Dear Parents
Valedictory Ceremony:
Friday 18 October is one of those days where we as teachers have mixed emotions. It is the Matrics' last day and we say farewell to them with a special Valedictory Assembly. We are sad to see them go, as they have made such a large and valuable contribution to the school. We have spent 200 plus days a year with them over five years. We have watched them grow from the beginning of their teens in Grade 8 to young adults in Grade 12. However, we recognise that this is the right time for them to leave school and continue on their life journey. We are really proud of each of them.
Camps Bay High School cordially invites all 2013 Matric parents to attend the Valedictory Service on Friday 18 October 2013.
10h00: Tea for Parents
10h30: Final examination briefing
11h00: Valedictory Service
12h00: Luncheon for Matrics & Staff at school
From Monday the Matrics will be at home studying. Their exams start on the 28th October 2013. We wish our students every success.

(Noting that this event has now taken place, to see the CBHS Blogspot article on the Valedictory event, click ‹‹here››. To see the photos of this event on Flickr, click ‹‹here››.)
Tomorrow night the Primary school fund raiser “Rocktober” is taking place. This has been advertised as the party of the year, and if last years event is anything to go by, its going to be lots of fun. Everyone is invited, and you can get tickets at the door if you’ve left it too late to book online. Please refer to the advertisement for Rocktober further on in this newsletter.
Celebration 2013:
On Monday 14 October 2013, Camps Bay High staff, pupils, past pupils, governors, special guests and parents came together to celebrate another wonderful year at this school. Through the course of the evening we applauded our pupils who had achieved academically as well as these that were awarded special prizes.
Between celebrating those achievements we were entertained by our pupils who sang in choirs, alone, in rock groups, unaccompanied, who danced in fun items, in serious numbers, who did drama and who played marimbas. The grand finale was the whole school singing ‘Where is the Love’. At the close of the evening the new prefects for 2014 were announced. We congratulate these young people on being elected to this office.

Budget 2014 - Notification of Parent Meeting:
The Budget for 2014 will be presented to the parents at a meeting on the 21 November 2013 at 18h00 in the School Hall. All parents are invited to come and be part of approving the budget for 2014, and consequently the school fees for 2014.
Two weeks before the 21 November, parents are invited to ask the school for a copy of the proposed budget.

Rocktober 2013:
The party of the year returns! If you had any doubts about the 30+ crowd’s ability to get on down and party, 30 seconds at last year’s inaugural Rocktober would have put them to rest. With over 500 people packed into Vaudeville, the dance floor was absolutely heaving with patrons making it hands down the party of the year.
The good news is that it’s party time again!
19 October 2013… buy your tickets and write that date down, because that’s when ROCKTOBER returns for what promises to be an even better event!
ROCKTOBER 2013 is a fundraiser for the Camps Bay Primary School, produced by the dads at Camps Bay Primary School, and enjoyed by everyone who’s too old for Long Street but still likes a good party!
Camps Bay Clothing:
We encourage all Camps Bay Schools families, guardians and pupils to buy any and all uniform items you require in November and December for next year, as soon as possible, so as to avoid the unavoidable price increase which we have no alternative but to implement in January 2014, due to cotton shortages now affecting us and the Petrol price increases.
In addition we can only guarantee a full range of items and SIZES across all age groups in the months of November and December 2013, when we receive our bulk stock at the old prices, as items WILL sell very fast.
Visit the clothing shop for your uniform requirements:
We advise that the Uniform Shop will be open from 09h00 -12h00 on the following Saturday mornings in November with specific days to assist specific grades:
2 November: All Grade 1’s
9 November: All Grade 8’s
16 and 23 November: All Grades
Current Camps Bay School parents, please consider sizing up or replacing your child’s clothes now while stocks last and prices hold, if you can see that your child’s clothes need replacing or are getting too small. New parents, please get your child’s clothing needs while we have all the sizes and good stock-holding.
Anoraks can also be pre-ordered and paid for in advance to guarantee your child gets one, as these only get delivered in May and sell out in ten days
Sports & Cultural Awards:
Congratulations to all the recipients of prizes at the Sports and Cultural Awards Dinner on Thursday, 3 October 2013.

