us know exactly what it is that they want to do.
I would like to tell you a short story from ancient China it made me think of all of us, our Matric class.
An elderly woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends of the same pole, which she carried across her neck. One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water. At the end of the long walk from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.
For a full two years this went on daily, with the woman bringing home only one and a half pots of water. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it could only do half of what it had been made to do.
After two years of what it perceived to be bitter failure, it spoke to the woman one day by the stream. "I am ashamed of myself, because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house."
The old woman smiled, "Did you notice that there are flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other pot's side?" "That's because I have always known about your flaw, so I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you water them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table. Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this beauty to grace the house."
We each have our very own and unique flaw, but, Matrics of 2015, each and every single one of our cracks and flaws make our lives together that much more interesting and rewarding.
I cannot believe that this is it, the final stretch, the memories that we have shared together have been so incredibly amazing.
Our final chapter of our epic five-year book is closing and we will carry it in our heart with us, wherever we may roam as the experiences have shaped each and every one of us into the people we are today. We will page fondly through this book of memories and we will be remembering the best years of our lives, no longer students of CBHS, but as past pupils!
I am so sad to end this chapter in my life, but so happy to have shared it with all of you. Thinking back on all of the highlights, laughs and fun times will only bring back beautiful memories.
“For it was not in my ear that you whispered, but in my heart.
It was not my lips that you kissed, but my soul.
It was not me that you touched, but my life.”
Thank you for making this chapter a GREAT one.
“Eye spy with my little eye, an amazing story…"
Alexia Abramson
Head Prefect, 2015
![]() |
Above: Alexia Abramson delivers her Matric Valedictory Speech |
This time last year we were embarking on the final stretch, the beginning of the end. It is crazy to think how quickly 365 days can fly by.
We are now at the end of our High school career, some of us are more confused than others, some of us know exactly what it is that they want to do.
I would like to tell you a short story from ancient China it made me think of all of us, our Matric class.
An elderly woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends of the same pole, which she carried across her neck. One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water. At the end of the long walk from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.
For a full two years this went on daily, with the woman bringing home only one and a half pots of water. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it could only do half of what it had been made to do.
After two years of what it perceived to be bitter failure, it spoke to the woman one day by the stream. "I am ashamed of myself, because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house."
The old woman smiled, "Did you notice that there are flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other pot's side?" "That's because I have always known about your flaw, so I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you water them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table. Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this beauty to grace the house."
We each have our very own and unique flaw, but, Matrics of 2015, each and every single one of our cracks and flaws make our lives together that much more interesting and rewarding.
I cannot believe that this is it, the final stretch, the memories that we have shared together have been so incredibly amazing.
Our final chapter of our epic five-year book is closing and we will carry it in our heart with us, wherever we may roam as the experiences have shaped each and every one of us into the people we are today. We will page fondly through this book of memories and we will be remembering the best years of our lives, no longer students of CBHS, but as past pupils!
I am so sad to end this chapter in my life, but so happy to have shared it with all of you. Thinking back on all of the highlights, laughs and fun times will only bring back beautiful memories.
“For it was not in my ear that you whispered, but in my heart.
It was not my lips that you kissed, but my soul.
It was not me that you touched, but my life.”
Thank you for making this chapter a GREAT one.
“Eye spy with my little eye, an amazing story…"
Alexia Abramson
Head Prefect, 2015
CBHS Valedictory Assembly - 16 Oct '15
CBHS Celebration - 15 Oct '15
On Thursday, 15 October 2015, the annual Celebration took place in the Dennis Abrahams Quad. It was a spectacular evening of song, dance and drama and the top academics were honoured at the event.
Congratulations to the new prefects who were elected for 2016.
To see more photos, click ‹‹here››.
For a speech by Colin Harvey of the SGB, click ‹‹here››.
For a speech by Alexia Abramson, outgoing Head Prefect of 2015, click ‹‹here››.
For a speech by David de Korte, our Principal, click ‹‹here››.
Congratulations to the new prefects who were elected for 2016.
To see more photos, click ‹‹here››.
For a speech by Colin Harvey of the SGB, click ‹‹here››.
For a speech by Alexia Abramson, outgoing Head Prefect of 2015, click ‹‹here››.
