7th December 2012
Dear Parents
This is the eighth and final Camps Bay High School's Newsletter for 2012. We were very happy with the pupils overall performance in these final exams. There were very few who will have to repeat their grades. On the other hand, many pupils ended the year with outstanding results.
We have just heard that Danielle Jacobson (Grade 11) has been announced as one of the Nationals winners of the Science Expo. She will now travel overseas next year to compete internationally. Congratulations to her!
Staff News:
At the end of the year it is always sad to say farewell to some teachers:
Ms Marlene Waltke, a student teacher from Germany has taught here for six months as part of the practical teaching component of her degree. She has taught Physical Education and Sport and has been a wonderful addition to the staff.
Mr Thomas Reisenberger returned in the Fourth Term after his round-the-world trip. He has filled in as a Maths teacher and also ran the ‘What’s The Big Idea’ project. As before, Mr Reisenberger, brought a lot of energy and interest into the classes he taught. Next year he begins his work as a lawyer.
Mr Bryn O’Reilly has been the counselor at Camps Bay High School for the last three years. In this position he has helped many pupils through counseling. He will be returning to University to continue with his studies towards qualifying as a psychologist. He has made an extremely valuable contribution to the school and will be sorely missed. We wish him all the best for 2013.
School Fees for 2013:
Please note that the school fees have been revised for next year. To see the new schedule of school fees for 2013, please click here:
Camps Bay High School's Top Fifteen:
The top fifteen students in each Grade for these exams are included below for your interest. Well done to these hard working pupils!:
Grade 11:
1. Andrea Colomobo
2. Danielle Jacobson
3. Samantha Osner
4. Ankia Visser
5. Kathryn Byrnes
6. Mayhew Steyn
7. Andy van den Berg
8. Waleed Isaacs
9. Mvelisi Mvandaba
10. Asonezwa Sitwebile
11. Luke Cassar
12. Benji Resnik
13. Miguel Inocentes
14. Soshanna Rudnick
15. Nicholas Claasens
Grade 10:
1. Maxine Beimel
2. Yahui Xu
3. Gabi Forence
4. Kiyan Van Rensburg
5. Bevan Geyser
6. Alison Green
7. Oliver de Bruin
8. Cullam Geyser
9. Shannon Florence
10. Thomas Carstens
11. Natan Brittz
12. Fabio Fehr
13. Maya Greyling
14. Guinevere Shapiro
15. Lolwethu Gubu
Grade 9:
1. Allegra Liltved
2. Jessica Way
3. Kelly Gloiver
4. Zoe Gadeyne
5. Hannah Fagan
6. Mohammed Mota
7. Laylah Sujee
8. Alexia Abramson
9. Katelyn Jones
10. La’eeqoh Mohamed
11. Anna Tchalov
12. Sara Davids
13. Connor de Wet
14. Isabella Hulme
15. Elena Piller
Grade 8:
1. Tobie Steyn
2. Kylie Brittz
3. Ubayd Bassier
4. Ashleigh Pearce
5. Jemma Cook
6. Lola Dollimore
7. Oscar van der Spuy
8. Siphosethu Fanti
9. Jenna Glover
10. Asemahle Mgogoshe
11. Mihlali Makunga
12. Roos Bakker
13. Vicky Knott
14. Caitlin Stoffels
15. Thamir Southgate
Next year starts on the 16th January and all pupils must be here at 07h55. They must arrive in the correct uniform, well groomed and equipped with the stationery needed to start work immediately. The first term programme is included for your planning. Also is a schedule of the school fees and some payment options.
I hope you all enjoy a well earned rest in the holidays and return rested and ready for the start of the new year.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
CBHS Photo Competition Winners - Dec '12
A recently held photographic competition at Camps Bay High School was well supported. The winners were announced at an Assembly.
