Prizes in individual Learning Areas
Arts and Culture (shared): Nicholas Claassens
Mathematics: Dominic Seeber
Xhosa: Asongezwa Sitwebile
Life Orientation: Kelsey Brown
Technology and Economic Management Sciences, Mayhew Steyn
Arts & Culture (shared), Natural Sciences (shared) and Social Sciences, Andrea Colombo
Natural Sciences (shared), English and Afrikaans, Ankia Visser
Prizes for Academic Endeavour are awarded to candidates who show a work ethic that is truly worthy of praise:
Mark Bright, Waamiq Adams, Martine Davids, Fatima Ellemdeen, Tarn Greyling, Abdulladhif Hussein, Keanu Liltved, Mikaela Liltved, Laura Pereira
Prizes for the Top 5 Positions in the Grade.
(over 3 terms)
In 5th position, with an average of 82,2%, Luke Cassar
In 4th position, with an average of 82,7%, Kathryn Byrnes
In 3rd position, with an averge of 83,1%, Mayhew Steyn
In 2nd position, with an average of 85,9%, Andrea Colombo
In 1st position, with an average of 86,2%, Ankia Visser
Prizes in individual Learning Areas
Arts and Culture: Robin-Sue Nicholas
Life Orientation: Denham Preen
Afrikaans: Keaton Harris
Xhosa: Agnes Dlilanga
Economic Management Sciences: Saskia Schuldig
Mathematics, Joel Berman
English and Social Sciences, Tomas Bruce-Chwatt
Technology (shared) and Natural Sciences, Jessica Burger
Technology (shared), Danielle van Duyn
Prizes for Academic Endeavour are awarded to candidates who display a work ethic that is to be admired.
Carlvin Gomba, Jehaan Booley, Nandipha Breakfast, Danielle van Zyl, Githan Coopoo, Agnes Dlilanga, Saskia Schuldig
Prizes for the Top 5 Positions in the Grade.
(over 3 terms)
In 5th position, with an average of 81,85%, Joel Berman
In 4th position, with an average of 81,95, Tomas Bruce-Chwatt
In 3rd position, with an average of 83,8%, Amy Burger
In 2nd position, with an average of 85,7%, Jessica Burger
In 1st position,with an average of 87%, Danielle van Duyn
Prizes in individual Subjects
Accounting (shared): Miles Hamilton
Computer Applications Technology (Shared): Taylor Jackson and Steven Tupper
Mathematical Literacy and Xhosa: Nikiwe Sigcu
Geography: Konrad Komorowitz
Consumer Studies: Lameez Glossop
Afrikaans: Alice de Waal
Business Studies: Jade du Preeze
Life Sciences, Economics and Dramatic Arts: Alex McGregor
English and Life Orientation: Georgia Brisco
Visual Arts: Esti Robbertze
Science (shared), Accounting (shared) and Mathematics: Imran Mazema
Music: Nicholas Rous
Science (shared): Jerome Tangocci
History: Jenna Ashcroft
The following pupils all receive prizes for Academic Endeavour. They have all worked exceptionally hard this year.
Mumtaaz Emeran
Laeeq Adams
Tanita Boswell
Ruben De Girardier
Junaid Cassiem
Prizes for Academic Excellence are awarded to candidates who maintained an average of 80% throughout the year.
Anthony Cook
Alex Mc Gregor
Georgia Brisco
Adam Karp
Esti Robbertze
Cherisse Morris
Prizes for the Top 5 Positions in the Grade.
