Thursday, January 31, 2013
CBHS Rocking Future Roadshow - 31 Jan '13
On Thursday 31 January 2013, the Rocking Future Roadshow visited Camps Bay High School. Various tertiary institutions were represented and they gave the Matrics an idea of the options available for their future vocational studies.
To see more photos of this event, on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››.
Photographs by Kiri Roussopoulos.
CBHS New Parents Evening - 30 Jan '13
On Wednesday, 30 January 2013, a special meeting was held for all parents of children new to Camps Bay High School. It was an evening of information, discussing what would be expected of parents and pupils at CBHS.
More photos on Flickr, click ‹‹here››.
Photographs by Kiri Roussopoulos.
Monday, January 28, 2013
CBHS Grade 8 Camp at Habonim - 25-27 Jan '13
The annual Grade 8 camp took place from Friday to Sunday, 25 - 27 January 2013, at the Habonim campsite near Hermanus. A huge thank you goes to all who made it a successful and enjoyable weekend for the new Grade 8's at Camps Bay High School.
To see more photos of this event, on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››.
To see more photos of this event, on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››.

Friday, January 25, 2013
CBHS Tests & Assignments Calendars - 1st Term '13
The Tests and Assignments Calendars, for Grades Eight, Nine, Ten and Eleven and Twelve in the First Term of 2013 at Camps Bay High School, have been extracted below. To download a printable PDF file of the calendar for your Grade, click on the appropriate links below:
Grade 8:
For the original PDF file of the Grade 8 Tests and Assignments Calendar for the First Term of 2013, on Google Drive, click ‹‹here››.
Grade 9:
For the original PDF file of the Grade 9 Tests and Assignments Calendar for the First Term of 2013, on Google Drive, click ‹‹here››.
Grade 10:
For the original PDF file of the Grade 10 Tests and Assignments Calendar for the First Term of 2013, on Google Drive, click ‹‹here››.
Grade 11:
For the original PDF file of the Grade 11 Tests and Assignments Calendar for the First Term of 2013, on Google Drive, click ‹‹here››.
Grade 12:
For the original PDF file of the Grade 12 Tests and Assignments Calendar for the First Term of 2013, on Google Drive, click ‹‹here››.
Grade 8:
For the original PDF file of the Grade 8 Tests and Assignments Calendar for the First Term of 2013, on Google Drive, click ‹‹here››.
Grade 9:
For the original PDF file of the Grade 9 Tests and Assignments Calendar for the First Term of 2013, on Google Drive, click ‹‹here››.
Grade 10:
For the original PDF file of the Grade 10 Tests and Assignments Calendar for the First Term of 2013, on Google Drive, click ‹‹here››.
Grade 11:
For the original PDF file of the Grade 11 Tests and Assignments Calendar for the First Term of 2013, on Google Drive, click ‹‹here››.
Grade 12:
For the original PDF file of the Grade 12 Tests and Assignments Calendar for the First Term of 2013, on Google Drive, click ‹‹here››.
CBHS Sports Fixtures for 1st Term - Jan '13
The Sports Fixtures Calendar for the First Term of 2013 at Camps Bay High School is extracted below.
To download a printable PDF file from Google Drive, click ‹‹here››.
To download a printable PDF file from Google Drive, click ‹‹here››.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
CBHS Method of Paying School Fees - Jan '13
It is very important that the attached form below (two pages), which concerns the method of paying the 2013 school fees, be completed by every family of pupils who attend Camps Bay High School.
To download this form in printable PDF Format from Google Drive, click ‹‹here››.
To see the actual school fees for 2013, click ‹‹here››.
To download this form in printable PDF Format from Google Drive, click ‹‹here››.
To see the actual school fees for 2013, click ‹‹here››.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013
CBHS Academic Assembly - 21 Jan '13
On Monday, 21 January 2013, all the Matrics of 2012 who excelled in their final examinations were invited back to a special Assembly to honour their achievements. The Assemby was followed by a special tea in the Seminar Room.
To see more photos of this event, on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››.
Photographs by Kiri Roussopoulos.

Sunday, January 20, 2013
CBHS Swimming Camp - 18/19 Jan '13
The annual Swimming Camp took place on Friday 18 January and Saturday 19 January 2013 at Camps Bay High School.
On Friday evening the pupils and staff enjoyed skating at the Grand West Ice Rink and the rest of the weekend was spent in training at Camps Bay High School and the Pavilion in Sea Point.