We congratulate the following winners:
Winner: Andrew Cibriano - "Colourful Balls"
Runner-Up: Tarin Stein - "Sapphire Spiral"
Runner-Up: Meghan Elion - "Gold Balls"
Winner: Tarin Stein - "Bee"
Runner-Up: Robin Taylor - "Flowing Through"
Runner Up: Meghan Elion - "Grasses"
Winner: Meghan Elion
Runner-Up: Sarah Schumann
Runner Up: Robin Taylor - "Nick"
Meghan Elion, for her People entry.
Camps Bay High School thanks the following companies for having generously sponsored the prizes:
Fast Forward
To see the rest of the competition photographs on the Camps Bay Photo Site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››
We congratulate the following winners:
Winner: Andrew Cibriano - "Colourful Balls"
Runner-Up: Tarin Stein - "Sapphire Spiral"
Runner-Up: Meghan Elion - "Gold Balls"
Winner: Tarin Stein - "Bee"
Runner-Up: Robin Taylor - "Flowing Through"
Runner Up: Meghan Elion - "Grasses"
Winner: Meghan Elion
Runner-Up: Sarah Schumann
Runner Up: Robin Taylor - "Nick"
Meghan Elion, for her People entry.
Camps Bay High School thanks the following companies for having generously sponsored the prizes:
Fast Forward
To see the rest of the competition photographs on the Camps Bay Photo Site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››
Monday, December 3, 2012
CBHS Ted Baker Farewell - 1 Dec '12
On Saturday, 1 December 2012, the staff and invited guests met in the Seminar Room to bid Mr Ted Baker farewell after his many years of service at Camps Bay High School. The theme was Hawaiian and a special breakfast, prepared by the Grade 11 Consumer Class, was enjoyed by all.
To see more photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››.
To see more photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
CBHS Reunions for 1982, 1992 & 2002 - 24 Nov '12
On Saturday, 24 November 2012, the Camps Bay High School Matrics of 1982, 1992 and 2002 were all reunited back at their "old" school to reminisce about their school days.
A fun-filled evening was enjoyed by former and current teachers and the former pupils.
To see more photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››
A fun-filled evening was enjoyed by former and current teachers and the former pupils.
To see more photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››
Saturday, November 17, 2012
CBHS Waterpolo Clinic - 16 Nov '12
On Friday, 16 November 2012, Mr Dean Cottle (the teacher in charge of Camps Bay High School's Waterpolo activities) organised a clinic for the Grades Six and Seven pupils from Camps Bay Primary School. The afternoon included swimming training, teaching the pupils the basics of Waterpolo and the rules. The afternoon ended with a braai.
To see more photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School's photo site on Flickr, click here.
To see more photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School's photo site on Flickr, click here.
Friday, November 16, 2012
CBHS Achievers of 2012 - Nov '12
Camps Bay High School is justifiably proud of its achievers in the Academic, Cultural and Sporting fields. Here are some of this year's excellent students:
To view a high resolution PDF of this document from Google Drive, click here.
To view a high resolution PDF of this document from Google Drive, click here.
Friday, November 9, 2012
CBHS Head Prefect's Valedictory Speech - 9 Nov '12
Left: Matt Harvey, outgoing Head Prefect at Camps Bay High School delivers his valedictory speech at the Assembly.
Remembering our first steps through the school corridors, wearing our school uniforms with pride, putting the school badge on our chests will evoke feelings and emotions of courage, passion and bravery no obstacle could withstand. We, united under one banner, all fought for a common goal, a goal of perfection.
We as a Grade have had a common understanding, a belief, a happiness of what it means to be a family. We are all different, we all speak different languages, we all have different beliefs, but our hearts beat as one. Through this year, you the Matrics have given your all wherever and whenever it was needed the most.
Words cannot truly describe the essence of what you are, you are the kind of people who put service before self, and have lifted each other high, high on our own shoulder to new levels. Today we stand together, today we stand hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder ready to take the new leap into the unknown.