(over 3 terms)
In 5th position, with an average of 83,6%, Tim Schumann
In 4th position, with an average of 84,4%, Imran Mazema
In 3rd position, with an average of 85,3%, Nicholas Rous
In 2nd position, with an average of 85,5%, Jerome Tangocci
In 1st position, with an average of 86,5%, Jenna Ashcroft
Prizes in individual Subjects
Business Studies (shared): Aniqah Isaacs
Geography: Daniel Colombo
Computer Applications Technology: William Roberths
Mathematical Literacy: Courtney Clarke
Music: Jason Dionysopoulos
Consumer Studies: Amber Barson
History and Visual Arts and a shared prize for Dramatic Arts: Hannah Massey
Xhosa: Pinky Sibindi
Accounting: Kenya Addison
Afrikaans: Lisa Duvenage
Business Studies (shared) and Economics: Julia Cassar
Mathematics: Nabeel Sima
Dramatic Arts (shared), Life Orientation, English, Science and Life Sciences: Nicola Soekoe
Prizes for Academic Endeavour are awarded to the following pupils. These pupils are all very dedicated and exceptionally hard-working and are a fine example to others.
Nieyyaaz Mohammed, Leila Osato, Jarryd Perrang, Savannah Stuart, Gabi Goldberg, Margot Davies, Greg Turner, Pinky Sibindi
Prizes for Academic Excellence are awarded to candidates who maintained an average of 80% throughout the year.
Chelsea Mijlof, Ya’eesh Holliday, Mikaila Garces
Prizes for the Top 5 Positions in the Grade.
(over 3 terms)
In 5th position, with an average of 80,8%, Kenya Addison
In 5th position, with an average of 81,3%, Lisa Duvenage
In 5th position, with an average of 82,3%, Julia Cassar
In 5th position, with an average of 84,3%, Nabeel Sima
In 5th position, with an average of 86,2 %, Nicola Soekoe
Prizes in individual Subjects
Mathematical Literacy: Jason Smuts
Music: Mfundo Manana
Afrikaans: Christiaan Els
Dramatic Arts: Anson Fehr
Xhosa: Masivuye Sithole
Prizes for Academic Endeavour are awarded to the following pupils. We are very proud of these exceptionally hard-working and dedicated learners.
Munawar Ahmed, Monique Leggett, Catherine Denning, Nicolas van Zyl, Mischka von Stein, Jessica Cramb, Siminikiwe Dyusha, Masivuye Sithole
Special Prize Winners
Irene Ford Trophy for progress in Xhosa in Gr 12:
Safika Skweyiya
Academic Progress in Grade 12: (shared award this year)
Miriam Manda
Nathan Maqavana
Victor Holloway Memorial Trophy for Art Appreciation
Taryn Esterhuizen
Joanne Duggan Trophy for the Best Art Practical (shared award this year)
Michaela de Pinna
Artur Bromfield
Winnie Thomson Trophy for the Best Creative Writer (shared award this year)
Ashleigh Hewitson
Kirsten Templar
Academic Merit is awarded to candidates who achieved from 75% to 79% in the June and September Exams.
Academic Colours is awarded to candidates who obtained from 80% to 84% in the June and September Exams.
Academic Honours is awarded to candidates who obtained 85% and more in the June and September Exams.
Academic Merit Cheyenne Parker
10th in Grade (tie) Emma Sullivan
Academic Merit and 10th in Grade (tie) and the prize for Information Technology Russel Daries
Academic Merit and 9th in Grade Richard Robbins
Academic Merit and 8th in Grade Nikhil Hutheram
Academic Colours and 7th in Grade, and subject prizes for Accounting and Economics and the Coopers and Lybrand Award for the best achievement in Mathematics and Accounting (shared) James Ashcroft
Academic Colours and 6th in Grade and the subject prizes for Business Studies and Life Orientation Nicholas Kottler
Academic Colours and 5th in Grade and the Coopers and Lybrand Award for the best achievement in Mathematics and Accounting (shared) Kate MacKay
Academic Colours and 4th in Grade and the subject prize for Geography Lauren Green
Top three Academics in Grade 12
(over 3 terms)
In 3rd position, Academic Colours and subject prize for History, with an average of 84,3%, Kirsty Veitch
In 2nd position, Academic Honours and subject prizes for Life Sciences (shared), with an average of 84,9%, Chevon Griffiths
In 1st position, Academic Honours and subject prizes for Life Sciences (Shared), Science, Visual Arts, Consumer Studies, English and the Alice Jenner Cup for English, Mathematics and the Mary Jenner Cup for Mathematics, with an average of 88,1%, Danica Davies
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
greenpoint cricket academy
Calling all junior cricketers! Green Point Cricket practices started in October.