Support the Waterpolo and Swimming teams at the Swimathon at CBHS on Saturday, 12 October 2013 from 09h00- 14h00. Come and enjoy a day of fun

(This event has now taken place. To see the CBHS Blogspot article on the Swimathon, click ‹‹here››. To see the photos of this event on Flickr, click ‹‹here››.)
Touch Rugby:
During the recent September holidays, the Junior Inter-Provincial touch rugby tournament was held in Bellville. Two of our learners, Zahrah Clayton (Grade 10) and Raqib Siljeur (Grade 11) participated in the Under 19 Girls & Boys respectively. Both teams actually won gold in their age groups and their province, Western Cape (NOT Western Province) took overall champions of the Tournament as well. Both Zahrah and Raqib scored a number of tries during the tournament. Well done!
Mpho Bangiso has been selected to play in the Western Province Schools League finals at Rondebosch on Monday 7 October 2013.
She has represented her school by participating in the Combined Girls’ Schools’ Team during the 2nd and 3rd Terms this year. One of our C League teams has won the South Peninsula Schools Golf C League and will play a final against the North C League winners.
Mira Blume has been a member of Renzo Gracie Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy for a few years now and has been an incredible asset to the team both in training and competitions. She recently took part in the Destiny Grappling Competition here in Cape Town and achieved three gold medals in the following categories:
- Senior Womens’ No-Gi grappling
- Senior Womens’ Gi Grappling
- Junior Womens’ No-Gi Grappling
This is an incredible achievement for her being a junior and competing against adult females and still winning! She trains here in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu both against adult woman and men which has had a great effect on her achievements.
Young Scientists Expo:
Danielle had an amazing second year at the National Finals of the Eskom Expo for Young Scientists where she won a gold medal and the Best in Category award (of the largest category).
She also won three special awards: Eskom's award for the best Energy Project, an award from the Microscopy Society of SA for the best use of microscopy in a project (which includes R1500 for her school), and the Hendrik van der Bijl award!
Camps Bay Schools Pub and Quiz Evening:
The three Camps Bay Schools will be hosting the traditional Pub & Quiz Evening on Friday, 8 November 2013 at 19h00 in Ardi’s Tuckshop at Camps Bay High School. These evenings have always proven to be great fun.
Book your table NOW! Tables of six members per team. R100-00 per person (includes a hamburger and chips). There will also be a cash bar.
Contact Vivienne Ashcroft to book a table, on 082-466-8261 or via e-mail on
Grace Market:
When: Saturday 12th October
Time: From 09h00 to 14h00
Where: Christian Life Camps Bay Church
What: Food, live music, books, white elephants, kids activities, an auction, magazines, her things, toys and games, CD’s / DVD’s etc
What Else: Missions awareness – mission organizations will be presenting their story
Saturday evening (12 October) at 19h00; soup and bread, worship time and Guest speaker, Errol Wesson.
Yours sincerely
Extra Science Lessons:
please contact Karen Judge on 021-438-1611 or 082-468-6044
Private Tuition in English & Afrikaans:
Please contact Anne Townsend on 021-461-9968 or 072-390-3842.
Studio D’Arte:
Music & Drama – piano, violin, guitar, singing etc – ALL ages welcome.
Please call 079-846-2079 for more info or e-mail
Afrikaans Tuition:
Qualified teacher (BEd Hons) available for Afrikaans Tutoring of High School students.
Please contact: Philip Pretorius via e-mail at: or

Learning Style Program:
Grade Seven to Tertiary Level.
Individual profiling unique to each student.
Reduce exam stress - improve academic results.
Play to your strengths - learn how to learn.
Remember important information - focus!
Contact: 083-460-7816
Janet Dobie: Fashion Designer
Matric Dance:
I am a fashion designer working from St Johns Road, Sea Point and wanting to avail my services for the Matric Dance on the 19th August. For a rough indication of price it would be R1750-00 excl. fabric and R2250-00 incl. Fabric @ R50-00 /metre.
My contact details: 021-433-0017 / 071-687-1072