This year would not have been possible if it were not for three very special teachers:
Mr Tucker, you sir are a one of a kind. A gentleman, strict, firm and by-the-book, but always willing and ready to crack a joke. Your leadership and inspiration this year is an unrivalled testament to your dedication not only to Camps Bay High School but also to the students within.
To Mr Cottle, Sir, it has been an honour and a privilege to have had you as a perfect teacher, your ability to listen to all that we had to say and guide us through a very tough year; Sir - to you the Matrics owe so much. It is with our words that we say thank you because in time gifts will fade but words are eternal and the feeling and “gees” that you have brought to this year is second-to-none. Today we thank you because no one truly understands the hard work you really do.
To Miss Mobsby, Ma’am, I have struggled to find the right words that describe who you really are as a person, your beautiful, fun-loving self is what brought our Grade together. Your ability to see a frown and turn it upside down is amazing. Ma’am, today our Grade is a family, but in every family there has to be a mother, to serve and protect her children, to comfort and hold us when we have fallen, to cherish our success and help us build from our failures, from the Matric 2012 body, I thank you for being our mother.
There are words today that I have been dreading for a while, these words are good-bye, who knew the day would come when our days at school were over. There is no more Sport after school, no cultural slots to go to, no Assemblies, breaks, plays and extra lessons, we have to say goodbye today to many things, teachers and pupils but most of all we have to say goodbye to friends.
Through The Years
You helped me laugh
You dried my tears
Because of you I have no fears
Together we live
Together we grow
Teaching each other what we must know
You came in my life and I was blessed
I love you, friend
You are the best
Release my hand and say good-bye
Please, my friend, don't you cry
I promise you this is not the end
'cause like I said you're my friend.
Matrics finally I want to say: wherever the road may take you, wherever our feet may stray, take the road less-travelled. Learn, live and love for life is too short to do anything else, but always remember where you come from, remember what we have achieved, remember the friends, brothers and sisters sitting next to you today, but above all - remember the school beside the foam.
Matthew Harvey
Outgoing Head Prefect
CBHS Prefects' Assembly - 9 Nov '12
The newly-elected 2013 prefects of Camps Bay High School hosted their first Assembly on Friday, 9 November 2012. They introduced the heads of various portfolios and added an element of fun to the Assembly.

To see more photos of this event, on the Camps Bay High School's photo site on Flickr, click here.

To see more photos of this event, on the Camps Bay High School's photo site on Flickr, click here.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
CBHS Biology Pupils Win Diamond Award - 3 Nov '12
On, Saturday 3 November 2012, two Grade 11 pupils of Camps Bay High School - Mikaela Liltved and Ankia Visser - both received a Young Biologist "Diamond Award" certificate, having achieved over 90%. The course took nine months with over 45 hours of weekend service given at the Cape Town Aquarium.

To see more photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School's photo site on Flickr, click here.

To see more photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School's photo site on Flickr, click here.
Monday, October 29, 2012
CBHS Newsletter 9 - Oct '12
Dear Parents
Thank you for your support at our "Celebration". It was a proud moment as a school, as we came together to celebrate our past year's successes and to honour students who had performed well academically. At the end of the evening, we announced the new prefects and Matthew Harvey (2012 Head Prefect) and his 2012 prefects symbolically handed over their badges and passed the baton of the school leadership to the incoming prefects.
I am happy to announce the following pupils have been elected as our Prefects for 2013, even though they take office immediately.
Prefects of 2013:
Bright, Mark
Byrnes, Kathryn
Cassar, Luke
Colombo, Andrea (Deputy Head Prefect)
Ellemdeen, Fatima
Gulwa, Kanya
Horn, Nicole
Inocentes, Miguel
Isaacs, Waleed
Jacobson, Danielle
Liltved, Mikaela
McGregor, Kirstin
Osner, Samantha
Papas, Matthew
Pereira, Laura
Resnick, Benjamin (Deputy Head Prefect)
Seeber, Dominic
Sitwebile, Asongezwa
Taylor, Robin (Head Prefect)
Visser, Ankla
Williams, Shaquille
Witten, Dane
The Budget for 2013 will be presented to the parents at a meeting on 22 November 2012 at 18h00, in the School Hall. All parents are invited to attend and be part of the Budget 2013 approval process and consequently the School Fees for 2012 as well.