Practices U6 – U9
– Mondays 16:00 – 17:30
Practices U10 – U13
– Fridays 15:30 – 17:30
Practices U15 – U19
– Wednesdays 17h30 – 19h00
Coaches include the Cobra’s fielding coach, the Western Province U19 coach as well as coaches who have international coaching experience.
Registration Day: Registration for the coming season will be held at the Green Point CPUT Cricket Club on the 5th October 2009 from 17:00 to 18:30. Only registered players will be eligible to attend practices. A 50% deposit (membership fees) upon registration. For more information or to register via email please contact James Bosenberg at or phone 072 627 4661 or visit Looking forward to seeing you there!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The Invitation
It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living.
I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing.
It doesn’t interest me how old you are.
I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dreams, for the adventure of being alive.
It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon.
I want to know if you have touched the centre of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain.
I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it or fade it or fix it.
I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own, if you can dance with wildness and let ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, to be realistic, to remember the limitations of being human.
It doesn’t interest me if the story you are telling me is true.
I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself; if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul;
if you can be faithless and therefore trustworthy.
I want to know if you can see beauty, even when it’s not pretty, every day, and if you can source your own live from its presence.
I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand on the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, “Yes!”
It doesn’t interest me know where you live or how much money you have.
I want to know if you can get up, after a night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done to feed the children.
It doesn’t interest who you know or how you came to be here.
I want to know if you will stand in the centre of the fire with me and not shrink back.
It doesn’t interest me where or what or with whom you have studied.
I want to know what sustains you, from the inside, when all else falls away.
I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.
From The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer
Anne-Marie Wessels
I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing.
It doesn’t interest me how old you are.
I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dreams, for the adventure of being alive.
It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon.
I want to know if you have touched the centre of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain.
I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it or fade it or fix it.
I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own, if you can dance with wildness and let ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, to be realistic, to remember the limitations of being human.
It doesn’t interest me if the story you are telling me is true.
I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself; if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul;
if you can be faithless and therefore trustworthy.
I want to know if you can see beauty, even when it’s not pretty, every day, and if you can source your own live from its presence.
I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand on the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, “Yes!”
It doesn’t interest me know where you live or how much money you have.
I want to know if you can get up, after a night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done to feed the children.
It doesn’t interest who you know or how you came to be here.
I want to know if you will stand in the centre of the fire with me and not shrink back.
It doesn’t interest me where or what or with whom you have studied.
I want to know what sustains you, from the inside, when all else falls away.
I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.
From The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer
Anne-Marie Wessels
The Colours - You're Simply The Best

When I came to CBHS, I planned to stay for 4 months….it’s been 4 years and 2 months now….and one of the reasons is this Matric class of 2009 and more specific, my beloved Orange House …

I want to show you how to start living through your heart….and by doing that you will discover the true beautiful, amazing and special BEST person you really are. Our six house colours represent our life’s energy systems fueling our lives. This colourful journey will take you to a joyful life in your own skin.
RED: R stands for REALITY
The only real thing, is THIS MOMENT. What you experience right now is your only reality. Any thought or pain from the past is just a MEMORY and any thought or worry about the future is just IMAGINATION. So, make the best of this moment and feel joy!
ORANGE: O stands for ON GUARD
This is about the physical pleasures of the flesh…and the damage you can cause to your body, mind, emotions and your soul by what you smoke, drink and do. You are in control of this one body: make sure you love it and nurture it, it is only your responsibility.
YELLOW : Y stands for YES…for that GUT feeling.
Your gut feeling is your first experience of the real, true you, telling you what to do. This is your intuition speaking from your soul.
GREEN: G stands for GO for your HEART’s passion.
Passion is another voice from the real you, telling you what you truly love and what path you should follow and what you should be busy with. When you start to live from your heart you will start to experience there is more to you than just your body and your brain – there is a soul.
