Thursday, May 27, 2010
matric jerseys
The Matrics of 2010 received their long awaited jerseys! The jersey is in a preppy fisherman's knot white knit with green strip trim around the neck and wrists. There is a pullover and button front style. Every pupil has their name, surname or nickname embroided on the back. Looking VERY smart. Here a group of them are posing for Kiri to take a photo:

founders day 2010
Founder's Day Assembly brought a fresh sense of heritage to our school. The 104 year legacy was reinforced through Mr de Korte's talk on awareness of our heritage:

Welcome to our special guests, Mrs Roussopoulos and Mr Collier, also a big welcome to parents and past pupils. We are delighted that our Marimba Band of last year, the African Renaissance group are here – but more of them later.
Every year we choose a day to remember our school history, the first child who entered the small school building behind the library 104 years ago. We now have 3rd generation pupils at the high school. This means that you are sitting here today and your grandfather/mother and father/mother attended the Camps Bay Schools. Michael Way is one such example. We are all here today thanks to the first class of 1906 that was such a success, that the school grew and did not die.

The Camps Bay Way
Over the years we have developed a unique ethos and way of doing this. This has been called ‘The Camps Bay Way’. This embodies the following aspects:
You came here to be part of this school and now you carry the heart of the school for this time before you pass it on to the next generation.
I believe you are doing a great job and encourage you to continue in this way –
Nicola Soekoe, head prefect, read the
The Marimba Band was introduced to new comers at the school and the launch of their first CD was announced! Ms Maartens gave a very emotional speech, praising them for their years of commitment to the art, and congratulating them on their achievement and making CBHS proud to be associated with them.

They performed two songs with the utmost perfection and joie de vivre.
We congratulate them!

Welcome to our special guests, Mrs Roussopoulos and Mr Collier, also a big welcome to parents and past pupils. We are delighted that our Marimba Band of last year, the African Renaissance group are here – but more of them later.
Every year we choose a day to remember our school history, the first child who entered the small school building behind the library 104 years ago. We now have 3rd generation pupils at the high school. This means that you are sitting here today and your grandfather/mother and father/mother attended the Camps Bay Schools. Michael Way is one such example. We are all here today thanks to the first class of 1906 that was such a success, that the school grew and did not die.

The Camps Bay Way
Over the years we have developed a unique ethos and way of doing this. This has been called ‘The Camps Bay Way’. This embodies the following aspects:
- Embracing diversity – recognising our differences and seeing how we can complement each other
- Finding our passion – that this that we shine at
- Playing sport – in a way that is fun
- Being confident and able to mingle with adults respectfully and comfortably
- Being PROUDLY Camps Bay – BIG on spirit
- A good sense of self, so that we can try new things.
- Not tied into a fear of failure, but rather a spirit of adventure.
You are Camps Bay High today.
You, are the custodians of the ‘Camps Bay Way’.
You came here to be part of this school and now you carry the heart of the school for this time before you pass it on to the next generation.
I believe you are doing a great job and encourage you to continue in this way –
‘The Camps Bay Way’
Nicola Soekoe, head prefect, read the
We, the pupils of Camps Bay High School in 2010, undertake to maintain the fine traditions upon which the school is built. We acknowledge that we have a 104 year legacy from all the Camps Bay pupils that have gone before us. The legacy we commit ourselves to is: - Academic excellence:
By this we mean that every pupil does their very best in their studies - Cultural Diversity:
Our strength is in our diversity. To continue to be proud that we are different. To set the standard in how to be together and to respect each others differences. - Performing and Visual Arts:
To provide pupils who are artistic, musical or can act an opportunity to develop these skills in a supportive and nurturing educational setting. - Sport:
To play to the best of our ability in a way that demonstrates good sportsmanship and the ability to be gracious in victory and defeat. - Service:
To always think of others less fortunate than ourselves. To actively find ways of serving others and to make this part of our school life. - To always be proud
that you are a Camps Bay High School past pupil. To always conduct yourselves everywhere in such a way that brings honour to you, your family and your school.
The Marimba Band was introduced to new comers at the school and the launch of their first CD was announced! Ms Maartens gave a very emotional speech, praising them for their years of commitment to the art, and congratulating them on their achievement and making CBHS proud to be associated with them.