Two weeks before 22 November, parents are invited to ask the school for a copy of the proposed budget.
Since our previous newsletter, we were excited to learn of the achievements of some of our pupils. Well done to the following achievers:
Synchronised Figure Ice Skating:
Well done to Michaela Atherton and Jamaica-Rose Brunda of Grade Ten, both of whom are competing in the finals of the Provincial Figure Skating competition. While together they are doing really well in the Synchro competitions, both have also excelled as individuals, with Michaela achieving First Place in her grade, and Jamaica-Rose scoring a Second- and Third Place.
Mathhew Samuels won the Cape Inter-Provincial Championship. He improved his sessions best and won by a 10-mark difference. Matthew was also nominated for a special award, for the Most Artistic Skaer of 2012.
We were very pleased to learn that Oscar Armstrong of Grade Nine has been ranked Eighth in the work in the Under-18 Kiteboard Course Racing. Well done to him.
Santa's Shoebox Project:
Camps Bay Schools' pupils supported this initiative (see www.santashoebox.org.za) and put together no less than 149 "Santa Shoeboxes". Thanks to the drive and initiative of Maxine Beimel and her Interact committee. We hav been able to brighten the lives of 149 desperately poor people who will be the recipients of these generous gifts.
On Thursday, Maxine hands in the boxes at the NG Kerk in Kloof Street and then will be working there for about five days to assist with the co-ordination of this initiative.
Yours sincerely
Available: Weekdays 16h00 – 18h00
Weekends on arrangement
Fees: R200-00 per hour for one lesson; R600-00 (4 x one hour lessons)
Fees are payable in advance
Contact: Dr Linda Stephens for details
Come and join a group mat class for a FREE first-time trial. Visit www.lifepilates.co.za for further details, or contact Inge on 074-877-7387 to book yor slot.
Private tuition offered by qualified teacher in Hout Bay.
Phone Meryl on 084-803-7809 / 021-790-2892
Name: Marie de Kock
Tel: 021-465-2509, Cell: 073-244-8200
Stellenbosch University: B.A. (1960),
B.A.-honours (1962), M.A. (1990)
University of South Africa: H.E.D. (1977),
B. Ed. (1979)
Please contact Karen Judge on 021-438-1611 or 082-468-6044
Non-Surgical Lipo and RF treatments:
Eliminate Easter Buns! Book 3 or more sessions during April or May and pay only R200-00 per session (normal price R250-00)! Based in Vredehoek.
Maths lessons – R145-00 per session.

European qualified and internationally accredited instructors - Piano, Violin, Guitar & Singing & Drama/Musical Theatre. All ages welcome. Beginner & advanced levels (Trinity & Royal College of Music exams) Music private lessons allow for one-on-one instruction which includes performance, notation, theory, and technique. In addition Group lessons allow friends, siblings and classmates to experience the fun and joy of singing and playing music together in Camps Bay.
For more info contact us on 079-846-2079 or 076-889-2290
or e-mail: Studio.d.arte.capetown@gmail.com
Teacher offering private tutoring in all subjects including Afrikaans
at R150-00 per hour in the Atlantic Seaboard Area.
Kindly contact me at 079-301-6224
or e-mail: marykejansenvanrensburg@gmail.com for further information.
Please phone Anne Townsend for more info:
Cell: 072-390-3842
Tel: 021-461-9968
Company books, Tax Returns or anything else related.
Phone Cyril on 083-675-5309
Now open c/r Main and Ellis Roads, Sea Point
Oils, acrylics, canvases, brushes, pencils, craft paint, accessories.