For a speech by David de Korte, our Principal, click ‹‹here››.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
CBHS Celebration Speech by David de Korte - 15 Oct '15
The following speech was delivered by Mr David de Korte, Principal of Camps Bay High School. at the Celebration prize-giving ceremony held on 15 October 2015:
Welcome and good evening. Special guests: Mr and Mrs Harvey, Mr Collier and Mrs Murray, Our WCED Inspectors, Mr Lambert and Mrs Minnaar, Principals from our feeder primary schools, Friends, Parents and past pupils and the present pupils.
Every year we choose a theme for this evening around a song. Tonight we have chosen “The World’s Greatest “ by R. E. Kelly. This will help you to recognise the backdrop, the mountain top on high and the star in the sky from the chorus. Thanks to Mr Cawood and the staff team for painting and creating this picture.
By being your personal greatest, you can make a difference in a positive way in the lives of others.
Do you believe that this is possible for you to make a difference? After all you are still at school, you aren’t earning, you don’t have any powerful position. I believe you can, and to support my argument let me go through a few examples from this year to support my belief.
Some examples from this year:
Tonight we are focussing mostly on academic achievements. However, being a pupil at Camps Bay High is learning more than just the curriculum we deliver.
Here we also learn how to:
Tonight we will honour and applaud a group of our pupils who we think are the greatest in the areas in which they have performed.
Thank you for joining us, now sit back and enjoy our unique Camps Bay High Celebration.
Thank you.
David de Korte
Principal CBHS
Welcome and good evening. Special guests: Mr and Mrs Harvey, Mr Collier and Mrs Murray, Our WCED Inspectors, Mr Lambert and Mrs Minnaar, Principals from our feeder primary schools, Friends, Parents and past pupils and the present pupils.
Every year we choose a theme for this evening around a song. Tonight we have chosen “The World’s Greatest “ by R. E. Kelly. This will help you to recognise the backdrop, the mountain top on high and the star in the sky from the chorus. Thanks to Mr Cawood and the staff team for painting and creating this picture.
By being your personal greatest, you can make a difference in a positive way in the lives of others.
Do you believe that this is possible for you to make a difference? After all you are still at school, you aren’t earning, you don’t have any powerful position. I believe you can, and to support my argument let me go through a few examples from this year to support my belief.
Some examples from this year:
- Caleb rescued a swimmer at Clifton beach who was in trouble; he made a difference in that person’s life, maybe even saved his life;
- Caitlin spoke kindly to a lady who was going into hospital for an operation. The lady had no one to be there for her, and Caitlin said, its OK, I will be there for you. She made that scary experience much better for that lady, she made a difference;
- Meghan needed to speak out when Kwekwe was stabbed, so she asked you to help, collecting hundreds of signatures and handing them to the Minster of Police. This helped focus attention on safety in Imizamo Yethu. I know that these pressures have resulted in more visible policing in the area, making it safer. For people living there, this has made a difference;
- Hannah reads a lot, and this is part provided the foundation for her winning the 2015 English Olympiad. This makes a difference in how people view our school. Any doubt that you are able to achieve the highest academic results are gone, now everyone knows we can do it because Hannah did it. She made a difference in how we as a school are perceived;
- Tor entered the Science Olympiad and won a special Environmental Engineering award from the South African Institute of Civil Engineers. The people at that institute now know that Camps Bay High School produces learners who can think, and create and innovate. She has made a difference for all of us;
- Thanks to Ms Janse van Rensburg’s initiative, we have a Rhino at the V&A Waterfront that is seen by thousands of tourists. It says that Camps Bay High School pupils care about the environment and are committed to saving the Rhino and by inference, saving the planet. Those ACTA pupils have made a difference;
- As part of RAK week (that’s Random Acts of Kindness), the Interact Committee with Laylah and Kim decided that one day would be a Bread Buddies day. I was really touched with the response and the mountain of sandwiches we made. The pupils at Sentinel Primary had a great food day, receiving these sandwiches. We made that day different/better for those pupils.
Tonight we are focussing mostly on academic achievements. However, being a pupil at Camps Bay High is learning more than just the curriculum we deliver.
Here we also learn how to:
- Speak out against injustice, starting by not tolerating any form of bullying at school;
- Oppose violence and violent ways of solving problems, making our school a safe place;
- Value knowledge;
- Value the ability to reason and argue a point;
- Embrace learning.