To see more photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››
Photos by Kiri Roussopoulos.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
CBHS Farewell Assembly for Peter Davey - 18 Jan '13
Camps Bay High School pupils and staff bad farewell to Mr Peter Davey at an Assembly held on Friday 18 January 2013.
Mr Davey has accepted a full-time music teaching post at another school and we wish him everything of the best in his new venture.
Photos by Kiri Roussopoulos.
To see more photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››
Mr Davey has accepted a full-time music teaching post at another school and we wish him everything of the best in his new venture.
Photos by Kiri Roussopoulos.
To see more photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››
Friday, January 18, 2013
CBHS Newsletter 1 - Jan '13
18 January 2013
Dear Parents
Welcome to the start of 2013. We have already run a few days of classes and your child should have their books, and some homework already. Work has started, and on Monday the Sports Programme starts with after-school activities. The First Term Sports Timetable can be found ‹‹here››.
Matric Results 2012:
I am very happy with the excellent results that our top performing pupils achieved. We achieved a total of 109 subject A’s, which is very similar to last year. In fact our pass rate last year was 97,1% and this year 96.8%. Rudolph de Girardier was our top achiever with an 89.1% average and six subject A’s.
The statistics give us nine "A" symbols, twenty "B" and thirty-three "C" symbols.
Some big performers were Fatima Mohammed, Rudolf de Girardier and Kieron van der Laar all of whom scored above 90% for Maths;
History celebrated ten A’s with Rudolf de Girardier on 95%;
Sapphra Abayomi achieved 89% for Art, narrowly missing 90% for the subject;
An impressive 32% of the Art Class attained an "A" symbol;
In Accounting, Kieron van der Laar achieved 90%, and Lyandra Jones came close with 89%;
In Geography, Denham Preen managed 95% and Kieron van der Laar 91%;
Drama also performed well with 32% of the class achieving A's and Sesane Seally and Luke van der Spuy both received 91%;
In Science we were delighted with the eight subject A's and the top performances of Fatima Mohammed on 95%, and with Kieron van der Laar and Rudolf de Girardier both coming in above 90%;
Economics also managed to get three pupils above 90%: Nicholas Ngcobo (95%), Luke van der Spuy (93%) and Stephen Hagglund (91%);
Our first Matric Dance Class did so well with all the pupils passing and two A's.
At the other end of the scale, we were disappointed that four of our pupils failed. We are hoping that they will pass on either the re-mark, or by actually re-writing the subjects they failed in the Supplementary Exams to be held in February.
I am pleased to be able to welcome three new teachers for this year. They are Mr Howell, as the new Counsellor, Ms Fawcett in Arts and Culture and Mr Mileham in Business Studies.
Mr Davey left at the very end of last year to take a post at a private school that serves the poorest of the poor. He has always wanted to work with children from this kind of background and so when the opportunity came, he jumped at it. We held a farewell Assembly for him today (Friday 18th January 2013) See the photos of this event ‹‹here›› .
A Reminder of The Rules:
Just some reminders regarding the School's rules...
Fetching and Carrying:
When dropping or fetching your child, by car, you may not drive onto the school grounds between 07h30 and 08h00, and again between 14h10 and 15h00 in the afternoon. All our pupils need to walk on the driveway when arriving and leaving from school, and having cars present at these times is very unsafe.
Dress Code:
Skinny chinos are not acceptable school uniform. We have noted this new fashion trend and the RCL approached the School Governing Body to consider this as uniform. The Governors have, after due consideration, turned down this request and so said skinny chinos are not part of the CBHS School Uniform. Tattoos seem to be very popular, however, no pupil may have a visible tattoo while in school uniform or while in casual clothes attending a school function.
We are introducing a minimum half-hour detention class after school for late coming on the day the pupil is late. We are hoping that this will motivate the habitual late-comers to arrive on time. If a pupil has a note from their parents giving a legitimate reason why they are late, then they will not have to do detention.
Mind the Gap and Careers Evening:
This is a reminder that this series of parent education talks recommences next week Tuesday 22 January. These talks are a must for all parents to discuss issues relating to teenagers today.
The programme is as follows:
Alcohol Use and Abuse – 22 January
Technology and Teens – 19 February
Teen Sex and Sexuality – 12 March
Drug Abuse – 26 March
Careers Evening:
Our annual Careers Evening will be held at Camps Bay High School on Tuesday 5 February. Parents and learners are encouraged to visit the tertiary institution exhibition and the talks by experts in various career fields.