Contact : Steven on 072-120-1222
Located in Sea Point.
For more information please phone Gillian Lasker Lourenco on 076-795-7828
or e-mail: Gillian.lourenco@gmail.com to join Gillian in the wonderful work of art – no previous experience is needed.
For children and grown-ups.
Please phone Zoe Burmeister on 021-438-9851
or e-mail: zoeleonore@gmail.com
Offering 20% discount on B+D sunglasses and reading glasses until end of September. For more information, please contact Gael Wise at B+D Readers, Sunglasses and Opticals.
Cell: 083-301-4895
Website: www.bplusd.com
If you want to be a Rock Star - for specialised training in Guitar, Piano, Voice and Song Writing, please contact Duncan on
Cellphone: 074-842-8444
E-mail: duncanebedes@yahoo.com
Website: www.myspace.com/duncanebedes
Please call Jenna Bergren on 074-823-3012 or via e-mail on jennabergren@gmail.com for more info.
Looking for an architect to draw up your plans for that renovation? Need advice on interior design and decor? Werner Van Blerk of W Design Studios offers a bespoke Architectural and Interior Design service, including draughting of building plans, council submissions, interior design and interior decor. Email Ursula on ursla@telkomsa.net or phone Werner on 083-234-1160.
Thank you for your support at our "Celebration". It was a proud moment as a school, as we came together to celebrate our past year's successes and to honour students who had performed well academically. At the end of the evening, we announced the new prefects and Matthew Harvey (2012 Head Prefect) and his 2012 prefects symbolically handed over their badges and passed the baton of the school leadership to the incoming prefects.
I am happy to announce the following pupils have been elected as our Prefects for 2013, even though they take office immediately.
Prefects of 2013:
Bright, Mark
Byrnes, Kathryn
Cassar, Luke
Colombo, Andrea (Deputy Head Prefect)
Ellemdeen, Fatima
Gulwa, Kanya
Horn, Nicole
Inocentes, Miguel
Isaacs, Waleed
Jacobson, Danielle
Liltved, Mikaela
McGregor, Kirstin
Osner, Samantha
Papas, Matthew
Pereira, Laura
Resnick, Benjamin (Deputy Head Prefect)
Seeber, Dominic
Sitwebile, Asongezwa
Taylor, Robin (Head Prefect)
Visser, Ankla
Williams, Shaquille
Witten, Dane
The Budget for 2013 will be presented to the parents at a meeting on 22 November 2012 at 18h00, in the School Hall. All parents are invited to attend and be part of the Budget 2013 approval process and consequently the School Fees for 2012 as well.
Two weeks before 22 November, parents are invited to ask the school for a copy of the proposed budget.
Since our previous newsletter, we were excited to learn of the achievements of some of our pupils. Well done to the following achievers:
Synchronised Figure Ice Skating:
Well done to Michaela Atherton and Jamaica-Rose Brunda of Grade Ten, both of whom are competing in the finals of the Provincial Figure Skating competition. While together they are doing really well in the Synchro competitions, both have also excelled as individuals, with Michaela achieving First Place in her grade, and Jamaica-Rose scoring a Second- and Third Place.
Mathhew Samuels won the Cape Inter-Provincial Championship. He improved his sessions best and won by a 10-mark difference. Matthew was also nominated for a special award, for the Most Artistic Skaer of 2012.
We were very pleased to learn that Oscar Armstrong of Grade Nine has been ranked Eighth in the work in the Under-18 Kiteboard Course Racing. Well done to him.
Santa's Shoebox Project:
Camps Bay Schools' pupils supported this initiative (see www.santashoebox.org.za) and put together no less than 149 "Santa Shoeboxes". Thanks to the drive and initiative of Maxine Beimel and her Interact committee. We hav been able to brighten the lives of 149 desperately poor people who will be the recipients of these generous gifts.