Tonight we will honour and applaud a group of our pupils who we think are the greatest in the areas in which they have performed.
Thank you for joining us, now sit back and enjoy our unique Camps Bay High Celebration.
Thank you.
David de Korte
Principal CBHS
CBHS Celebration Speech by Alexia Abramson - 15 Oct '15
The following speech was made by Alexia Abramson, Camps Bay High School's outgoing Head Prefect of 2015, at the schools Celebration prize-giving ceremony, on 15 October 2015:
Good evening
Mr de Korte, Mrs de Korte, Mr and Mrs Harvey, honourable parents, staff, invited guests and, last but not least, you... the pupils of Camps Bay High School:
This passage is taken from Alice in Wonderland:
“Would you please tell me which way I ought to walk from here?”, asked Alice.
“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to”, said the cat.
“I don’t much care where”, said Alice.
“Then it doesn’t matter which way to walk”, replied the cat.
This passage depicts the fact that we are young and at a crossroads, we don’t know what it is exactly that we want or perhaps which direction to go in. After school, we are unsure of which road we will take and where it will take us to. Will we succeed? Will we fail? Will we be passionate about our choice, will we be disappointed about our choice?
What lies ahead of us?
Nelson Mandela once said: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Camps Bay High School has truly given all of us this powerful weapon, to reach our goals and pursue our dreams. We are privileged enough to have had such a caring family behind us, to catch us when we fall, to help us choose the correct path, which will, hopefully with our commitment, lead us all to greatness.
For me, from farm playgroups to pre-school in Darling, to a Jewish day school in the City Bowl, to a Christelikke privaat skool in Malmesbury.
I think my mother took me to every open day from the Southern Suburbs, Wellington, Paarl to Stellenbosch and finally… I walked in to Camps Bay High School and i knew from that moment that I was home.
Camps Bay High School accepts each and every type of person; it caters to each individual’s need. It's up to you to seize the opportunity.
I have never been in such a diverse and nurturing school. My heart warms with pride and passion when I think about how incredibly lucky each and every single one of us are to be part of the proudly Camps Bay family.
Maya Angelou once said “It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength.”
We are all different and, thanks to our parents, we can think for ourselves and we can get along with all types of people. We have our parents, grandparents and friends who support us, they are prepared to endure the cold while watching us play our winter sports and they bring us sandwiches between school and extra dance lessons! Thank you to all the parents who have lifted, encouraged and supported us, and thank you for having given us the opportunity to come to CBHS.
Thank you to the Principal and teachers for being our second parents. You have helped shape who we are and thank you for all of the time and energy that you have invested in us to help shape who we are as athletes, artists and intellectual individuals. Some of whom have given up family time to accompany us on tours, sometimes even during their holidays. We deeply appreciate you and THANK YOU!
Thank you to the support staff, administrative, ground staff, security and caretakers, your tremendous efforts don’t go unnoticed. The school day would not function as smoothly without all your tremendous deeds and actions. You create comfort and security and we can’t thank you enough for that.
So, whether you have four days left at CBHS or five years, make the most out of your time here, because its the most special place on earth. Fill your life's book with many amazing experiences by taking part, being friendly, honest, trustworthy and remember to always smile.
On that note I would like to leave you with one last quote from Dr Seuss...
“Be who you are and say how you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”
Thank you
Alexia Abramson
Outgoing Head Prefect of 2015
Good evening
Mr de Korte, Mrs de Korte, Mr and Mrs Harvey, honourable parents, staff, invited guests and, last but not least, you... the pupils of Camps Bay High School:
This passage is taken from Alice in Wonderland:
“Would you please tell me which way I ought to walk from here?”, asked Alice.
“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to”, said the cat.
“I don’t much care where”, said Alice.
“Then it doesn’t matter which way to walk”, replied the cat.
This passage depicts the fact that we are young and at a crossroads, we don’t know what it is exactly that we want or perhaps which direction to go in. After school, we are unsure of which road we will take and where it will take us to. Will we succeed? Will we fail? Will we be passionate about our choice, will we be disappointed about our choice?
What lies ahead of us?