Term Programme:
The First Term Programme is on the reverse side of (the printed version of) this newsletter. To see the on-line version, click ‹‹here››. We have made some small changes since the end of last term, and so this is the most up-to-date version.
Matric parents and pupils must please attend the Matric Meeting next week on 23rd January at 17h30. It will take just one hour and all will be home in time for supper.
All the best for a great 2013.
A Note from Nolly:
I just wanted to tell you the great news, one of my songs has been nominated for a Metro Fm award under the "Best Collaboration" category. The public get to vote and if I could get the Camps Bay High pupils and their family and friends voting that would mean a lot to me.
The voting details are: sms COLLABORATION, “Miza ft Noluthando Meje” to 34764.
Thank you!
Noluthando Meje
(an ex-Idol and pupil at CBHS)
please contact Karen Judge on 021-438-1611 or 082-468-6044
Employment Offered:
Position: Administrator / Bookings Secretary (a Part-time position, working from home)
A professional firm of Industrial Psychologists operating in the field of medico-legal consulting is looking for an experienced Administrator to handle all telephone and e-mail bookings with attorneys/advocates plus some general admin. Good PC- and organisational skills are a given requirement and excellent communication skills are essential, as this is the front-line person for the Association. This is a position that involves only approx 4-8 hours full time work per week but at the same time requires a person who is available for the normal office hours to take calls/schedule appointments etc. Also needs to be fully set up with a PC and internet at home but will have a business cell phone provided. This is a position for a person in their own business / stay-at-home mom who wants to add to their income or earn a small income. Please call Deborah Atkins on 021-438-2456 / 082-453-9105 or e-mail her with a motivation on
Private Tuition in English and Afrikaans:
please contact Anne Townsend on 021-461-9968 or 072-390-3842 or visit my website at
House Keeper:
Cathy is looking for a full-time job as a housekeeper. Please contact her on 071-953-6633
Professional Maintenance and Services
All those little things you just don’t have time to do! NO JOB TOO SMALL!
Free quotes and guaranteed workmanship.
Please call: Charles on 021-674-1763 or 082-468-4198
or Howard on 072-600-9575
Dear Parents
Welcome to the start of 2013. We have already run a few days of classes and your child should have their books, and some homework already. Work has started, and on Monday the Sports Programme starts with after-school activities. The First Term Sports Timetable can be found ‹‹here››.
Matric Results 2012:
I am very happy with the excellent results that our top performing pupils achieved. We achieved a total of 109 subject A’s, which is very similar to last year. In fact our pass rate last year was 97,1% and this year 96.8%. Rudolph de Girardier was our top achiever with an 89.1% average and six subject A’s.
The statistics give us nine "A" symbols, twenty "B" and thirty-three "C" symbols.
Some big performers were Fatima Mohammed, Rudolf de Girardier and Kieron van der Laar all of whom scored above 90% for Maths;
History celebrated ten A’s with Rudolf de Girardier on 95%;
Sapphra Abayomi achieved 89% for Art, narrowly missing 90% for the subject;
An impressive 32% of the Art Class attained an "A" symbol;
In Accounting, Kieron van der Laar achieved 90%, and Lyandra Jones came close with 89%;
In Geography, Denham Preen managed 95% and Kieron van der Laar 91%;
Drama also performed well with 32% of the class achieving A's and Sesane Seally and Luke van der Spuy both received 91%;
In Science we were delighted with the eight subject A's and the top performances of Fatima Mohammed on 95%, and with Kieron van der Laar and Rudolf de Girardier both coming in above 90%;
Economics also managed to get three pupils above 90%: Nicholas Ngcobo (95%), Luke van der Spuy (93%) and Stephen Hagglund (91%);
Our first Matric Dance Class did so well with all the pupils passing and two A's.
At the other end of the scale, we were disappointed that four of our pupils failed. We are hoping that they will pass on either the re-mark, or by actually re-writing the subjects they failed in the Supplementary Exams to be held in February.
I am pleased to be able to welcome three new teachers for this year. They are Mr Howell, as the new Counsellor, Ms Fawcett in Arts and Culture and Mr Mileham in Business Studies.
Mr Davey left at the very end of last year to take a post at a private school that serves the poorest of the poor. He has always wanted to work with children from this kind of background and so when the opportunity came, he jumped at it. We held a farewell Assembly for him today (Friday 18th January 2013) See the photos of this event ‹‹here›› .
A Reminder of The Rules:
Just some reminders regarding the School's rules...
