Saturday, February 28, 2009

CBHS Inter-House Athletics - Feb '09

The Interhouse Athletics meeting was held in February during the first term. Outstanding performances for obtaining more than 1000 points on the Absa Table:


Nicole Horn, Claudia Erasmus, Tayla Martin, Jehaan Booley, Amy Burger.

BOYSMatthew Papas, Dominic Seeber, Stephen Hagglund, Elvin Kanyerere, Benji Mokhine, Shaun Thomas, Kyle Kennedy, Romano Rabie.

New records were recorded in the 3000m run:
Danica Davies U19 12:40:97
Lani Wilson U16 12:50:62

Junior : Sheldon van Acker
Senior : Romano Rabie

Junior : Tasia-Lee Harrison
Senior : Savannah Stuart

Here are some photos of the event:

CBHS RCL Camp at Yzerfontein - Feb '09

This year's RCL camp was a great success. Our recently elected representatives left for the RCL ‘headquarters’ in Yzerfontein on the 27th February in very high spirits.

The RCL body comprises the following energetic and dedicated learners; Keshni Govender, Miguel Inocentes, Emma Le Chat, Stephen Hagglund, Danielle van Duyn, Nick Arlotti, Kyle Horn, Georgia Brisco, Fabienne Arlotti, Nick Preen, Nicola Soekoe, Kyle Maree, Sokhana Dyusha, Dexter Tangocci and Charlotte Saunders. Together with their teachers, Mr. Cunliffe and Mrs. Cronje, all members arrived safely at ‘headquarters’ due to the skilful driving of Mr Vic van Heerden.

The weekend began with many fun filled but educational team building games and leadership courses. We all got to know each other very well and spent the first night playing ’30 seconds’ and the ‘animal’ game. A late night stroll on the beach added to the camaraderie. The next day we woke early and went to the beach for an early morning swim. On our return we were ready to plan the year ahead. Our Saturday morning planning session was very fruitful.

The team has come up with some amazing ideas, which cannot at this stage be divulged until our assembly on the 16th March. The team was so dedicated to their tasks, that even during their free time, they continued with planning and discussions. Saturday afternoon found us ready to vote for our chairman, vice-chairman, secretary and other project coordinators. This too cannot be divulged yet.

All in all the weekend was very successful. Our team is very dedicated and is ready to tackle the year ahead with gusto. Many thanks to Mr. Cunliffe and Mrs. Cronje for their guidance and assistance and also for Mrs. Cronje’s amazing cooking.

Here are some photos of the event:

Thursday, February 26, 2009

CBHS Nigel Pearce Book Club - Feb '09

Camps Bay supported the 2009 launch of the Nigel Pearce Book Club.This is where a school collects books for underprivileged schools and Nigel Pearce (Good Hope FM) broadcasts a show from the school.

On Thursday 26th February from 06h00 to 09h00 a.m. we broadcast from our hall. Thank you for the mountains of books you collected for the three recipient schools. There are now children’s books for Sokule Sonke in Khayelitsha, text books and resource material for Hout Bay Senior Secondary and library books for Harold Cressy High

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

CBHS Inter-Schools Athletics - Feb '09

Camps Bay High School hosted the Inter-Schools Athletics Day on 24 February 2009.In total, five schools participated, namely Camps Bay High School, Harold Cressy, Fairmont High School, Bosmansdam Hoërskool and Edgemead High School. Camps Bay High School was placed second overall.


Boys 800m – Nazier Mohammed
Boys 400m – Gift Mngomezulu
Girls 400m – Kirsten McGregor
Discus – Tasia Harrison
Shotput – Ankia Visser

Boys 800m, 400m, 1500m – Elvin Kanyerere

Boys High Jump – Ike Forsythe
Girls 1500m/Discus – Kelli Leibbrandt
Girls 800m – Tatiana Inocentes

Girls 800m – Charlotte Saunders
100m/1500m – Danica Davies
High Jump: Emma Sullivan
Junior Victor Ludorum: Elvin Kanyerere

Here are some photos of the event:

Monday, February 23, 2009

CBHS Waterpolo Tour to Port Elizabeth - Feb '09

The CBHS Girls' Waterpolo team made their annual trip up to Port Elizabeth on Thursday, February 19th.

After a full day’s travelling, and a pit-stop in Jeffery’s Bay for the girls to have a swim and surf, we arrived in P.E. at six o’clock. The tournament started early on Friday morning. The CBHS Girl’s 1st team played five matches, of which they won three games and lost two. On the Saturday the team played four matches and again they won three and only lost one. On the whole the team won an amazing six out of nine games, scoring a total of 34 goals and conceding only 17. 

I am very proud of the captain, Michaela de Pinna, and the vice-captain, Jamey Englebrecht, who showed their leadership ability in and out of the pool. Thank you, girls, for a job well done. I would also like to give a big thank you to the team. You held Camps Bay High School’s name up high and did us proud. Last but most certainly not least – I would like to thank Miss J. Morgan for assisting me on this tournament. Together we made a good team and learnt a lot more about the game. Congratulations on a wonderful season.