BLUE : B stands for the BRAIN.
Thoughts are based on one of two emotions – fear or love. Any negative thought or behaviour is based on fear- so make sure you think from your heart, the centre of LOVE. You will start to think about yourself and life in a different way, not according to other people’s conditioning.
PURPLE: P stands for PERFECT
You are already perfect! On this road you will discover that perfect soul inside you. You will find your special purpose through which you can passionately participate in this process called life.
When you discover who you really are you can feel joy in this moment…even if there is a storm, struggles or severe pain around you.
May God bless each and every one of you on this colourful road ahead of you.
Anne-Marie Wessels
Tutor Teacher
View the GALLERY on Flickr:

When I came to CBHS, I planned to stay for 4 months….it’s been 4 years and 2 months now….and one of the reasons is this Matric class of 2009 and more specific, my beloved Orange House …

I want to show you how to start living through your heart….and by doing that you will discover the true beautiful, amazing and special BEST person you really are. Our six house colours represent our life’s energy systems fueling our lives. This colourful journey will take you to a joyful life in your own skin.
RED: R stands for REALITY
The only real thing, is THIS MOMENT. What you experience right now is your only reality. Any thought or pain from the past is just a MEMORY and any thought or worry about the future is just IMAGINATION. So, make the best of this moment and feel joy!
ORANGE: O stands for ON GUARD
This is about the physical pleasures of the flesh…and the damage you can cause to your body, mind, emotions and your soul by what you smoke, drink and do. You are in control of this one body: make sure you love it and nurture it, it is only your responsibility.
YELLOW : Y stands for YES…for that GUT feeling.
Your gut feeling is your first experience of the real, true you, telling you what to do. This is your intuition speaking from your soul.
GREEN: G stands for GO for your HEART’s passion.
Passion is another voice from the real you, telling you what you truly love and what path you should follow and what you should be busy with. When you start to live from your heart you will start to experience there is more to you than just your body and your brain – there is a soul.
BLUE : B stands for the BRAIN.
Thoughts are based on one of two emotions – fear or love. Any negative thought or behaviour is based on fear- so make sure you think from your heart, the centre of LOVE. You will start to think about yourself and life in a different way, not according to other people’s conditioning.
PURPLE: P stands for PERFECT
You are already perfect! On this road you will discover that perfect soul inside you. You will find your special purpose through which you can passionately participate in this process called life.
When you discover who you really are you can feel joy in this moment…even if there is a storm, struggles or severe pain around you.
May God bless each and every one of you on this colourful road ahead of you.
Anne-Marie Wessels
Tutor Teacher
View the GALLERY on Flickr:

Monday, November 9, 2009
presidents award dinner
The Presidents Awards Dinner, for bronze and silver level award recipients, was held on the 15th of October 2009. Chevon Griffiths, Mikaila Garces and Nicola Soekoe attended the dinner with the accompaniment of Miss Dawn Pieters.
After an introduction by Kim Storey, the head of presidents awards in the Western Cape, starters were served. The Camps Bay pupils began to share their experiences with the other pupils at their table from different schools. After starters and a musical performance, we were addressed by Cape Town’s deputy mayor, on the impotance of projects like Presidents Awards for the youth of today. Nicola Soekoe was one of four students who gave a speech discussing their experiences during Presidents Awards. Nicola spoke about the lifesaving course she completed to become a lifeguard and the highlights of doing lifesaving. The very inspiring speeches were followed by the presentation of Awards. Julia Cassar in absentia and Mikaila Garces received bronze awards, and both Nicola Soekoe and Chevon Griffiths received silver awards.
We then enjoyed the main meal and chatted amongst the pupils at our table. A brilliant dance performance and an encouraging speech followed and the evening then ended in desert. Overall the evening was very inspiring. We heard stories of pupils from underprivileged school who used Presidents Awards to give them a goal in life, others had completed the most amazing community service projects which both saddened and brought joy to our hearts.
