The Camps Bay High School Newsletter 33 of 31 October 2014 is extracted below.
For a PDF file of the complete newsletter, click ‹‹here››.
Friday, October 31, 2014
CBHS Gr 12 Drama Exam - 20 Oct '14
The Grade Twelve Drama Examinations took place recently in October 2014. The Matric Drama students are to be congratulated on a very high standard of performance.
Photos by Kiri Roussopoulos.
To see more photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››.
Photos by Kiri Roussopoulos.
To see more photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
CBHS Grade 8 Tests, Projects & Assignments Calendar - Fourth Term 2014
The Grade 8 calendar for Tests, Projects and Assignments for the Fourth Term of 2014 at Camps Bay High School is extracted below.
To download a printable PDF file of the Grade 8 calendar, click ‹‹here››.
To download a printable PDF file of the Grade 8 calendar, click ‹‹here››.
CBHS Grade 9 Tests, Projects & Assignments Calendar - Fourth Term 2014
The Grade 9 calendar for Tests, Projects and Assignments for the Fourth Term of 2014 at Camps Bay High School is extracted below.
To download a printable PDF file of the Grade 9 calendar, click ‹‹here››.
To download a printable PDF file of the Grade 9 calendar, click ‹‹here››.
CBHS Grade 10 Tests, Projects & Assignments Calendar - Fourth Term 2014
The Grade 10 calendar for Tests, Projects and Assignments for the Fourth Term of 2014 at Camps Bay High School is extracted below.
To download a printable PDF file of the Grade 10 calendar, click ‹‹here››.
To download a printable PDF file of the Grade 10 calendar, click ‹‹here››.
CBHS Grade 11 Tests, Projects & Assignments Calendar - Fourth Term 2014
The Grade 11 calendar for Tests, Projects and Assignments for the Fourth Term of 2014 at Camps Bay High School is extracted below.
To download a printable PDF file of the Grade 11 calendar, click ‹‹here››.
To download a printable PDF file of the Grade 11 calendar, click ‹‹here››.
Monday, October 27, 2014
CBHS Grade 8 Exam Timetable - Fourth Term 2014
The Fourth Term Exams Timetable for the Grade Eight's of Camps Bay High School is extracted below.
For a high-resolution PDF file of this timetable and Grade Eight-specific notes, click ‹‹here››.
For a high-resolution PDF file of this timetable and Grade Eight-specific notes, click ‹‹here››.
CBHS Grade 9 Exam Timetable - Fourth Term 2014
The Fourth Term Exams Timetable for the Grade Nine's of Camps Bay High School is extracted below.
For a high-resolution PDF file of this timetable and Grade Nine-specific notes, click ‹‹here››.
For a high-resolution PDF file of this timetable and Grade Nine-specific notes, click ‹‹here››.
CBHS Grade 10 Exam Timetable - Fourth Term 2014
The Fourth Term Exams Timetable for the Grade Ten's of Camps Bay High School is extracted below.
For a high-resolution PDF file of this timetable and Grade Ten-specific notes, click ‹‹here››.
For a high-resolution PDF file of this timetable and Grade Ten-specific notes, click ‹‹here››.
CBHS Grade 11 Exam Timetable - Fourth Term 2014
The Fourth Term Exams Timetable for the Grade Eleven's of Camps Bay High School is extracted below.
For a high-resolution PDF file of this timetable and Grade Eleven specific notes, click ‹‹here››.
For a high-resolution PDF file of this timetable and Grade Eleven specific notes, click ‹‹here››.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
CBHS Matric Exams Timetable - Fourth Term 2014
The final matric Exams Timetable for 2014 is extracted below.
For a high-resolution PDF file of this timetable, click ‹‹here››.
For a high-resolution PDF file of this timetable, click ‹‹here››.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
CBHS Newsletter 32 of 24 Oct '14
The Camps Bay High School Newsletter 32 of 24 October 2014 is extracted below.
For a high-resolution PDF file of this timetable, click ‹‹here››.