On Thursday, Maxine hands in the boxes at the NG Kerk in Kloof Street and then will be working there for about five days to assist with the co-ordination of this initiative.
Yours sincerely
Available: Weekdays 16h00 – 18h00
Weekends on arrangement
Fees: R200-00 per hour for one lesson; R600-00 (4 x one hour lessons)
Fees are payable in advance
Contact: Dr Linda Stephens for details
Come and join a group mat class for a FREE first-time trial. Visit www.lifepilates.co.za for further details, or contact Inge on 074-877-7387 to book yor slot.
Private tuition offered by qualified teacher in Hout Bay.
Phone Meryl on 084-803-7809 / 021-790-2892
Name: Marie de Kock
Tel: 021-465-2509, Cell: 073-244-8200
Stellenbosch University: B.A. (1960),
B.A.-honours (1962), M.A. (1990)
University of South Africa: H.E.D. (1977),
B. Ed. (1979)
Please contact Karen Judge on 021-438-1611 or 082-468-6044
Non-Surgical Lipo and RF treatments:
Eliminate Easter Buns! Book 3 or more sessions during April or May and pay only R200-00 per session (normal price R250-00)! Based in Vredehoek.
Call 083-280-3085 or e-mail ashleigh@defineyourshape.co.za.
Website: www.defineyourshape.co.za for more information.
The Mathamagicians:
Maths Mentorship ProgrammeMaths lessons – R145-00 per session.
Contact: info@mathamagicians.co.za or 082-364-3534

European qualified and internationally accredited instructors - Piano, Violin, Guitar & Singing & Drama/Musical Theatre. All ages welcome. Beginner & advanced levels (Trinity & Royal College of Music exams) Music private lessons allow for one-on-one instruction which includes performance, notation, theory, and technique. In addition Group lessons allow friends, siblings and classmates to experience the fun and joy of singing and playing music together in Camps Bay.
For more info contact us on 079-846-2079 or 076-889-2290
or e-mail: Studio.d.arte.capetown@gmail.com
Teacher offering private tutoring in all subjects including Afrikaans
at R150-00 per hour in the Atlantic Seaboard Area.
Kindly contact me at 079-301-6224
or e-mail: marykejansenvanrensburg@gmail.com for further information.
Please phone Anne Townsend for more info:
Cell: 072-390-3842
Tel: 021-461-9968
Company books, Tax Returns or anything else related.
Phone Cyril on 083-675-5309
Now open c/r Main and Ellis Roads, Sea Point
Oils, acrylics, canvases, brushes, pencils, craft paint, accessories.
Contact : Steven on 072-120-1222
Located in Sea Point.
For more information please phone Gillian Lasker Lourenco on 076-795-7828
or e-mail: Gillian.lourenco@gmail.com to join Gillian in the wonderful work of art – no previous experience is needed.
For children and grown-ups.
Please phone Zoe Burmeister on 021-438-9851
or e-mail: zoeleonore@gmail.com
Offering 20% discount on B+D sunglasses and reading glasses until end of September. For more information, please contact Gael Wise at B+D Readers, Sunglasses and Opticals.
Cell: 083-301-4895
Website: www.bplusd.com
If you want to be a Rock Star - for specialised training in Guitar, Piano, Voice and Song Writing, please contact Duncan on
Cellphone: 074-842-8444
E-mail: duncanebedes@yahoo.com
Website: www.myspace.com/duncanebedes
Please call Jenna Bergren on 074-823-3012 or via e-mail on jennabergren@gmail.com for more info.
Looking for an architect to draw up your plans for that renovation? Need advice on interior design and decor? Werner Van Blerk of W Design Studios offers a bespoke Architectural and Interior Design service, including draughting of building plans, council submissions, interior design and interior decor. Email Ursula on ursla@telkomsa.net or phone Werner on 083-234-1160.
Friday, October 26, 2012
CBHS Summer Sports Programme - 4th Term '12
The Summer Sports programme for the fourth term of 2012 is extracted below:
To download a printable PDF file from Google Drive, click here.