Fetching and Carrying:
When dropping or fetching your child, by car, you may not drive onto the school grounds between 07h30 and 08h00, and again between 14h10 and 15h00 in the afternoon. All our pupils need to walk on the driveway when arriving and leaving from school, and having cars present at these times is very unsafe.
Dress Code:
Skinny chinos are not acceptable school uniform. We have noted this new fashion trend and the RCL approached the School Governing Body to consider this as uniform. The Governors have, after due consideration, turned down this request and so said skinny chinos are not part of the CBHS School Uniform. Tattoos seem to be very popular, however, no pupil may have a visible tattoo while in school uniform or while in casual clothes attending a school function.
We are introducing a minimum half-hour detention class after school for late coming on the day the pupil is late. We are hoping that this will motivate the habitual late-comers to arrive on time. If a pupil has a note from their parents giving a legitimate reason why they are late, then they will not have to do detention.
Mind the Gap and Careers Evening:
This is a reminder that this series of parent education talks recommences next week Tuesday 22 January. These talks are a must for all parents to discuss issues relating to teenagers today.
The programme is as follows:
Alcohol Use and Abuse – 22 January
Technology and Teens – 19 February
Teen Sex and Sexuality – 12 March
Drug Abuse – 26 March
Careers Evening:
Our annual Careers Evening will be held at Camps Bay High School on Tuesday 5 February. Parents and learners are encouraged to visit the tertiary institution exhibition and the talks by experts in various career fields.
Term Programme:
The First Term Programme is on the reverse side of (the printed version of) this newsletter. To see the on-line version, click ‹‹here››. We have made some small changes since the end of last term, and so this is the most up-to-date version.
Matric parents and pupils must please attend the Matric Meeting next week on 23rd January at 17h30. It will take just one hour and all will be home in time for supper.
All the best for a great 2013.
A Note from Nolly:
I just wanted to tell you the great news, one of my songs has been nominated for a Metro Fm award under the "Best Collaboration" category. The public get to vote and if I could get the Camps Bay High pupils and their family and friends voting that would mean a lot to me.
The voting details are: sms COLLABORATION, “Miza ft Noluthando Meje” to 34764.
Thank you!
Noluthando Meje
(an ex-Idol and pupil at CBHS)
please contact Karen Judge on 021-438-1611 or 082-468-6044
Employment Offered:
Position: Administrator / Bookings Secretary (a Part-time position, working from home)
A professional firm of Industrial Psychologists operating in the field of medico-legal consulting is looking for an experienced Administrator to handle all telephone and e-mail bookings with attorneys/advocates plus some general admin. Good PC- and organisational skills are a given requirement and excellent communication skills are essential, as this is the front-line person for the Association. This is a position that involves only approx 4-8 hours full time work per week but at the same time requires a person who is available for the normal office hours to take calls/schedule appointments etc. Also needs to be fully set up with a PC and internet at home but will have a business cell phone provided. This is a position for a person in their own business / stay-at-home mom who wants to add to their income or earn a small income. Please call Deborah Atkins on 021-438-2456 / 082-453-9105 or e-mail her with a motivation on
Private Tuition in English and Afrikaans:
please contact Anne Townsend on 021-461-9968 or 072-390-3842 or visit my website at
House Keeper:
Cathy is looking for a full-time job as a housekeeper. Please contact her on 071-953-6633
Professional Maintenance and Services
All those little things you just don’t have time to do! NO JOB TOO SMALL!
Free quotes and guaranteed workmanship.
Please call: Charles on 021-674-1763 or 082-468-4198
or Howard on 072-600-9575
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
CBHS Summer Sports Extra-mural Programme - 1st Term '13
The Summer Sports Extra-Mural Programme for the First Term of 2013 at Camps Bay High School is extracted below.
To download a printable PDF file from Google Drive, click ‹‹here››.
Monday, January 14, 2013
CBHS Events Calendar - 4th Term '13
The Camps Bay High School's Fourth Term events calendar for 2013 is extracted below. Please click ‹‹here›› to download a PDF of the 2013 Fourth Term events calendar.

CBHS Events Calendar - 3rd Term '13
The Camps Bay High School's Third Term events calendar for 2013 is extracted below. Please click ‹‹here›› to download a PDF of the 2013 Second Term events calendar.

CBHS Events Calendar - 2nd Term '13
The Camps Bay High School's Second Term events calendar for 2013 is extracted below. Please click ‹‹here›› to download a PDF of the 2013 Second Term events calendar.