Camps Bay High School’s prize recipients left there motivated to complete gold level and to use Presidents Awards as a medium to encourage the youth to make a difference in their community.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
russel daries - valedictory speech 2009
Memories!!!..Matric Class of 2009...memories, remember the days we had together. Memories...reminisce on our days. Memories of days of laughter and moments of sadness.

Remembering our first steps through the school corridors, wearing our school uniform with pride, putting the school badge on our chest will evoke feeling and emotions of courage, passion and bravery no obstacle could withstand. We united under one banner, and all fought for a common goal, a goal of perfection.
Since those baby-steps of grade 8, to the moon walking ways of grade 10, and now the giant strides of Matric. We have developed, adapted and changed over the past 5 years.
Camps Bay High School has taught us many lessons, no other school could have given us the gift of life, this school has. Making us meet such a diverse and special group of people in our lifetime.
We as a grade have had a common understanding, a belief, a happiness. What Word???.....A SPIRIT!!! No textbook could teach, no maths equation could solve and no encyclopaedia could classify. Every single one of us has contributed to the Matric class of 2009, making us who we are today.
We were the best in our own right; we put service before self and lifted each other high on our own shoulder to new levels.
We never could have obtained so many objectives without some influential people for the Matric class of 2009.
Teachers like Mr Cunliffe, the best secret keeper, with those familiar words, “I promise, I will take it to may grave.” Ms Mobsby’s constant wailing in every accounting lesson. Mr Tucker trying to impress the Matric girls by doing pull-ups on any available door. Mr Becker and Mr Cottle still walking around thinking that they are bigger than Jeremy. Finally Mr Baker, those wise words, “Hey hey boy, you’ve got no backbone.”
This dynamic energy then boils over to our pupils, especially the Matrics. The A.N.C’s constant toting and striking at the radio booth. The local fishwives and their “toothless” arguments. Kennedy, Prince and Charlotte still not quiet understand what really happens in a maths lesson. Dexter’s African mating call can be heard throughout the school corridors, "Bambizile Masivuye,Shiniwam Shiniwam Shiniwam…”. The Haubrich’s number one hit single,”HAUBRICK…. HAUBRICK. HOW MANY BRICKS COULD A HAUBRICK BRICK IF A HAUBRICK COULD BRICK BRICKS?????”. S.K, Max and Gino’s murmuring comments of Okay, Excellent, CheerZZZ, Options-Send and I respect that has always supplied us with an endless source of comic relief…but anyways.

What next Matrics? What next awaits us? What will remain? What will be left behind? Then what? When all the lights are turned off, our spotlights are dimmed and our day has finally come to an end and the doors of the Matric class of 2009 has closed. When the corridors are cleared out, our voices grow softer, our face disappear. What will remain? What will be left behind?
Our legacy of love, never let anyone tell you that you aren’t good enough, that you can’t achieve what you want to achieve. You have the ability to make the impossible, possible and turn the dream into the reality.
In the words of Bob Marley, “We emancipated ourselves from mental slavery.” We turned our inadequacy, into power beyond measure. We made the doubters, believers. The sceptics into the faithful and the critics, well they could taste the success in our kudu pudding.
As we close the doors of our high school career, and open doors to a new universe, today I want you to walk tall, with your heads held high and love in your heart. You have carved you name in history, you have left your legacy, you are legends!!!!
Russel Daries
Head Prefect 2009

Remembering our first steps through the school corridors, wearing our school uniform with pride, putting the school badge on our chest will evoke feeling and emotions of courage, passion and bravery no obstacle could withstand. We united under one banner, and all fought for a common goal, a goal of perfection.
Since those baby-steps of grade 8, to the moon walking ways of grade 10, and now the giant strides of Matric. We have developed, adapted and changed over the past 5 years.
Camps Bay High School has taught us many lessons, no other school could have given us the gift of life, this school has. Making us meet such a diverse and special group of people in our lifetime.
We as a grade have had a common understanding, a belief, a happiness. What Word???.....A SPIRIT!!! No textbook could teach, no maths equation could solve and no encyclopaedia could classify. Every single one of us has contributed to the Matric class of 2009, making us who we are today.