For a high-resolution PDF file of this timetable, click ‹‹here››.
Monday, October 20, 2014
CBHS Sports Fixtures Calendars Fourth Term - Oct '14
The Sports Fixtures Calendars for the Fourth Term of 2014 at Camps Bay High School are extracted below.
To download a high resolution PDF file for printing, from Google Drive, click ‹‹here››.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
CBHS Valedictory Article - 18 Oct '14
The following moving essay is by CBHS matric student, Michaela Atherton. You can download it as a PDF file ‹‹here››. For the article on the CBHS Valedictory Assembly, click ‹‹here››
Who We Are
I'm tired of running, I'm tired of feeling, I'm tired of breathing because I'm exhausted, My heart doesn't know how to beat, my brain doesn't know what to think and its sad because I'm only 18. We're young wild and free because YOLO, you only live once and you only love once and everybody can see that that it’s just an excuse to make bad decisions and assume that we'll be forgiven but we all use it, the most common excuse in the book: "But we're the human race" We make mistakes, we lie, we cheat, we steal, we invent, we destroy, we try, we fail, we fight, we kill, we're stupidly sophisticated in the most intoxicated way and everyone is exactly the same. We are human.
We lie to make that truth a reality because anything is better than facing it because the cold hard truth results in frost bite and can freeze your whole world and crush it into tiny, microscopic pieces that we call diamonds.
The only escape from this human infection is a simple blade to the throat, the decision to sink and not float, to fall and not soar to run and hide because the all seeing eyes of this so called god has you on his radar.
We spend our whole lives trying to find love, light, passion and intensity, we fight for these so called rights that enable us to speak our minds but are trapped behind the bars of fear to truly preach the truth because when it comes out the moment of intensity is like a punch in the face and you can say is: "I'm sorry", "I'm sorry for being born, for breathing, for crying, for feeling, for chasing this unrealistic perception of the "perfect relationship", the "perfect friend group." And the "ideal life" but screwing it up the minute I hold it in my hands like a new born child.
And so for that I am sorry for, running, for jumping, for over eating, for starving myself, for twisting my emotions into knots that are tied to keep my body in one piece, for making myself vomit out the pain because I can’t keep it in anymore.
I'm sorry for not having a plan, for not taking a stand, for being a follower and not a leader for being a directioner and not a belieber, for being consumed by flashing images on my television screen for following voices that boom out of the radio stream. For not being fast enough, for not soaring high enough, for not being smart enough, for not being pretty enough, for not being skinny enough for never being tall enough to measure up to the unrealistic standards of this twisted society. I am sorry for being me.
But now I will stop apologizing because I'm wasting my breath, I'm going to, instead, say that I will start hoping, because that's something we lost in the dark when we turned off our humanity.
I have hope that I will learn, I will soar and will be forgiven. That I will swim and not sink to the bottom of the emptiness we call doubt, that I will not label every mistake I will ever make with the excuse with "I'm only human."
I need to realize when I'm wrong, when I've screwed up, when I've hurt somebody else and know when enough is enough. I am hopeful that we will appreciate everyday just as I did every rose you gave me, that we will get lost in fields of sunflowers just as we have in our insanity.
I am hopeful that we will not lie, cheat or steal because nobody should be labeled as slut, whore, home wrecker, player, friend hater, trouble maker, game changer and heart taker.
We must realize that we are not merely human, we are extraordinary, we are beautiful, we're allowed to be wrong when being right isn't an option, we're allowed to be hopeful, to be doubtful and to want to start again when its game over.
We need to accept that everything we have, everyone we meet and everything we do shape’s our lives and creates a figure we call "the future." Put that figure up in the galleries, make it into a boat and set sail across the vast ocean of opportunity. Love everything, no matter how hard, feel every moment as it comes and learn, not like you would from a textbook but from your footsteps, make sure the trail you make and the steps you take are worth taking.
