Dear Parents
Prefects for 2014:
Congratulations to Kiyan van Rensburg who has been appointed as Head Prefect for 2014.
Wishing all our matrics every best wish for their final examinations.
The Camps Bay High School's proposed Budget for 2014 will be presented to the parents at a meeting on 21 November 2013 at 18h00 in the School Hall. All parents are invited to come and be part of approving the Budget for 2014, and consequently the School Fees for 2014.
Two weeks before 21 November, parents are invited to ask the School for a copy of the proposed budget.
BOS Earthwave Festival:
Last weekend the BOS Earthwave beach festival took place in Muizenberg and the Camps Bay surfers participated in the Western Cape Inter-schools Surfing Tournament (sponsored by Billabong). In stormy and extremely difficult conditions they came first in their group of four schools on Saturday. On Sunday (we are talking Typhoon conditions now ;) ), they came third and altogether made it fifth out of 13 participating schools.
The names of the surfers:
Tarn Greyling, Jordan Talbot, Satja Jones and Tom Maltbie
I'm very proud of them, as the competition is very tough!
Alex Mols
Camps Bay Schools Pub & Quiz Evening:
The three Camps Bay Schools will be hosting the traditional Pub & Quiz Evening on Friday, 8 November 2013 at 19h00 in Ardis at Camps Bay High School. These evenings have always proven to be great fun.
Book your table NOW! Tables of 6 members per team. R100-00 per person (includes a hamburger and chips). There will also be a cash bar.
Contact Vivienne Ashcroft via cellphone on 082-466-8261 or via e-mail on
Camps Bay Prep School "Sleepova"
Camps Bay Primary School held their annual "sleepova" at the school. This year we had 123 children from 17h00 on Saturday, until 09h00 on Sunday.
The success of the event is due to the enthusiasm and eagerness to help of our High School volunteers:
Joshua Schreiber
Megan Howell
Carmen Howell
Jordan Bysshe
They gave up their Saturday night to help, and I couldn't have done it without them! Thanks so much.
Yours sincerely
Extra Science Lessons:
please contact Karen Judge on 021-438-1611 or 082-468-6044
Private Tuition in English & Afrikaans:
Please contact Anne Townsend on 021-461-9968 or 072-390-3842.
Studio D’Arte:
Music & Drama – piano, violin, guitar, singing etc – ALL ages welcome.
Please call 079-846-2079 for more info or e-mail
Afrikaans Tuition:
Qualified teacher (BEd Hons) available for Afrikaans Tutoring of High School students.
Please contact: Philip Pretorius via e-mail at: or
Learning Style Program:
Grade Seven to Tertiary Level.
Individual profiling unique to each student.
Reduce exam stress - improve academic results.
Play to your strengths - learn how to learn.
Remember important information - focus!
Contact: 083-460-7816
Janet Dobie: Fashion Designer
Matric Dance:
I am a fashion designer working from St Johns Road, Sea Point and wanting to avail my services for the Matric Dance on the 19th August. For a rough indication of price it would be R1750-00 excl. fabric and R2250-00 incl. Fabric @ R50-00 /metre.
My contact details: 021-433-0017 / 071-687-1072

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