We start this term with the highlight of the Matric’s year; their Matric Dance. This year the dance moves back to the Rotunda Ball Room in Camps Bay. We are looking forward to a wonderful evening with the theme ‘The Ice Palace’. The Grade Heads, Mr Jenneke and Mrs Wessels along with the Tutors are creating a royal court in the ballroom. The weather looks good for Saturday, and all the preparation are in hand. I wish all the Matrics all the best for the Dance.
On Monday we start a week of "Awareness of the Dangers of Alcohol". We will have a guest speaker in the Monday and Friday Assemblies. All Tutor classes and Life Orientation classes will focus on the topic.
In the holidays 4 of our Senior Artists were awarded prizes in the Chaeli Foundation Art Competition. In the Grade 10 – 12 Art Section – Danica Davies came 2nd and Taryn Esterhuizen came 1st . The High School Sculpture section saw Camps Bay again take 1st and 2nd place, with Michaela de Pinna in 2nd place and Artur Bromfield in 1st place. Congratulations to these four very talented pupils and to Mrs Myburgh their teacher.
Dawn Eugster (a past parent) and her large group of friends staged two nights of Camps Bay Floppies. As part of her birthday celebration, she decided to stage this well known Camps Bay comedy extravaganza to raise money for two worthy causes. The first night raised money through Hamiltons Rugby Club for Bruce Little (an ex CBHS pupil who works at Hamiltons Rugby Club) who lost his leg through diabetes and has no medical aid. The second nights proceeds went towards the Interactive White Board Project at Camps Bay High School. We at the school are very grateful to Dawn and her team for their generosity. A big thank you to Soli Philander who was the compare for both evenings.
We are so pleased to be able to announce that we bought 3 new Interactive White Boards for the teachers to use in their classrooms. It came as such a pleasant surprise when we learned that an anonymous donor had given us an extra board. This brings the total number of whiteboards at the school to five (we installed our first one last year). This is such a wonderful teaching aid. We will arrange for all parents to see these boards at our next parent evening. We are aiming to give each subject department a board. So far we have covered English, Afrikaans, Maths, Biology and Commerce.
We ended the 2nd term with all our Grade 11 pupils spending 3 days on their job shadow programme. Here they spent time ‘shadowing’ people in jobs that they may do when they leave school. This is a great opportunity to get first hand experience of a particular job. Often this either cements a pupils career choice, or puts them off. I have had only good reports on how the Grade 11’s conducted themselves.
The Grade 10 pupils spent the last week of the 2nd term serving our community in many ways. This involved helping at schools, old-age homes, animal rescue shelters and many other activities. One group of boys spent their time helping at the Sea Point Police Station and during their time were responsible for giving a thief a fright, causing him to drop the stolen TV he was carrying in order to run away. The boys then recovered the stolen item. A group of pupils also helped Camps Bay Watch by going door to door to distribute leaflets for them.
On the 31st August our Matric pupils who take Afrikaans will be going on a revision camp to Mizpah in Grabouw. Every year Mr Cawood and Ms Cronje arrange this and have found it very beneficial to the pupils.

This will be held on Friday 7th August. The High School will start at 13h15 and all parents/family/friends are invited to come and support the pupils. Nearer the time we will be sending more information.
‘Former United Nations Secretary General, Kofi Annon congratulated Gabi Goldberg and Naomi Mnyamnana (Grade 11) whose ‘pay it forward’ idea scooped the top prize on how to improve Africa during the Ambassadors of Hope Competition.’ (Atlantic Sun Thursday June 18 2009). We are very proud of these 2 pupils and this achievement. Gabi and Naomi describe their proposal: “We started a project that would go into communities and educate and equip people on how to grow their own vegetables and teach them about nutrition. Their duty would be to teach another family what they had learned, and so on. On a larger scale we can get schools to plant vegetable gardens where the children will learn how to do it. The children in turn go into their communities and share what they have learned”.
A list of our TOP 15 students in all the Grades for Term 2 can be viewed ‹‹here››. Well done to all!
Shaquille Williams (Grade 8) has obtained his black belt in karate.
He has been training since Grade 1 (2002) (at Sea Point Primary).
Shaquille we are very proud of you.
Jefferson Lan competed in the Martial Arts Competition in Johannesburg and won 3 gold medals – well done to Jefferson.
The Sporting fixtures for this term were handed to all pupils today and will be uploaded here soon.
Please read the note from our bursar on the outstanding school fees ‹‹here››.
Yours sincerely