School Governing Body Elections:
I am pleased to announce that the Governing Body elections were successful. We were concerned about being able to get the required 152 voters to qualify as a quorum (15% of all parents). By holding the elections over a whole day we were able to do this. Thank you to all the parents who came in at varying times during the day to cast their vote. The elected governors have met and voted on office bearers.
Let me now introduce to you your Governors for 2012 through to 2014:
Chairman: Eddy Cassar
Vice Chair: Suzi Joubert
Treasurer: Brian Williams
Discipline: Hajir Solomons
Special Projects: Michele Harvey
Buildings & Grounds: Colin Harvey
Parent Liaison: Simoné Segal
Elections were also conducted for Staff and Pupil Representatives on the Governing Body, and they are as follows:
Staff Representatives:
Louis Mostert, Ettie Cronje and Victor van Heerden
Luke van der Spuy and Matthew Harvey.
The Governing Body meets on an average of once a month, but usually are at school involved in their portfolios on a weekly and sometimes daily basis. We have really benefitted from the hard work of the governors to date, and they deserve a big thanks from every parent.
Fun Day:
James House will be hosting a Fun Day to celebrate their 25th anniversary on 17 March. Entrance is R20-00 for adults and R10-00 for children. The day includes music, face-painting and food. Please support this event.
Dance Showcase:

Above: The Dance pupils in action!
On 8 March we were treated to a Dance Showcase by the Dance Department. This is the first year we have a Matric dance class, and this event allowed them to choreograph a dance for their exam. The second part of the evening was a ‘festival’ of dance, as over 70 pupils came on stage and entertained the audience with an array of dance styles and genres. Well done to Ms Le Chat for growing Dance at Camps Bay High. To see more photos of this event, please click here.
The Three Camps Bay Schools' Cultural Evening:
Facets of dance, drama and music.
Please diarise these dates NOW!!
Friday & Saturday, 18 & 19 May 2012.
Come and experience an evening of talent across the three schools.
The Camps Bay Staff will also be performing!
The Three Camps Bay Schools' Cultural Evening:
Facets of dance, drama and music.
Please diarise these dates NOW!!
Friday & Saturday, 18 & 19 May 2012.
Come and experience an evening of talent across the three schools.
The Camps Bay Staff will also be performing!
AFS Exchange:
AFS is looking for students to go on exchange and, or, to host exchange students. It is not like Rotary where if a student goes abroad, the family must host. At the moment, there are a few European students who are looking for host families for two months (August - September). Find out more on their website:
Would you be interested or perhaps know of anyone who would? If so, Mandy Botsis at e-mail: can provide you with more information.
American Cultural Exchange:
On Saturday 10th March 2012, thirty-two pupils and five staff members travelled to West Hartford in Connecticut to visit two High Schools: Hall and Conard. This is the second part of the American Exchange Programme. Three weeks ago we hosted them at our school, in our homes and in our city. I will accompany the group, and after the exchange, I will travel to Philadelphia to attend a Principal’s Conference. While I am away, the school will be in the capable hands of Mr Louis Mostert.
Newlands Swimming Gala:

Above: School spirit very much in evidence at the Swimming Gala at Newlands Pool!
The swimming season closed with the traditional Newlands Swimming Gala on Tuesday, 6 March 2012. It was a great opportunity for our swimmers to compete in an evening gala in a 50m pool. We fared well, coming fifth out of ten competing schools. However, when it came to school spirit, we were leaders on the day. Our Prefects and supporters sang and cheered for our team all through the event. We seem to be setting new standards for ‘school spirit'.
To see more photos of this event, please click here.
National Ice Skater:
We have learned that one of our new pupils in Grade Eight is a National Ice Skater. In 2010 he represented South African in Korea at an International Skating event. Congratulations to Matthew Samuels on this achievement.
Closing of Summer Sports Season:

Above: The Boys' First Rugby Team scrum down at Hopefield
The summer season has drawn to a close, and the winter codes have started practising. The Boys’ First Hockey side has started playing evening pre-season matches on ‘astro’ at Hartleyvale, and the Boys First Rugby side started the season by participating in a tournament at Hopefield on Saturday 10th March. To see photos of the Hopefield event, please click here.
End of Term Reports:
The reports for the First Term can be collected at school on the 22nd March 2012 at 17h30. There will be an opportunity to meet the teachers as well.
Yours sincerely
Available: Weekdays 16h00 – 18h00
Weekends on arrangement
Fee: R200-00 per hour for one lesson
R600-00 (four x 1 hour) lessons
Payable in advance
Contact: Dr Linda Stephens for details
Born and bred in Camps Bay! Looking to expand horizons in new environment. User friendly, used to dogs, humans and cuddles. Choice of seven. Free to attentive and loving potential owners. Will be ready to go in three to four weeks.
Phone Carol on 021-438-2305 or Chanel on 082-365-4812.
Matric Dance Dresses, Cocktail Wear and Bridal Wear
At Molteno Creations, we specialise in individually designed and tailored occasion wear. With many years of experience, Rose will ensure that you have your moment to shine in your very own Molteno Creation. Dresses include a three year free alteration service. At Molteno, we are able to work with varying budgets, so for a quotation don't hesitate to set up an appointment. For an opportunity to get your dress free of charge visit or or contact Rose via:
Cellphone: 083-462-7354.
MATHS TUITION Grades 8-12:
Private tuition offered by qualified teacher in Hout Bay.
Phone Meryl on 084-803-7809 or 021-790-2892
Name: Marie de Kock
Tel: 021-465-2509
Cell: 073-244-8200
Stellenbosch University: B.A. (1960),
B.A.-honours (1962), M.A. (1990),
University of South Africa: H.E.D. (1977),
B. Ed. (1979)
For June/July Holidays (6th – 13th July 2012)
River frontage – Six-sleeper Two bedrooms, two bathrooms and sleeper couch in lounge)
R15 000-00 for the week.
Contact Kathy Rees-Gibbs on 082-559-6763
Please contact Karen Judge on 021-438-1611 or 082-468-6044.
First floor, Adelphi Centre. One hour full body massage R350-00. Contact Charlotte on 083-618-5266. Bring your advert from this newsletter and R20-00 will be donated to Camps Bay High School.

European qualified and internationally accredited instructors - Piano, Violin & Singing & Drama . All ages welcome. Beginner & advanced levels (Trinity & Royal College of Music exams) Music private lessons allow for one-on-one instruction which includes performance, notation, theory, and technique. In addition, Group lessons allow friends, siblings and classmates to experience the fun and joy of singing and playing music together in Camps Bay.
For more info, contact 079-846-2079 or 076-889-2290
Qualified Intermediate and Senior Phase (Grades Four to Nine) teacher offering private tutoring in all subjects, including Afrikaans, at R150-00 per hour in the Atlantic Seaboard Area.
Kindly contact me on 079-301-6224, or e-mail me at for further information.
Please phone Anne Townsend for more info:
Cellphone: 072-390-3842
Tel: 021-461-9968

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