Nelson Mandela once said: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Camps Bay High School has truly given all of us this powerful weapon, to reach our goals and pursue our dreams. We are privileged enough to have had such a caring family behind us, to catch us when we fall, to help us choose the correct path, which will, hopefully with our commitment, lead us all to greatness.
For me, from farm playgroups to pre-school in Darling, to a Jewish day school in the City Bowl, to a Christelikke privaat skool in Malmesbury.
I think my mother took me to every open day from the Southern Suburbs, Wellington, Paarl to Stellenbosch and finally… I walked in to Camps Bay High School and i knew from that moment that I was home.
Camps Bay High School accepts each and every type of person; it caters to each individual’s need. It's up to you to seize the opportunity.
I have never been in such a diverse and nurturing school. My heart warms with pride and passion when I think about how incredibly lucky each and every single one of us are to be part of the proudly Camps Bay family.
Maya Angelou once said “It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength.”
We are all different and, thanks to our parents, we can think for ourselves and we can get along with all types of people. We have our parents, grandparents and friends who support us, they are prepared to endure the cold while watching us play our winter sports and they bring us sandwiches between school and extra dance lessons! Thank you to all the parents who have lifted, encouraged and supported us, and thank you for having given us the opportunity to come to CBHS.
Thank you to the Principal and teachers for being our second parents. You have helped shape who we are and thank you for all of the time and energy that you have invested in us to help shape who we are as athletes, artists and intellectual individuals. Some of whom have given up family time to accompany us on tours, sometimes even during their holidays. We deeply appreciate you and THANK YOU!
Thank you to the support staff, administrative, ground staff, security and caretakers, your tremendous efforts don’t go unnoticed. The school day would not function as smoothly without all your tremendous deeds and actions. You create comfort and security and we can’t thank you enough for that.
So, whether you have four days left at CBHS or five years, make the most out of your time here, because its the most special place on earth. Fill your life's book with many amazing experiences by taking part, being friendly, honest, trustworthy and remember to always smile.
On that note I would like to leave you with one last quote from Dr Seuss...
“Be who you are and say how you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”
Thank you
Alexia Abramson
Outgoing Head Prefect of 2015
CBHS Celebration Speech by Colin Harvey - 15 Oct '15
This speech was delivered by Mr Colin Harvey, chairperson of the Camps Bay High School's SGB, at the Celebration prizegiving event that took place on 15 October 2015:
Mr and Mrs de Korte, Mr and Mrs Mostert, Head Prefect Alexia Abramson, Deputy Head Prefects Connor Jackson and Jessica Way, Head of RCL Inca Horn, the great teachers of this institution, students of Camps Bay High, Ladies and Gentlemen.
Tonight we celebrate the work undertaken by the students of this school, however there are a number of formalities that need to be completed before the festivities commence.
To Victor van Heerden and his team, a congratulations for putting together an awesome event in the facility in which we now sit and a round of applause please.
I report as follows:
I can report that Camps Bay High has an energetic, highly motivated and efficient Governing Body made up of dedicated parents, teachers, support staff and students in keeping with the constitution of the School Governing Body foundation.
In these positions are:
Francesco Mariola (Deputy Chair), Brian Williams (Treasurer), Werner Thetard, Alten Hulme, Michele Harvey, Paula Valadas, Ingrid Van Dieman and myself, representing the parent body;
David de Korte (our Principal), Louis Mostert, Janette Burger, Representing the Teacher Body and Academic staff; Victor van Heerden, Representing the non-academic staff; Head prefect Alexia Abramson, Deputy Head Prefects Connor Jackson and Jessica Way, Head of RCL Inca Horn, representing the pupils. Staff in supporting roles on the SGB, include Vivienne Ashcroft, Lynette Olivier and Stacey-Lee Ford.
The Governing Body through its varying sub-committees oversees the policies, curriculum, teaching, learning, buildings, facilities, finances, and also addresses a multitude of other issues that are brought to the attention of the Governing Body. I am indebted to all the members of the Governing Body for the time, commitment, professionalism, dedication and efforts put into the school. This is not just a case
of attending ten 4-hour meetings throughout the year! It truly is an all-encompassing role that these individuals participate in, well in excess of normal working hours!
These projects will add huge value to the school’s current offering and I promise you all an insightful presentation. It will give you an excellent view as to what is possibly in store for our school.