CBHS Events Calendar - 1st Term '13
The Camps Bay High School's First Term events calendar for 2013 is extracted below.
Please click ‹‹here›› to download a PDF of the 2013 First Term events calendar.
(Please note that this calendar has been revised as of 15 January 2013, and replaces the previous version).
Please click ‹‹here›› to download a PDF of the 2013 First Term events calendar.
(Please note that this calendar has been revised as of 15 January 2013, and replaces the previous version).
Sunday, January 13, 2013
CBHS Matric Results for 2012 - Jan '13
Here are the Camps Bay High School's Matriculation Exam results for 2012:
Rudolph de Girardier 89,1%
Fatima Mohamed 85,6%
Kieron van de Laar 85,3%
Stephen Hagglund 81,4%
Luke van der Spuy 81,3%
Tomas Bruce Chwatt 80.7%
Lyandra Jones 80.4%
Rebekka Vaisanen 80.0%
Lucia Schlemmer 79.6%
Nicholas Ngcobo 79.1%
Sesanye Sealy 78.9%
Jessica Burger 78.7%
Sapphira Abayomi 77.1%
Amy Burger 75.6%
Aaqib Simons 75.0%
Ninah Hendricks 74.7%
Megan Davies 74.6%
BACHELORS (University Entrance):
Abrahams, Maajidah
Acey, Tara
Ackerman, Kyla
Ackermann, Tegan
Adams, Stacy
Arlotti, Nico
Bawuti, Mpathontle
Booi, Aquila
Booley, Jehaan
Bremer, Jo
Brocklebank, Bianca
Carney, James
Coetzee, Albert
Coopoo, Githan
deKorte, Justin
Dunlop, Cameron
Elion, Meghan
Fakier, Shareef
Fassie, Lisa
Frewen, Ryan
Garzouzie, Nina
Gomba, Carlvin
Gray, Daniel
Harris, Keaton
Harrison, Angelique
Hartog, Alexandra
Harvey, Matthew
Jakins, Lauren
Jansen, Matthew
Jelemsi, Xolani
Johnson Nair, Nesley
Kimani, Shallyne
Koch, Mitchell
Krohn, Cole
Kubheka, Mbali
Labuschagne, Bianca
Laires, Samantha
Latief, Ismail
Mapani, Piwai
Mkosi, Thabiso
Mntuyedwa, Sesethu
Mpande, Luvo
Ngqwemla, Lwando
Nicholas, Robin-Sue
Nyimba, Wezi
Pere, Ashleigh
Phillips, Kyle
Preen, Denham
Rakic, Tyla
Ridon, William
Roberths, Graham
Rothmann, Emma Jae
Samsodien, Benjamin
Scholten, Alexander
Schuldig, Saskia
Sebola, Amanda
Smith, Toni
Van den Berg, Kirsty
Van Duyn, Danielle
Van Heerden, Kate
Van Zyl, Danielle
Wadvalla, Shaheen
Way, Michael
Weideman, Tiffany
Wessels, Daniel
Wolman, Daniel
Ariefdien, Rushdi
Bischof, Sandro
Blandford, Taitum
Buirski, Benjamin
Bulo, Sakhile
Coetzee, Olivia
Davenall, Wayde
Davids, Chadlee
De Pinna, Damon
Dlilanga, Agnes
Fisher, Storm
Gershman, Darren
Hair, Gabriel
Harbourne, Olivia
Houlihan, Sheldon
Immenkamp, Maximilian
Josephs, Mischa
Konisani, Colly
Kraak, Aidan
Kroutz, Michael
Leponesa, Thandiwe
Mosdell, Caitlin
Napoleao, Christiano
Osner, Matthew
Patrick, Courtney
Phelane, Katleho
Philander, Caleb
Sampson, Mish-All
Shushu, Ntsika
Sikepe, Josten
Tom, Xolani
Tom, Xolile
Tshitshiba, Provinah
Breakfast, Nandipha
Hargitai, Jason
Meter, Ashanti
Somwahla, Tabo
Friday, January 4, 2013
CBHS Matric Exam Results - 3 Jan '13
On 3 January 2013, there was great excitement at Camps Bay High School when the 2012 Matric Results were released. The staff congratulate all the pupils on an excellent set of results.
To see more photos of this event on Camps Bay High School's photo site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››.
To see the actual 2012 Matric exam results, click ‹‹here››
To see more photos of this event on Camps Bay High School's photo site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››.
To see the actual 2012 Matric exam results, click ‹‹here››
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