They performed two songs with the utmost perfection and joie de vivre.
We congratulate them!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
newsletter may 2010 end of term
25 MAY 2010
Dear Parents
Camps Bay High School has a vibrant sports programme. This includes our water sports of swimming and waterpolo. We are fortunate to have our own pool on the premises. This pool was built over 30 years ago. Some of our current parents, who are also past pupils, remember when the pool was originally built. We have enjoyed 30 good years of service, but the pool is urgently in need of an upgrade. The pool lining (the gunnite) has degraded and so the chlorine is reacting with the underlying cement and making it impossible to manage the pH properly. Also, the filtration system is constantly breaking as various parts wear out. When the Governors started addressing the considerable cost of relining the pool and replacing the filter (and all the pipes) they decided this was the time to address two other issues with the pool.
1. Depth of Pool for Waterpolo
Thirty years ago when the pool was built waterpolo was not a popular school sport, but diving was. So our pool is very deep at one end and shallow at the other. Today it is unfair to the waterpolo sides, as one side can stand in the shallow end. We plan to increase the depth of the pool to acceptable waterpolo standards.
2. Width of the Pool
As Camps Bay High swimming team has grown, we regularly host the mid-week, Wednesday galas at our pool. For this it would be beneficial to have an extra lane. We therefore also plan to widen our pool by 1m to accommodate an extra lane.
A long term plan for the pool was to cover it. This would allow us to heat the pool and extend our swimming season. This is not planned for now. However, while we are digging up the pool area to replace the pipes, and digging out the pool itself, the Governors decided to put the concrete foundations in for a future roof.
The refurbishing of the pool will cost between R1,3 and R1,7 million rand. R400 000 from the R1,3 to R1,7 million is the cost estimate to deepen the pool on the shallow end, if we are unfortunate enough to strike rock. If we find sand under the shallow end then we will save this money
To cover this cost, the school will be applying for a bank loan of R1,7 million. This will be over and above our current overdraft facility of R200 000. The Governors will be applying for the loan in June, and hope to start with the renovations as soon as it is approved.
If you have any questions relating to this please, e-mail me on dekorte@campsbayhigh.co.za. The Governor who is in charge of this project is Mr Colin Harvey.
Those of you who have pools are probably wondering what we plan to do for the new filter. We will change the pool over to a salt water pool.
I am sure that when our pool has been renovated, we will enjoy another 30 years of good service from it.
The last week of term two is far from normal. It is a three day week, with exams ending on the 4th June 2010, and school closing on the 9th June 2010. This leaves very little time for us to do all the usual ‘end of term’ administration. We plan to manage this in the following way:
On Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 2nd June 2010 the Grade 10 and 11s will have a chance to check their exam scripts that have been marked. This is because they will be away the following week, on Community Service and Work Experience respectively. On Monday and Tuesday (7th and 8th June) the Grade 8, 9 and 12s will go over their exam papers and check the marking. Sadly we are not able to fit a parent meeting into this three day week, that will have to wait until the third term. However, we are resolved to get the reports out this term and so they will be posted on Thursday morning (10th June).
We are concerned about the long holidays and the possibility that pupils will forget a lot of the work that has been taught. We don’t want to spoil a wonderful holiday by setting lots of work for the children to do. We will, however, provide work sheets and some assignments to allow our children to do a little work from time to time. None of this will be compulsory, but will allow those that want to refresh their school work to have something to do.
Yours sincerely
D De Korte
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
newsletter may 2010
5 MAY 2010
Dear Parents
Great excitement gripped the school last Friday, when we held our special ‘Camps Bay Schools’ Assembly to create our own excitement around the Soccer World Cup. The three Camps Bay Schools gathered in our closed quad and launched our World Cup lucky draw. Special guests at the Assembly included Craig Hepburn from the African Brothers Soccer Academy, Leanne Burton, Head of Marketing Cape Town Tourism and Roger Links, the WP 2010 Ambassador. Each guest shared with the schools why they thought we should be excited about the WorldCup coming to South Africa and Cape Town. At this moment we unveiled our banner welcoming visitors to Cape Town and Camps Bay and pledging our support for Bafana Bafana. Each school has since then had a similar banner erected on the outside fence. The Assembly included a skit from the three Principals, the Marimba Band and a display of the Diski Dance (the official World Cup Dance). We ended the Assembly with everyone standing and singing the World Cup Song. The atmosphere was fantastic and the vibe created incredible. The hall rocked with over 1 000 voices led by our prefects.
After Assembly we went onto our field and formed a shape of a man kicking a soccer ball under 2010. A picture of this taken by the renowned Argus photographer Andrew Ingram from Norman Pelman’s helicopter appeared in the Argus on Wednesday afternoon.
The World Cup Competition was started on Monday when each pupil chose their favourite team and were issued with a special badge. For the rest of the term pupils will wear supporters clothes on Fridays, and pay R2 for this privilege. All the money raised will be divided between the African Brothers Soccer Academy and the child who chose the winning World Cup team. The winning pupil will be drawn in a lucky draw and win R1 000. The only exception on ‘World Cup’ Friday will be next Friday 14th May when we will wear full uniform for our Founders Day Assembly.
Dane van Zyl, a past pupil of Camps Bay High who passed away two weeks ago. He was the victim of a botched robbery in which he was stabbed to death. The memorial service was on Tuesday 4th May. A group of staff and Prefects attended the service. We also remembered Dane in our Monday assembly, where Mr Cawood read his citation from Celebration 2007. Dane was a wonderful pupil, hard working, polite and respectful. Even though he was quiet, his peers recognised his strength of character and elected him a Prefect. He also played first team hockey. We have nothing but fond memories of Dane.
Tomorrow we travel to Westerford for an annual Derby Day. The school was fired up in Assembly by the Prefects and first team players in each sporting discipline. We are looking forward to a great day of sport. The school has a bus transporting supporters that leaves Camps Bay at 8.30am.
We start exams on Monday 17th May. Each pupil has an exam timetable. On the back each teacher has listed the work that will be examined in their subject. The Grade 8 and 9’s will receive a booklet next week with helpful exam writing tips prepared by Mrs Cronje.
Well done to Keaton Harris who has been placed 4th in the world in the Junior Division of Stamp collection. He has been awarded what is called Verneil Status (between silver and gold). We are very proud of his achievement
All the teams played Edgemead on Saturday. The scores:
U14 lost 0 – 22
U15 lost 10 – 17
U17 won 20 – 0
U19 lost 11 – 14
The U14’s played in a very spirited game but lost 0 – 5 against OudeMolen Technical College. This was followed by the first team beating OudeMolen 4 – 1.
The U16 soccer team played Zonnebloem Nest on Thursday 29th April and drew their match 2 – 2. Goal scorers: Lubabalo Nkonjane and Giovanni Sampie. Well done to all
The 1st team played Gardens Commercial on 22nd April and won 5 – 0.
The 2nd team played Queenspark and won 4 – 2.
On 30th April the 1st team played Harold Cressy and won 6 – 1. Goal scorers were Fabienne (2), Keren (2), Tasia-Lee (1) and Marcelle (1).
Well done girls!
The following is an extract from the University
“We would like to thank you for the ties which this university is able to have with your school, and trust that they will only be further strengthened by the passage of time.
Thank you too for the quality of the students who come to us from your school”.
A list of the pupils who qualified:
S Duvenage BA (Humanities)
M Pretorius BSc (Sport Science)
E Robbins BSc (Sport Science)
G Williams BComm (Financial Accounting)
Congratulations to all these pupils who are now qualified.
Yours Sincerely
D De Korte
Monday, May 3, 2010
2010 initiative successful
Camps Bay Schools hosted a magical assembly on Friday, 30 April 2010 in the High School Quad.

