Dear Parents
The academic programme for 2009 is well underway. Your child should be receiving regular Homework assignments.
There are a number of reasons why we set Homework tasks. These include:
• To
practice skills that have been learnt in class. A good example of this would be doing Maths exercises to practice a particular technique leant earlier in the day;
• To
prepare for the next lesson;
• To
teach them to do research;
• To allow them to go into
greater detail on a subject that was covered in class. Typically this would be a history class where background reading is called for;
• To
provide the opportunity for extension activities. The topic of renewable energy sources may be introduced in the class and one type may be discussed. The homework task could involve them researching other forms of renewable energy.
(These points are thanks to Steve Naude and his article on Homework, ISASA page 83 Summer 08).
How much time should be spent on Homework? Research shows that for Grades 8 and 9 there should be no more than 2 hours a day, and for Grade 10 to 12, no more than 2½ hours a day. This may seem a lot, but when compared to a country like France, we see that children spend the same amount of time working per day. In France the homework is included in the formal school day, which ends at 5 pm.
It makes a massive difference to pupils if you are interested in their homework, and help them in some way. I’m not suggesting you do the work, but help in the way of creating a place and time at home when they can work. Setting some rules around when they must do the work and when they can relax and watch TV, and when to go to bed
I am pleased to report that the Grade 8 camp was a big success. The 123 Grade 8’s who went on camp left as individuals but came back as a team. The prefects and teachers did an excellent job of running the weekend and keeping the programme fun and focused. The haunted house was still there, and again provided its share of scares. The biggest memory of the weekend will be the Camps Bay spirit generated in this new group of pupils.
Sydney Booysen has worked at Camps Bay High for 25 years as a Groundsman. He has mowed our fields all those years, set all the pitches up for each cricket match, marked the fields for all the different sports we play over the year, from Athletics to Soccer to Hockey and Rugby. He has been transferred to a school closer to home following the deteriorating health of his wife and her need of him to be close at hand. We are most grateful for the years of faithful service he has given to the school. We will miss him, and wish him all the best for the future.
We are in the process of updating our website, and also giving it a little bit of a new look. Please take a moment to have a look and then e-mail your comments and or suggestions to: We will then on a weekly basis make these changes.
We would like to advertise on our website. If any parents wish to place ads (at a small fee) on our site, please e-mail
Sheryll Cosslett on
Can you invite any interested parents to come with their children to our Open Day on Thursday 26th February at 12h00 at school. We will be using this opportunity to advertise the school to all our feeder schools.
We would like to thank all our pupils' mothers who helped with the invigilation for our Matric exams in 2008. If any other mother is interested to help with the June/September or November exams please call the office and we will give you further information.
Congratulations to:
Alex McGregor who was selected to be one of the four explorers to travel the country on the “Which Way” team. Alex did her first casting on 3rd October 2008 and was short-listed to attend call back at the end of December. Alex impressed the judges with her bubbly personality and her keen sense of adventure. She was selected to go through to a final call back session, along with 8 other hopeful teens and was selected!! Alex has just travelled with the “Which Way” team along the Garden Route to the Eastern Cape all the way to Alicedale. The contract is for a year. Watch Alex in the first episode on Thursday 2nd April 2009 on SABC 3.
Yours sincerely