Speak when words are needed and learn to appreciate the silence when words are not required and accept that we are the human race yeah we make mistakes but it really isn't a race at all, nobody should count down the days, until this beautiful life is over. We are fragile but we are also insanely strong, we have no freaking idea where we belong but I ask you to stop and to learn to gaze at the stars because at the end of the day, that's just who we are.
Michaela Atherton
Who We Are
I'm tired of running, I'm tired of feeling, I'm tired of breathing because I'm exhausted, My heart doesn't know how to beat, my brain doesn't know what to think and its sad because I'm only 18. We're young wild and free because YOLO, you only live once and you only love once and everybody can see that that it’s just an excuse to make bad decisions and assume that we'll be forgiven but we all use it, the most common excuse in the book: "But we're the human race" We make mistakes, we lie, we cheat, we steal, we invent, we destroy, we try, we fail, we fight, we kill, we're stupidly sophisticated in the most intoxicated way and everyone is exactly the same. We are human.
We lie to make that truth a reality because anything is better than facing it because the cold hard truth results in frost bite and can freeze your whole world and crush it into tiny, microscopic pieces that we call diamonds.
The only escape from this human infection is a simple blade to the throat, the decision to sink and not float, to fall and not soar to run and hide because the all seeing eyes of this so called god has you on his radar.
We spend our whole lives trying to find love, light, passion and intensity, we fight for these so called rights that enable us to speak our minds but are trapped behind the bars of fear to truly preach the truth because when it comes out the moment of intensity is like a punch in the face and you can say is: "I'm sorry", "I'm sorry for being born, for breathing, for crying, for feeling, for chasing this unrealistic perception of the "perfect relationship", the "perfect friend group." And the "ideal life" but screwing it up the minute I hold it in my hands like a new born child.
And so for that I am sorry for, running, for jumping, for over eating, for starving myself, for twisting my emotions into knots that are tied to keep my body in one piece, for making myself vomit out the pain because I can’t keep it in anymore.
I'm sorry for not having a plan, for not taking a stand, for being a follower and not a leader for being a directioner and not a belieber, for being consumed by flashing images on my television screen for following voices that boom out of the radio stream. For not being fast enough, for not soaring high enough, for not being smart enough, for not being pretty enough, for not being skinny enough for never being tall enough to measure up to the unrealistic standards of this twisted society. I am sorry for being me.
But now I will stop apologizing because I'm wasting my breath, I'm going to, instead, say that I will start hoping, because that's something we lost in the dark when we turned off our humanity.
I have hope that I will learn, I will soar and will be forgiven. That I will swim and not sink to the bottom of the emptiness we call doubt, that I will not label every mistake I will ever make with the excuse with "I'm only human."
I need to realize when I'm wrong, when I've screwed up, when I've hurt somebody else and know when enough is enough. I am hopeful that we will appreciate everyday just as I did every rose you gave me, that we will get lost in fields of sunflowers just as we have in our insanity.
I am hopeful that we will not lie, cheat or steal because nobody should be labeled as slut, whore, home wrecker, player, friend hater, trouble maker, game changer and heart taker.
We must realize that we are not merely human, we are extraordinary, we are beautiful, we're allowed to be wrong when being right isn't an option, we're allowed to be hopeful, to be doubtful and to want to start again when its game over.
We need to accept that everything we have, everyone we meet and everything we do shape’s our lives and creates a figure we call "the future." Put that figure up in the galleries, make it into a boat and set sail across the vast ocean of opportunity. Love everything, no matter how hard, feel every moment as it comes and learn, not like you would from a textbook but from your footsteps, make sure the trail you make and the steps you take are worth taking.
Speak when words are needed and learn to appreciate the silence when words are not required and accept that we are the human race yeah we make mistakes but it really isn't a race at all, nobody should count down the days, until this beautiful life is over. We are fragile but we are also insanely strong, we have no freaking idea where we belong but I ask you to stop and to learn to gaze at the stars because at the end of the day, that's just who we are.