However, an abridged version of Projects completed by the SGB and the parent volunteer programme thus far include:
Projects agreed to and in the planning stages include:
The chair of the Discipline Committee is not an easy position to fill and I am delighted that Francesco Mariola of the School Governing Body and father of Riccardo in Grade 8 and Mattia in Grade 11, will be taking over this portfolio and I think the entire SGB will support me when I say this portfolio is transferring into very capable hands.
Our thanks also go to the executive management committee who run the school on a day-to-day basis together with Dave and Louis. They are: Ettie Cronje, Kevin Jenneke, William Cawood and Vic van Heerden.
Good schools are truly created by passionate and capable teachers. We are an excellent school with an exceptional group of teachers and support staff. The School Governing Body salutes and celebrates the staff for a job well done.
I have learned that the family is obviously the first building block of stability and success, but modern families are constantly changing and are under threat – and schools, more and more, play the part of the extended family.
The school and its teachers take on roles that they were not originally designed to serve, putting the teachers at the centre of the pupil’s emotional development and well-being. Our teachers do much more than we expect of them and do go the extra mile.
The world’s foremost education specialists, reinforce what we already know - that of all the factors inside the school that affect children’s learning and achievement, the most important is the teacher – not standards, not assessment, not resources or even the school’s leadership, but the quality of the teacher and the relationship they have with their students.
As they say, it takes a village to raise a child!
Our students do well out there and excel in all fields, both locally and abroad.
At CBHS, we allow our students to express themselves, to be individuals and to have an opinion.
In fact, this school celebrates individuality. There is something different at Camps Bay High and to this end, we are proud of it! It is what we refer to as: “The Camps Bay way”.
You have ALL made us proud, you have left your mark, you know how to think and you have the choice of what to think.
Please work diligently for these next few weeks. Matric exams are possibly the most important exams you’ll ever sit for. So much in the future, rides on these results.
You leave this establishment with the ethos and values instilled in you by our talented staff and your own intuition. You have gained life skills which will serve you for years to come. Extend yourself and strive for the highest. If you want it badly enough, go out and get it – you have been given those vital tools to guarantee success.
Go on and do what you love and love what you do, with pride, passion and all your heart. Tell those who ask, what it is that you do, WITH PRIDE
Author Edmond Lee once said:
“Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see the greatness within you, even when you don’t see it yourself.”
Education does not stop after you leave school or graduate from a college or University. It does not finish once you finish your apprentice, your tutelage, your Masters, or PhD. Accumulation of Knowledge is a moral duty, it is not just something you do to advance in life.
Some thoughts for your consideration going forward:
Thank you
Colin Harvey
Chairman’s Report for the School Governing Body
Presented by Colin Harvey (Chairman) for “Celebration” held at Camps Bay High School on Thursday, 15th October 2015 at 18h30Mr and Mrs de Korte, Mr and Mrs Mostert, Head Prefect Alexia Abramson, Deputy Head Prefects Connor Jackson and Jessica Way, Head of RCL Inca Horn, the great teachers of this institution, students of Camps Bay High, Ladies and Gentlemen.
Tonight we celebrate the work undertaken by the students of this school, however there are a number of formalities that need to be completed before the festivities commence.
To Victor van Heerden and his team, a congratulations for putting together an awesome event in the facility in which we now sit and a round of applause please.
I report as follows:
Governing Body
As you are all aware, at the March of 2015, a new school governing body election took place, effective for the following 3 years:I can report that Camps Bay High has an energetic, highly motivated and efficient Governing Body made up of dedicated parents, teachers, support staff and students in keeping with the constitution of the School Governing Body foundation.
In these positions are:
Francesco Mariola (Deputy Chair), Brian Williams (Treasurer), Werner Thetard, Alten Hulme, Michele Harvey, Paula Valadas, Ingrid Van Dieman and myself, representing the parent body;
David de Korte (our Principal), Louis Mostert, Janette Burger, Representing the Teacher Body and Academic staff; Victor van Heerden, Representing the non-academic staff; Head prefect Alexia Abramson, Deputy Head Prefects Connor Jackson and Jessica Way, Head of RCL Inca Horn, representing the pupils. Staff in supporting roles on the SGB, include Vivienne Ashcroft, Lynette Olivier and Stacey-Lee Ford.