Guest speakers included : from left Mr Roger Links (WP 2010 Representative), Mr Craig Hepburn (African Brothers Football Academy), Mrs Lianne Burton (Head of Marketing, Cape Town Tourism), centre Mr David de Korte welcoming all, Mr Louis Mostert (Deputy Principal, Camps Bay High Schoo), Nicola Soekoe (Head Prefect) and Stuart Collier (Principal of the Primary School)
The aim of the assembly was to launch Camps Bay Schools' support for the 2010 World Cup. The banners which will be put up at the 3 schools were unveiled to 1 200 pupils from all three schools, staff, parents and community members. The Schools aim to collect funds for the African Brothers Football Academy through a competition to run at the three schools during the month of May.

The assembly begun with a Dialogue from the three Principals, from left, Mrs Nancy Roussopoulos (Principal of the Preparatory School), Mr Stuart Collier (Principal of the Primary School) and Mr David de Korte (Principal of the High School)
The assembly was followed by all the pupils and staff making a formation on the field in the shape of a soccer player, a picture taken from a helicopter and then a demonstration match between the current 1st team and past pupils.
A fantastic atmosphere was enjoyed by all who attended this function.
View the images ‹‹here››

Guest speakers included : from left Mr Roger Links (WP 2010 Representative), Mr Craig Hepburn (African Brothers Football Academy), Mrs Lianne Burton (Head of Marketing, Cape Town Tourism), centre Mr David de Korte welcoming all, Mr Louis Mostert (Deputy Principal, Camps Bay High Schoo), Nicola Soekoe (Head Prefect) and Stuart Collier (Principal of the Primary School)
The aim of the assembly was to launch Camps Bay Schools' support for the 2010 World Cup. The banners which will be put up at the 3 schools were unveiled to 1 200 pupils from all three schools, staff, parents and community members. The Schools aim to collect funds for the African Brothers Football Academy through a competition to run at the three schools during the month of May.

The assembly begun with a Dialogue from the three Principals, from left, Mrs Nancy Roussopoulos (Principal of the Preparatory School), Mr Stuart Collier (Principal of the Primary School) and Mr David de Korte (Principal of the High School)
The assembly was followed by all the pupils and staff making a formation on the field in the shape of a soccer player, a picture taken from a helicopter and then a demonstration match between the current 1st team and past pupils.
A fantastic atmosphere was enjoyed by all who attended this function.
View the images ‹‹here››
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