Michaela Atherton
CBHS Valedictory Assembly - 17 Oct '14
On Friday 17 October 2014, Camps Bay High School bad farewell to the Matric Class of 2014. As ever, it was an emotional experience for some to have to say to take their leave of the school and people that have played so significant a role in their time here.
We wish all our Matrics every success with their final examinations and very good luck in their future endeavours.
To see more photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››.
For a moving Valedictory essay written by matric student Michaela Atherton, click ‹‹here››.
We wish all our Matrics every success with their final examinations and very good luck in their future endeavours.
To see more photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››.
For a moving Valedictory essay written by matric student Michaela Atherton, click ‹‹here››.
CBHS Parent Volunteer Initiative - Oct '14
An exciting initiative, the Parent Volunteer Initiative, is being launched to assist our school achieve its long term goals.
For the complete PDF file version of this document, click ‹‹here››.
For the complete PDF file version of this document, click ‹‹here››.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
CBHS Prefects - Oct '14
At the recent Camps Bay High School Celebration Assembly, the prefects for 2015 were announced. Here they are:
Head Prefect:
Alexia Abramson
Allie Metcalfe
Allegra Liltved
Andrew Bright
Andrew Van Diemen
Bongiwe Mngomezulu
Connor Jackson
Daniel Pelman
Elena Piller
Hannah Fagan
Jason Loggenberg
Jessica Way
Katelyn Jones
Kelly Glover
Klaudia Riviere
Laylah Sujee
Nabeel Soeker
Rubinho Mulungo
Simanye Rorwana
Stelio Petrou
Yuri Robbertze
Zoe Gadeyne
Thursday, October 16, 2014
CBHS Celebration Assembly - 15 Oct '14
On Wednesday 15 October 2014, Camps Bay High School's annual Celebration awards ceremony took place. The evening event was held in recognition of our academic achievers and was a wonderful showcase of our talent at the school. Congratulations to all the achievers, whose very hard work work is acknowledged in the awards they received.
To see more photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››.

To see more photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››.

Friday, October 3, 2014
CBHS Newsletter 31 of 2 Oct '14
Camps Bay High School's Newsletter 31 of 2nd October 2014 is extracted below.
CBHS Cross Country - 2 Oct '14
The Camps Bay High School's annual Cross-Country run took place on Thursday 2 October 2014. The course started at the High School grounds and a very scenic run through the Camps Bay Glen was enjoyed by staff and pupils alike.
To see more photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››.
To see more photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››.
CBHS Past Pupils Union Newsletter - 2 Oct '14
Thursday, October 2, 2014
CBHS Sports & Culture Awards - 1 Oct '14
Camps Bay High School's annual Sports and Culture Awards Dinner took place at the Suikerbossie Restaurant on Wednesday, 1 October 2014. The evening was held in recognition of our Sports and Culture achievers. Congratulations to all the award winners!
To see more photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››.
To see more photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››.

CBHS Newsletter 30 of 2 Oct '14
Camps Bay High School's Newsletter 30 of 2nd October 2014 is extracted below.
To download the complete newsletter as a PDF file, click ‹‹here››.
To download the complete newsletter as a PDF file, click ‹‹here››.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
CBHS School Tuckshop Survey - Oct '14
The RCL recently asked the Governors to do a school survey of the School Tuckshop. Michele Harvey took up the job and drew up a survey for the pupils and staff. The results of the survey were shared with the school in an Assembly and a feedback session was held with the governors. A meeting was then held with Ardi to discuss the findings of the survey and discuss what changes needed to be made. The results of the survey have been put into graphs by Michele.
To download a higher-resolution PDF file of the survey, click ‹‹here››.
Further discussion of the results of this survey appears in the Camps Bay High School Newsletter 30 of 2nd October 2014, which can be found ‹‹here››.

To download a higher-resolution PDF file of the survey, click ‹‹here››.
Further discussion of the results of this survey appears in the Camps Bay High School Newsletter 30 of 2nd October 2014, which can be found ‹‹here››.

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