We were the best in our own right; we put service before self and lifted each other high on our own shoulder to new levels.
We never could have obtained so many objectives without some influential people for the Matric class of 2009.
Teachers like Mr Cunliffe, the best secret keeper, with those familiar words, “I promise, I will take it to may grave.” Ms Mobsby’s constant wailing in every accounting lesson. Mr Tucker trying to impress the Matric girls by doing pull-ups on any available door. Mr Becker and Mr Cottle still walking around thinking that they are bigger than Jeremy. Finally Mr Baker, those wise words, “Hey hey boy, you’ve got no backbone.”
This dynamic energy then boils over to our pupils, especially the Matrics. The A.N.C’s constant toting and striking at the radio booth. The local fishwives and their “toothless” arguments. Kennedy, Prince and Charlotte still not quiet understand what really happens in a maths lesson. Dexter’s African mating call can be heard throughout the school corridors, "Bambizile Masivuye,Shiniwam Shiniwam Shiniwam…”. The Haubrich’s number one hit single,”HAUBRICK…. HAUBRICK. HOW MANY BRICKS COULD A HAUBRICK BRICK IF A HAUBRICK COULD BRICK BRICKS?????”. S.K, Max and Gino’s murmuring comments of Okay, Excellent, CheerZZZ, Options-Send and I respect that has always supplied us with an endless source of comic relief…but anyways.

What next Matrics? What next awaits us? What will remain? What will be left behind? Then what? When all the lights are turned off, our spotlights are dimmed and our day has finally come to an end and the doors of the Matric class of 2009 has closed. When the corridors are cleared out, our voices grow softer, our face disappear. What will remain? What will be left behind?
Our legacy of love, never let anyone tell you that you aren’t good enough, that you can’t achieve what you want to achieve. You have the ability to make the impossible, possible and turn the dream into the reality.
In the words of Bob Marley, “We emancipated ourselves from mental slavery.” We turned our inadequacy, into power beyond measure. We made the doubters, believers. The sceptics into the faithful and the critics, well they could taste the success in our kudu pudding.
As we close the doors of our high school career, and open doors to a new universe, today I want you to walk tall, with your heads held high and love in your heart. You have carved you name in history, you have left your legacy, you are legends!!!!
Russel Daries
Head Prefect 2009
russel daries - celebration speech 2009

Good Evening Mr and Mrs Cassar, Mr and Mrs De Korte, teachers, parents, honoured guests and pupils of Camps Bay High.
Yet another year has come and gone. Minute by minute, Hour by Hour, Day by Day, from one celebration to the next, our year of 2009 has flown by leaving us with but a trail of memories we will long cherish.
Looking back on the year of 2009, it has really been worth every minute. The goals we achieved and the success we obtained was remarkable.
In the cultural sphere of school life..Or “Culture Vultures” as Mr Cawood would say. We characterized the dramatic arts world with a host of gr10, 11 and 12 performances in various competitions and came out on top. Cleoratius’s award for the most outstanding actor at the St. Joseph’s Grammar School Competition. Alex McGregor’s performances in dance and our very own Marimba Band recording their 13 track CD, due for release soon. Nicky Andrews’s magic tricks making him the most impressive magician and earning him an all access pass to perform with some of the best magicians in the world in Las Vegas. Pity he still can’t make Mr Tucker disappear…..
The Interhouse Choir Competition with yellow house’s smooth sounds of walking on sunshine and the infamous Purple house performance of Y.M.C.A led by their own village person….VIWE!!!, will keep us laughing for many years.
The Interhouse Plays with Matthew and Londiwe’s passionate love affair and Anson’s solo stripping stint will keep a shocking reminder of memories not wanted.
In the academic sphere, the hunt for the Top 10 Badge has heated up over the past few months. I’m not sure if it’s been Mr Tucker’s motivational History Lessons or Mr Cottle’s strenuous gym lessons but something has our learner’s brains working overtime. Our pupils competed in various Maths, Science and English Olympiads to name but a few.