To download a printable PDF file from Google Drive, click here.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012
CBHS Prefects Camp - 19 Oct '12
The newly elected 2013 prefects of Camps Bay High School attended a leadership camp from 19 to 22 October 2012. A weekend was spent planning for 2013 and great team building was achieved. Congratulations to the newly appointed Head Prefect, Robin Taylor and his two Deputies, Andrea Colombo and Ben Resnik.
To see all the photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click here.
To see all the photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click here.
Monday, October 22, 2012
CBHS Tests & Assignments Calendars - 4th Term '12
The Tests and Assignments Calendars, for Grades Eight, Nine, Ten and Eleven in the Fourth Term of 2012 at Camps Bay High School, have been extracted below. To download a printable PDF file of the calendar for your Grade, click on the appropriate links below:
Grade 8:
For the original PDF file of the Grade 8 Fourth Term 2012 calendar, on Google Drive, click here
Grade 9:
For the original PDF file of the Grade 9 Fourth Term 2012 calendar, on Google Drive, click here.

Grade 10:
For the original PDF file of the Grade 10 Fourth Term 2012 calendar, on Google Drive, click here.

Grade 11:
For the original PDF file of the Grade 11 Fourth Term 2012 calendar, on Google Drive, click here.
Grade 8:
For the original PDF file of the Grade 8 Fourth Term 2012 calendar, on Google Drive, click here
Grade 9:
For the original PDF file of the Grade 9 Fourth Term 2012 calendar, on Google Drive, click here.

Grade 10:
For the original PDF file of the Grade 10 Fourth Term 2012 calendar, on Google Drive, click here.

Grade 11:
For the original PDF file of the Grade 11 Fourth Term 2012 calendar, on Google Drive, click here.

CBHS Grade 11 Biology Camp at Wortelgat - Oct '12
The Grade 11 Biology pupils recently attended a Biology camp at Wortelgat. The aim of the camp was to revise the Grade 11 syllabus and to begin working on Grade 12 work.
As the photos show, some alien bush clearance was also tackled with enthusiasm!
To view more photos of this camp on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click here.
As the photos show, some alien bush clearance was also tackled with enthusiasm!
To view more photos of this camp on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click here.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012
CBHS Grade 12 Drama Moderation - Oct '12
On Tuesday, 16 October 2012, the Grade 12 Drama students at Camps Bay High School participated in the final Drama Moderation. Once again, a very high standard of work was produced by the Drama Department.
To see all 159 photos (by Kiri Roussopoulos) of this event, on the Camps Bay High School's photo site on Flickr, click here.
To see all 159 photos (by Kiri Roussopoulos) of this event, on the Camps Bay High School's photo site on Flickr, click here.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
CBHS Grade 12 Art Exhibition - 15 Oct '12
On Monday, 15 October 2012, the Camps Bay High School's Grade 12 Art Exhibition was held. The art presented will be used to mark the 2012 Matric Art students for their final examinations.
To see all 65 photographs of this exhibition, on the Camps Bay High School's photo site on Flickr, click here.
To see all 65 photographs of this exhibition, on the Camps Bay High School's photo site on Flickr, click here.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
CBHS Grade 9 Leadership Camp at Mizpah - Oct '12
The Grade 9 learners from Camps Bay High School recently enjoyed a camp at Mizpah. The camp was a team and self-esteem building exercise and many objectives were achieved during the time spent there.
To see more photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click here.
To see more photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click here.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
CBHS Valedictory Ceremony - 12 Oct '12
On Friday, 12 October 2012, Camps Bay High School bad farewell to their 2012 Matrics at the Valedictory ceremony. The event began with a formal assembly, followed by a lunch for the Matrics and Staff.
To see more photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››.
To see more photos of this event on the Camps Bay High School photo site on Flickr, click ‹‹here››.
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