Dear Parents
Matric Dance:
On Saturday evening, our Matric pupils, their partners and their teachers will attend the 2013 Matric Dance. The venue for this year’s dance is the stylish ballroom, the ‘historic’ Rotunda at the Bay Hotel.
This is a special evening where for the first time the Grade 12 pupils share a social occasion with their teachers. The Matric Dance has become a ‘rite of passage’ occasion that signifies another step towards adulthood for our senior pupils. The organizing committee have put a lot of effort into the evening and we are assured of a totally magical dance.
Groote Schuur Derby - 24 August 2013:
This year our Derby Day will be held at Groote Schuur High School. This is on 24 August 2013 and promises to be a wonderful morning of keenly contested games across all the winter sports codes. If you are able to come and support Camps Bay High on this morning we would welcome your attendance. The programme of the day, with the times of all the matches will be posted on our website the minute we receive it.
Drug Testing:
We have had a week where our attention has been on substance abuse, and dagga in particular. Our efforts have been directed to testing children about whom we are concerned. These concerns were raised by parents who have been suspicious of their children’s activities at parties over weekends. We have tested 26 children so far and sadly have had six children test positive for dagga. Following our drug protocol, all six have been suspended from school until they are clean. This means that they can only return to school when they can pass a drug test. We continue to believe that dagga is a dangerous habit-forming drug that can be the gateway to much harder drugs.
Our experience over the years is that dagga use has no positive outcomes for children, but many negative consequences. These include:
• Lack of motivation;
• Lying and devious behaviour to cover for drug usage;
• Listlessness;
• Declining work performance;
• Being ‘high’ which leads to lowered inhibitions and poor judgment;
• Weight loss;
• Association with a ‘dagga’ subculture which engages in anti-social behaviour like vandalism, theft and graffiti;
• Bunking school;
• Aggressive and argumentative behaviour at school.
We are resolved to help our pupils in every way to make wise choices about not using dagga, at all.
If a child is caught for a second time, they face more severe consequences.
Our School Magazines - Across the Generations:
We are again looking for families who have not yet appeared in our annual school magazines, of which the parents or grandparents were themselves pupils of at least one of our three Camps Bay Schools and have currently got a child enrolled at any of our Camps Bay Schools. If this is you, or you know of a family who qualifies, please contact Vivienne Ashcroft via cell phone on 082-466-8261 or via e-mail at
Keep it in the Camps Bay family! Should you have children attending the Camps Bay Schools on two or more of the Camps Bay campuses, kindly contact Vivienne as well.
Spur Surf Team:
Please support the Surf Team who will be doing a shadow shift at the Seven Spur, Sea Point on Tuesday, 20 August 2013 from 6 to 9 p.m. Camps Bay High School will receive 15% of all the proceeds. By attending the Seven Spur on Tuesday, you will be actually supporting the school while enjoying a great meal.
Building Progress:
I am pleased to report that our Drama Centre and new classrooms are growing steadily. We have just cast the slab for the first floor.
Cross Country:
We have three ladies who qualify for the Western Province cross country championships. They are:
Hannah Kaniki U19
Shannon Florence U17
Gabi Florence U17
Sports Results:
CBHS vs San Souci
U19 won 14-1
U16 lost 8-10
U14 won 5-4
Yours sincerely
Extra Science Lessons:
please contact Karen Judge on 021-438-1611 or 082-468-6044
Private Tuition in English & Afrikaans:
Please contact Anne Townsend on 021-461-9968 or 072-390-3842.
Studio D’Arte:
Music & Drama – piano, violin, guitar, singing etc – ALL ages welcome. Please call 079-846-2079 for more info or e-mail

Afrikaans Tuition:
Qualified teacher (BEd Hons) available for Afrikaans Tutoring of High School students.
Please contact: Philip Pretorius via e-mail at: or
Personal Assistant:
Friendly young lady offering a professional Personal Assistant service for all your paperwork requirements. For neat and organized filing and any other Office Admin duties that need urgent attention, please call Letitia on 079-407-0732.

Art Therapy:
Art Therapy is a treatment process involving the use of different art materials whereby a person can express and explore thoughts and feelings in a safe and creative manner. Beneficial for children, teens and adults. No art experience is required. Individual and group sessions available. Fees claimable from most medical aids.
Contact Samantha Davis on 083-326-6655 or via e-mail at: Visit the website at: Please note that all Art Therapy courses are modified to be run in-house for groups and teams. Info available upon request.
Learning Style Program:
Grade Seven to Tertiary Level.
Individual profiling unique to each student.
Reduce exam stress - improve academic results.
Play to your strengths - learn how to learn.
Remember important information - focus!
Contact: 083-460-7816
Janet Dobie: Fashion Designer
Matric Dance:
I am a fashion designer working from St Johns Road, Sea Point and wanting to avail my services for the Matric Dance on the 19th August. For a rough indication of price it would be R1750-00 excl fabric and R2250-00 incl Fabric @ R50 p.m.
My contact details: 021-433-0017 / 071-687-1072
3-bedroom house/apartment to rent long term in Camps Bay
A small, quiet family wants to rent a sunny 3-bed house or apartment in Camps Bay from 1st October 2013 on a long term basis. It must have a private outdoor patio or garden so that we can relax and braai outside. It must have two bathrooms. We need the rental until December 2015, but if the owner requires it can have the rental for their own use or short term rental during the December holidays from 12 December 2013 - 12 January 2014 and the same at the end of 2014. Price ranges between R15 000 – R25 000 per month will be considered, and value for money will be important. A two-bedroomed rental will be considered if the rooms are spacious. Please contact 072-605-3826 or e-mail:
House to Rent in Camps Bay:
Three bedrooms, three bathrooms with lovely views. Shared swimming pool. 10 minutes from beach and shops – not suitable for small children. Available 1 September 2013 at R18 000 per month. Please call 083-309-6273
Wilderness Bush Camp:
If you are thinking of having a holiday in the Wilderness please check the following website. A little bit of heaven:
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