Then to the sports field. The battles fought by our sportsmen and sportswomen, week in and week out truly exemplified our commitment and pride in Camps Bay High School. Events such as the Interschool's Athletics and the Newlands Gala remind me of Prince and Sobantu stepping out with nothing but a drum in hand and taking on Rondebosch Boys in a dance-off and …..thankfully coming out on top. The Westerford Derby, they thought we weren’t good enough, that we didn’t deserve to be in the same league, that we didn’t deserve to be on the same field but in true Camps Bay spirit, we pulled it out of the hat and won. The Derby was amazing; we won twice as many games. Highlighting our remarkable improvement, the support was unbelievable. Yet again the 1st XV Rugby boys showed their dominance over Westerford. The past pupils day was amazing as we earned the respect of our seniors.
Spirit at Camps Bay High School has been an important factor in the politics of our diverse school. The introduction of “Earnie” THE KUDU as our new school mascot has been one of the biggest moments in the history of our school. Through the help of the R.C.L and the Prefects, the mascot and Kudu Park were made possible. “Earnie” has brought that X-factor to our school spirit, making us shout even louder at any school event.
Although we have achieved so much this year, we have also had to endure a great amount of personal loss through the passing of Mr Henry Robbins, Mr Neville Jenneke and many more. They are in a better place, watching over us and guiding us along the path of life we must all walk. We will celebrate their lives.
Proverbs 3:2, “For the length of days and life long and peace they will add to you, Let no mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will safely walk in your way, and your foot shall not stumble.”
Many people that visit our school, admire our view and our spectacular surroundings, but fail to notice the real treasure of Camps Bay High School- THE PUPILS. Without these funny, diverse, happy-go-lucky and free spirited students our school would cease to exist. Everyday among this lively student body is like a learning curb, never a dull-moment for all students to strive for the highest.
We have our disagreements for sure, our bad times and our good times but it has been our bad times that have made the good time so…..go0o0o0o0d.
To the eccentric and buoyant staff, Camps Bay High School would not be half the school without you. Everyday you spend helping each pupil, shaping us into something better. Those extra hours spent at home and in the classroom you put in is something no amount of money could ever repay, but the happiness of a child, that is truly…. priceless…..
To the maintenance team, Mr Van Heerden and your team, you may not always receive the recognition you deserve, but I thank you.
To my father and my sister. Thank you for loving, caring and supporting me. Father, everyday you pay testament to the fact that single parents are the strongest people on this planet, although it takes an entire village to raise a child.
To our Deputies Richie and Tofiq and the prefect body of 2009, thank you for realizing our dream. A dream of a place where we made ourselves believe that we were worth more, that we could do more, that we could achieve more. This year I have learned so much from you guys, and hopefully you could have learned at least half as much from me. Lastly I thank god for blessing the prefects of 2009 and Camps Bay with such a prosperous year.
Our message to the prefect of 2010, being at Camps Bay High School, What have you learned? Children learn what they live.
“If a child lives with encouragement. He learns confidence.
If a child lives with fairness. He learns justice.
If a child lives with security. He learns to have faith.
And if a child lives with acceptance and friends. He learns to find love in this world.”
We have that love at out school. The kind of love that surpasses all understanding that touches us from the top of our heads to the bottom of our souls. Now that is the love that makes us truly Camps Bay. Altissmis Nitor. Strive for the Highest Forever more.
Russel Daries
Head Prefect 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
CBHS Valedictory Day - Oct '09
The 2009 Camps Bay High School matrics bade the school farewell on Friday, 23 October 2009 at a very sad Valedictory Service. The matrics start their Final Exams shortly and the staff, parents and pupils wished them good luck for the future.
View the rest of the pictures in the gallery ‹‹here››.
View the rest of the pictures in the gallery ‹‹here››.
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Above: A valedictory service was held to say goodbye to the 2009 matrics. |
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Above: The new Head Prefect, Nicola Soekoe was congratulated by the outgoing Head Prefect, Russel Daries. |
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Above: Traditionally each year, an arch is formed leading the matrics out of the building. |

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