The Governing Body through its varying sub-committees oversees the policies, curriculum, teaching, learning, buildings, facilities, finances, and also addresses a multitude of other issues that are brought to the attention of the Governing Body. I am indebted to all the members of the Governing Body for the time, commitment, professionalism, dedication and efforts put into the school. This is not just a case
of attending ten 4-hour meetings throughout the year! It truly is an all-encompassing role that these individuals participate in, well in excess of normal working hours!
AGM 2016 and Beyond
It is customary for a school such as ours to hold an Annual General Meeting and Budget Meeting, so may I take this opportunity to invite you all to the School AGM and Budget Meeting “2016 and Beyond” to be held in the School Hall on the 18 November 2015 at 5 o’clock for a full presentation of the strategies and projects identified for implementation by the SGB.These projects will add huge value to the school’s current offering and I promise you all an insightful presentation. It will give you an excellent view as to what is possibly in store for our school.
However, an abridged version of Projects completed by the SGB and the parent volunteer programme thus far include:
- The upgrade of the Staff bathrooms;
- The floor tiling in the passages;
- The new sound and lighting room at the back of the hall.
- Various garden projects;
- The Matric Garden;
- The installation of additional benches.
Projects agreed to and in the planning stages include:
- Four additional new classrooms to be built as an extension to the Art Wing, and
- A brand new Home Economics facility,
- On the fund-raising side we are in negotiations and anticipate holding a Sunset Symphony Concert over the weekend of the Argus Cycle Tour, 2016. This we hope will be embraced by all and become an annual fund-raising event! Our partners and the SGB anticipate an event that will attract over 2500 people.
Ingrid Van Diemen
At this time, I would like to pay special tribute to Ingrid van Diemen, mom of Inge van Diemen (who matriculated in 2014), and to Andrew van Diemen (a Matric pupil and Prefect here tonight). Ingrid has unwaveringly served the SGB for four years, while also in an executive position at ETV. She took on the difficult task of chair of the Disciplinary Sub-Committee and has served this portfolio with great firmness but always in a fair and quietly-spoken manner. She has focused on all aspects of each incident and has always paid special attention to the pupil and the circumstances surrounding the incident. She has ensured that support be given where necessary to the pupil should it be required, in finding better ways to cope or deal with aspects of their lives which are not in keeping with our firm, and very detailed Code of Conduct. Ingrid will be leaving us this year as Andrew writes his final Matric exam and she will be missed, not only for her generosity of spirit but her professionalism, her incredible smile, positive attitude and infectious laugh.The chair of the Discipline Committee is not an easy position to fill and I am delighted that Francesco Mariola of the School Governing Body and father of Riccardo in Grade 8 and Mattia in Grade 11, will be taking over this portfolio and I think the entire SGB will support me when I say this portfolio is transferring into very capable hands.
To the Executive:
The School Governing Body salutes you, David and Louis, for your commitment and leadership. Both of you are responsible for the ethos of this caring establishment. You allow the pupils to soar and offer encouragement to all students in pursuit of their passions. More importantly, you allow each individual an environment in which to express themselves.Our thanks also go to the executive management committee who run the school on a day-to-day basis together with Dave and Louis. They are: Ettie Cronje, Kevin Jenneke, William Cawood and Vic van Heerden.
To the Teaching Body at Camps Bay High School:
I commend you all for a job well done!Good schools are truly created by passionate and capable teachers. We are an excellent school with an exceptional group of teachers and support staff. The School Governing Body salutes and celebrates the staff for a job well done.
I have learned that the family is obviously the first building block of stability and success, but modern families are constantly changing and are under threat – and schools, more and more, play the part of the extended family.
The school and its teachers take on roles that they were not originally designed to serve, putting the teachers at the centre of the pupil’s emotional development and well-being. Our teachers do much more than we expect of them and do go the extra mile.
The world’s foremost education specialists, reinforce what we already know - that of all the factors inside the school that affect children’s learning and achievement, the most important is the teacher – not standards, not assessment, not resources or even the school’s leadership, but the quality of the teacher and the relationship they have with their students.
As they say, it takes a village to raise a child!