Ms J. Thomson

All the teams played against Bridge House on Friday.
These were the results:
U19 Boys : lost 1 – 4
U 16 Boys : lost 2 – 6
U14 Girls : lost 1 – 14
U19 Girls : lost 5 – 7

Friday, February 6, 2009

CBHS Academic Assembly - Feb '09

On Monday, 2 February 2009, the Academic Assembly was held at the school at 10h15, followed by tea and refreshments in the Seminar Room. The Assembly was held to honour those pupils who were placed in the Top 10 in each Grade. In addition, the Matrics of 2008 who had achieved above 70% were also invited back to the school for Assembly. Camps Bay High School had 19 matric pupils who achieved above 70% and three achieved A’s.

Above: Mr de Korte with two of the award winners

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

CBHS Fundraiser: Club 2000 - Feb '09

In order to raise funds to enclose our Aquatic Centre we are starting the CLUB 2000.

Those participants interested will each pay R50-00 per month,
22% of these funds received each month will be drawn as prizes,
5 winners will be drawn each month at our Assembly.

The first prize winner will receive 20% of the money raised for the month.
The balance 2% of the monies received will be split equally between prizewinner, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

For example, once we have 2000 entries, the first prizewinner will win R20 000,00. Prizewinners 2–5 will each win R500-00 for that particular month and will be notified accordingly.

All Club 2000 participants will be notified by e-mail of the monthly winners and published in the fortnightly newsletter as well. Please support us in this and you could be a grand prize winner of R20 000-00. Please contact our bursar at Camps Bay High, Susie Denning, on 021-438-1507 or e-mail her on

Sunday, February 1, 2009

CBHS Newsletter 2 - Feb '09

Dear Parents

The academic programme for 2009 is well underway. Your child should be receiving regular Homework assignments.

There are a number of reasons why we set Homework tasks. These include:
• To practice skills that have been learnt in class. A good example of this would be doing Maths exercises to practice a particular technique leant earlier in the day;
• To prepare for the next lesson;
• To teach them to do research;
• To allow them to go into greater detail on a subject that was covered in class. Typically this would be a history class where background reading is called for;
• To provide the opportunity for extension activities. The topic of renewable energy sources may be introduced in the class and one type may be discussed. The homework task could involve them researching other forms of renewable energy.
(These points are thanks to Steve Naude and his article on Homework, ISASA page 83 Summer 08).

How much time should be spent on Homework? Research shows that for Grades 8 and 9 there should be no more than 2 hours a day, and for Grade 10 to 12, no more than 2½ hours a day. This may seem a lot, but when compared to a country like France, we see that children spend the same amount of time working per day. In France the homework is included in the formal school day, which ends at 5 pm.

It makes a massive difference to pupils if you are interested in their homework, and help them in some way. I’m not suggesting you do the work, but help in the way of creating a place and time at home when they can work. Setting some rules around when they must do the work and when they can relax and watch TV, and when to go to bed

I am pleased to report that the Grade 8 camp was a big success. The 123 Grade 8’s who went on camp left as individuals but came back as a team. The prefects and teachers did an excellent job of running the weekend and keeping the programme fun and focused. The haunted house was still there, and again provided its share of scares. The biggest memory of the weekend will be the Camps Bay spirit generated in this new group of pupils.

Sydney Booysen has worked at Camps Bay High for 25 years as a Groundsman. He has mowed our fields all those years, set all the pitches up for each cricket match, marked the fields for all the different sports we play over the year, from Athletics to Soccer to Hockey and Rugby. He has been transferred to a school closer to home following the deteriorating health of his wife and her need of him to be close at hand. We are most grateful for the years of faithful service he has given to the school. We will miss him, and wish him all the best for the future.

We are in the process of updating our website, and also giving it a little bit of a new look. Please take a moment to have a look and then e-mail your comments and or suggestions to: We will then on a weekly basis make these changes.

We would like to advertise on our website. If any parents wish to place ads (at a small fee) on our site, please e-mail Sheryll Cosslett on

Can you invite any interested parents to come with their children to our Open Day on Thursday 26th February at 12h00 at school. We will be using this opportunity to advertise the school to all our feeder schools.

We would like to thank all our pupils' mothers who helped with the invigilation for our Matric exams in 2008. If any other mother is interested to help with the June/September or November exams please call the office and we will give you further information.

Congratulations to: Alex McGregor who was selected to be one of the four explorers to travel the country on the “Which Way” team. Alex did her first casting on 3rd October 2008 and was short-listed to attend call back at the end of December. Alex impressed the judges with her bubbly personality and her keen sense of adventure. She was selected to go through to a final call back session, along with 8 other hopeful teens and was selected!! Alex has just travelled with the “Which Way” team along the Garden Route to the Eastern Cape all the way to Alicedale. The contract is for a year. Watch Alex in the first episode on Thursday 2nd April 2009 on SABC 3.

Yours sincerely