To the School:
This school creates top-class young South Africans, well prepared to meet the challenges that may come their way and well-skilled to cope with any under-graduate academic challenges should an individual, so choose.Our students do well out there and excel in all fields, both locally and abroad.
At CBHS, we allow our students to express themselves, to be individuals and to have an opinion.
In fact, this school celebrates individuality. There is something different at Camps Bay High and to this end, we are proud of it! It is what we refer to as: “The Camps Bay way”.
To the Prefects of 2016:
You have risen to the occasion, believed in yourself and put yourself forward to be elected by your peers. We the governors commend you on this valiant commitment. It was once said “those who believe in themselves and put themselves forward will be respected by their peers in turn”. As representatives of Camps Bay High School, you have truly seized the day. Take responsibility of your individual portfolios, work as a team, but make it a memorable year.To the Prefects & Matric Students 2015:
The School Governing Body celebrates you, Alexia Abrahamson our Head Prefect, the Prefects and the Matriculants of 2015 for a great year.You have ALL made us proud, you have left your mark, you know how to think and you have the choice of what to think.
Please work diligently for these next few weeks. Matric exams are possibly the most important exams you’ll ever sit for. So much in the future, rides on these results.
You leave this establishment with the ethos and values instilled in you by our talented staff and your own intuition. You have gained life skills which will serve you for years to come. Extend yourself and strive for the highest. If you want it badly enough, go out and get it – you have been given those vital tools to guarantee success.
Go on and do what you love and love what you do, with pride, passion and all your heart. Tell those who ask, what it is that you do, WITH PRIDE
Author Edmond Lee once said:
“Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see the greatness within you, even when you don’t see it yourself.”
Education does not stop after you leave school or graduate from a college or University. It does not finish once you finish your apprentice, your tutelage, your Masters, or PhD. Accumulation of Knowledge is a moral duty, it is not just something you do to advance in life.
Some thoughts for your consideration going forward:
- Create and Build curiosity;
- Do think out the box, ask what is/was the box;
- Explore new ideas and insights;
- Learn to connect different ideas, together to create whole new ones;
- Be aware of key drivers of the future and what they will mean;
- Think and look for non-obvious insights and ideas;
- Read as much as you can, as wide a variety of content as you can;
- Ask “WHY?” often;
- Be creative;
- Be open;
- Be passionate;
- Be relentless in pursuing your dreams.
- Keep failure in perspective;
- Success is typically built on a series of failures or lessons learned. Successful people learn from their failures every day and recognise that so long as they do, they are still on the road to success;
- The outcome WILL be worth all the effort, sweat and tears but ensure that you have fun along the way;
- Remember, Albert Einstein was expelled from Technical School and Elvis Presley was written off as a kid with greasy hair and no future;
- Be happy to build a few careers;
- Add value to society, build empathy and leave the world a better place than the way you found it – in EVERY way;
- So, please look around the room at all our matric and pupils who have either achieved tonight or on their way to achieving remarkable success. I would offer all of you one simple irrevocable secret to a happy fulfilled life, don’t wait until your finished school, finished your apprenticeship, finished a degree, got married, had children or any other milestone you are waiting to accomplish before you can make a difference in someone’s life;
- Remember success is not all about the money!;
- Above all, remain humble.
Thank you
Colin Harvey
Saturday, October 3, 2015
CBHS Newsletter 29 of 2 Oct '15
The 29th Camps Bay High School Newsletter, of 2 October 2015, is extracted below.
Download it as a PDF file ‹‹here››.
Friday, October 2, 2015
CBHS Sports & Cultural Awards Dinner - 1 Oct '15
On Thursday, 1 October 2015, the annual Sports and Cultural Awards Dinner was held in the Camps Bay High School Hall. All of the Sports and Cultural achievers were recognised at a spectacular evening. The decorated Hall looked amazing and a huge congratulations goes to the Camps Bay High School Catering Society for providing an amazing dinner!
To see more photos, click ‹‹here››.
To see more photos, click ‹‹here››.
CBHS Cross Country Event - 1 Oct '15
To complete the Third Term at Camps Bay High School, the annual Cross Country event was held on Thursday, 1 October 2015. The route started at the High School and continued through the Big Glen in Camps Bay.
To see more photos, click ‹‹here››.
To see more photos, click ‹‹here››.
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